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Feel the throughput of my IO SeC brothers!

Keyser Söze
11 posters

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Feel the throughput of my IO SeC brothers! FdcpP

1 Giga... BYTE. Not bit, BYTE, per second.

I'm liking these ADATA SATA III 120GB ssds. (Got 223 GB total in RAID0).



Feel the throughput of my IO SeC brothers! Sm%20wtf%20is%20this%20nerd%20shit

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Just nod your head and pretend you understand.



Zillah wrote:Feel the throughput of my IO SeC brothers! Sm%20wtf%20is%20this%20nerd%20shit



looks impressive though. Im guessing this means you have a very fast processor or something?



It looks like hard drive speed. I'm probably waaaaaaaay off the mark here though, 'cuz I'm a dumb sonnovabitch.



"Hard drive" speed. Basically most people have around 30 to a max of 70 megabytes per second on their regular hard drives. On my RAID0 SSDs I get 1000 megabytes give or take per second. I can load applications about 14 times faster than most people. They also have slower computers due to shit on them, so even more plus to me.



Ante wrote:It looks like hard drive speed. I'm probably waaaaaaaay off the mark here though, 'cuz I'm a dumb sonnovabitch.

DING DING DING. Correcta mundo. Don't sell your self short friend. Smile



What kind of ssd do you have? I like my Crucial M4.



Figured it was one of those fancy shmancy SSD's. I've heard if you use one as a boot drive you can get your OS loaded in like a half second.



So how fast do you load windows?

(I assume somewhere around 10 seconds?)



ha, I knew it was hard drive speed XD



2 of these in raid0 on an intel sata3 controller.



Just finished overclocking. 4.8 Ghz stable (so far) @ 1.34 volts.

Used the included overclocking for my video card.

Feel the throughput of my IO SeC brothers! 8BlOh

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

*nods head because he understands*

*insert witty insight here*



wtf are you using that PC for? Decrypting the secrets of the universe? SHEESH.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

uni is taking over the world...

it's all for playing TOR and skyrim Smile

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

any way I could get your PC to do my taxes for me this year?



Now that I've got all the gaming accessories I want for my computer (minus a controller, but I don't really have any games that I really want one for yet) the next things I'm looking to get are an SSD and some kind of CPU cooling so I'll feel comfortable overclocking. Probably won't get the SSD until at least March.



Manila Plague wrote:uni is taking over the world...

it's all for playing TOR and skyrim Smile

I needed the loading times to be less than a second.

Shaymojack wrote:Now that I've got all the gaming accessories I want for my computer (minus a controller, but I don't really have any games that I really want one for yet) the next things I'm looking to get are an SSD and some kind of CPU cooling so I'll feel comfortable overclocking. Probably won't get the SSD until at least March.

I'm using a pair of these

They have great reviews.



Could I ask why you decided to buy those SSD's? There are absolutely 0 professional reviews for them and when googled ADATA says that it is their "consumer" lineup. I hope you are ready to deal with sandforce and deal with any issues that brings. There is also the issue that you get what you pay for in regards to SSD's, I would be cautious of the performance and reliability of these drives say 6 months down the line.

Other than that it sounds like a nice setup. Are you using water cooling and what GPU did have?



There is 0 sandforce issues currently. However yes, it's possible there is issues down the road, but I see not even a sliver of issue yet.

Using air cooling (had to lower clock rate to 4.4 due to instability) it's 24/7 stable now it seems. Gives me room temp idle temps, and when I'm running torture tests on the cpu it gives me not much higher than 58.

GPU is a Radeon HD 5970 2gb, I removed the overclocking on there for now as well, but may dial it back up again.



unisyst wrote:There is 0 sandforce issues currently. However yes, it's possible there is issues down the road, but I see not even a sliver of issue yet.

Using air cooling (had to lower clock rate to 4.4 due to instability) it's 24/7 stable now it seems. Gives me room temp idle temps, and when I'm running torture tests on the cpu it gives me not much higher than 58.

GPU is a Radeon HD 5970 2gb, I removed the overclocking on there for now as well, but may dial it back up again.

Yah on air it is really difficult to get a stable overclock over 4.5GHz. In regards to sandforce that is not true at all. Just go check out forums and you will see that a lot of users have issues with sandforce SSD's since all of the kinks are not ironed out yet. There is a reason why Intel and Crucial (They arguably make the best SSD's on the market in terms of reliability and speed) do not use sandforce.

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