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After flying the F35 a bit...

Ron Swanson
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1After flying the F35 a bit... Empty After flying the F35 a bit... 2011-12-15, 17:31



Ive decided that it sucks. the hovering ability is really awkward, and really only hinders it (try dogfighting in an F35). Choppers are much better if you want to take out ground targets and roam around.

The only thing that it has going for it is that it looks like a flying bat mobile.

very dissapoint, Dice.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Kinda disapointing that you can't really do much with the hover mode. I was hoping to use it to take out ground targets and the like.



i was able to steal an f35, not before it took off




make it more agile and speedy DICE




And change the way hover mode works. I feel like when I slow down to ~290 for turns it's already trying to go into hover mode which doesn't exactly work well why you're trying to escape enemy jets.



The hover mode starts even before the engine shifts axis, and hover flap opens.

This dramatically cuts the performance of the plane, and its impossible to turn adequately (or even climb).

However, I've been finding hover mode lulzy like the past, where I can snipe infantry with my Jet.

As long as I'm not harassed by the AA at least (which is virtually never...).



It's definitely fun to use, and the main gun seems pretty strong, but the lack of maneuverability just kills it. I want to like it...



1fnbighen wrote:i was able to steal an f35, not before it took off


I think you actually managed to do that twice Razz



The main gun is in between fighter jet and CAS jet.

Though its leaning HEAVILY towards fighter jet.

Hence, its still not advisable to engage armours without prior engagement setup (either with secondary weapon or with some damaging passes before hand).

As long as they can fix the speed in which hover mode starts at, then I think it can easily be the best Jet in the game.

But until then, its mediocre at best, but entertaining, piece of equipment you can use.



I don't know how it works on Pc, but on console you go into hover by decelerating. I think if it was made a different button; that would help a lot.

Speaking of air vehicles, I love how choppers don't get disabled till ~25%. Makes stingers much more manageable.



What I meant was that in BF2, you start to hover when you have fallen down to certain speed, not by decelerating.

So they need to bring that back.



honestly I dont think that would be much better, because in dog fights you often end up going really slowly at points to get a better turning angle.

the flaps deploying then is pretty frustrating...



~290 is pretty much the best turning speed for jets IMO. No need to go below that.



290? Im guessing thats a speed, but consoles dont have any speed indicator (or at least i dont think they do)



Turning too slow is not good at all.

You have to constantly mash after burner, and deceleration, for the tightest turn radius.

So you actually end up in the mid/low-mid flight speed, not low flight speed.



Zillah wrote:290? Im guessing thats a speed, but consoles dont have any speed indicator (or at least i dont think they do)
I think they do. It'll be up and to the left of the center of the screen.



StormEye wrote:
You have to constantly mash after burner, and deceleration, for the tightest turn radius.

Huh I thought i was the only that did this, obviously not.

But that last ~30 degrees of turning as I catch up to a target I go really slowly.

also, when going for ground targets I tend to slow down quite a bit (as long as im not getting locked on) so that I can get 2 rocket pod bursts off. its a pain when the flaps decide to open then and then you start falling.



Slowing down for ground target is a suicide now, as you don't get second chance flare fast enough, if you can't get away fast enough.

You better line up your shot quick and DASH through the AA zone, and into safety, before you get locked on again.



I dont know about after the patch, but before, I rarely found that a problem. Often times people wouldnt even lock on to me at all. Again I think its different on console where theres going to be less guys with stingers by default.



Stinger got MASSIVE buff against jets, and soflam got buff along with Jav, since last patch.

You ain't going to be a happy pilot like before.



Im gonna have to switch over to helicopters full time then...

I was using the ECM jammer with chopper today, AWESOME. reloads fast, people cant lock on, and if you know your gunner you can get him to use flares just in case. pretty much invincible as long as you dont hang around the combat zone for too long



Watching F35s hover around and do crazy shit while getting shot at by BTRs is incredibly entertaining in its own right.

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