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Airman Artimise Flare reports as ordered

Manila Plague
The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
13 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Hey guys/gals how have things been going since I've been away? Smile

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


Terrible Sad

Very Happy



hello Razz

.net got hacked by spam bots,or skynet or something so we came back here Razz

not much goin on,playing Skyrim and BF3.Kinda got burned out on Skyrim tho.



Alright I guess.

How was bootcamp?

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Wow that sucks about being hacked. I'm a little limited on time, but yeah, the sweet and simple. Bmt sucked balls lol.



Hey Art. Glad you're doing okay, man. Smile

Airman Artimise Flare reports as ordered 2855922021

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

welcome back



Welcome back Art.

Long story short, as much as I can remember.
.Net was paradise
on thanksgiving day I beat Frost for most posts on .net
.Net was invaded by bots
.Net no longer paradise and was abandoned.
Some of the community were feeling a little unhappy
Some have been gone for a while
As I understand it Mills deleted his account

Good to have you back bro.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

so the bots caused the login issues?

Evil or Very Mad



Good to hear from you Art. Hope all is well


Get to fly anything yet?



Hey Art! Glad you're still kicking. Where do you go from here?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

whatever you do, don't crash a chopper into the general's limo. it wont end well Wink

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Glad you're back! Where did you do BMT at? One of my best friends just got done with BMT for the Air Force.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Right now I'm on a bus heading to Sheppard AFB to begin my tech school as a "Maintenance Management Analyst Apprentice". Essentially a dark job filing out reports and spreadsheets. I graduated BMT from Lackland AFB in San Antonio Texas this past Thursday and got my Airmans coin as proof of my graduation.

It was tough and it was very easy to get depressed, I managed to make it through despite jacking up my knee at one point. I'm currently typing this out from my phone so forgive me if I dont respond quickly. BMT is certainly not for everyone and the AFB version is much easier than the other branches and even then it can be very taxing, more so mentally then physically really. I'd advise anyone who is considering h military life to really consider what you may be getting yourself into, it's more than just serving your country, it's about learning to work as a single unit without any regard for another persons past history, being able to handle both the mental and physical stress placed upon you. There is a lot more I can say, but unless you actually experience BMT I dont think anyone can fully grasp what it feels like, nor imagine the immense sense of pride you feel as you march out onto that parade field in front of your families and recite he Airmens Creed.

One thing I can say, is that joining the US AF is one of the best decisions I've made in my life as far as forcing myself to find a direction, establish short and long term goals, and just becoming a better person.



Good to see you post, Artimise! I'm glad you're happy with the Air Force, brother and I hope it treats you well.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm glad to hear your doing OK Arty. Keep up the good work soldier! And try not to forget us at here at the SeC!

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