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Hey all you SeCers!

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1Hey all you SeCers! Empty Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 17:46



Pariah Claus, checking in from the Big Apple. Right now I'm mooching the WiFi at the Rockefeller Centre, watching my little sister skating their rink outside.

It's been an eventful few days. Since South Bend (Notre Dame) we drove to Buffalo, NY. That was a ride straight from Hell.
The next morning, we drove to Niagara Falls, where I froze and we took shitty pictures. Since it was Christmas Eve, everything was fucking closed, and boredom rather quickly set in. Oh and since my mum forgot our documents, little Pariah couldn't go to Canada. And so forth. Last night we drove to New Jersey, and to our hotel in Jersey City that overlooks the Hudson River and into Manhattan. This morning, we drove into the city, which is fucking axing. The buildings are awesome, the sheer size of the city is mind blowing, but there were a few sketch moments with the citizens of good old new York. Example: pariah and family were walking down the street towards the Rockefeller Centre, when an old, piss drunk, puke covered asshole starts yelling generally homophobic and unwarranted insults at your good old buddy. Now the usual response would have been excellent here, but seeing as my family was not 10ft away, a punch to the trachea would probably have been noticed and cause a lot of problems. So, I got a taste of the lower classes of people in NY. Other than that though, its been a great day. Tomorrow we're going on a tour again, might see something on broadway, and then starts the long drive home afterwards.

Anyways, since I was Internet less for the past two days, I wasn't able to wish you all a happy Christmas, but I hope you all had a great holiday, and so forth.

In case of another WiFi drought, bye guys.

2Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 17:48



Twisted Evil

3Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 17:49


Since you mentioned going to New Jersey i'll assume everything sucked.

4Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 17:51



did you meet the aqua teen hunger force Razz

5Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 17:56



New Jersey was surprisingly ok. Mostly since I didn't have to get out of the car until we got to the hotel, and I didn't speak to a single person all day.

6Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 18:09



At least it's kinda nice to get out and go somewhere you're not used to; New York and such sounds kinda like a crazy place to go to.

7Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 18:13



You should go shake it with duan in christchurch Very Happy

8Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 18:14



it would trip me out going into big cities dude lol I'm a small town country guy XD

9Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 18:32

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

where do you hail from pariah? just trying to get an idea of how crazy the drive was.

10Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 18:33



I wish I was traveling over break... Sounds like fun man

11Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 19:48



Frostbyrn wrote:You should go shake it with duan in christchurch Very Happy

Hey all you SeCers! Guy_punched_in_face

12Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 21:43



HydrasBreath wrote:where do you hail from pariah? just trying to get an idea of how crazy the drive was.

I hail from yonder state, a land of snow and ice known far and wide as Wisconsin. We drove though Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and a roundabout way through New York state, to New Jersey across the Hudson River and into Manhattan. All told, I hated every second.

13Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 21:55

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:where do you hail from pariah? just trying to get an idea of how crazy the drive was.

I hail from yonder state, a land of snow and ice known far and wide as Wisconsin. We drove though Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and a roundabout way through New York state, to New Jersey across the Hudson River and into Manhattan. All told, I hated every second.

yeah sounds pretty grueling...biggest road trip I ever took was when I went to boston with my family like 5 years back. That was a 10-11ish hour drive I think.

14Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 21:59



Since my little sister has no concept of personal space, just imagine being squashed into a metre by .5 metre by .5 metre space for 6-7 hours at a time.

15Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 22:02


I can imagine.. What is this in a van or an suv or something?

16Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 22:04



Pariah wrote:Since my little sister has no concept of personal space, just imagine being squashed into a metre by .5 metre by .5 metre space for 6-7 hours at a time.


17Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 22:06



we have a minivan. With 6 people, 2 bags of food, and 8 bags of fucking everything else, its a little cramped. And since my sister feels it totally ok to take off her uggs (that haven't been washed in 1.5 years) the second she gets in the car, then put her feet on the seat next to me, I wanted to strangle something about halfway through the first hour.

18Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 22:43


I'll never understand females obsessions with those ugly ass uggs... They're expensive too.

19Hey all you SeCers! Empty Re: Hey all you SeCers! 2011-12-25, 22:47



and they smell like death!

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