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1Syndicate Empty Syndicate 2012-02-02, 00:57



Just played the demo with a friend. Holy fuck this game is hard, and it was only on the easiest difficulty.

I could tell without even looking it up that it runs on the Frostbite 2 engine. The guns look, sound, and feel great. The graphics were kind of muddy, seems that like BF3, it was built for PC. The game has a pretty robust experience system, with skill trees, player upgrades, and gun upgrades. Lots of cool guns, too. I picked up a belt-fed assault shotgun about halfway through the demo mission, it was fucking awesome.

Not sure if anyone else on the SeC is planning on getting this, but it definitely feels like a buy for me.

Also note there's no online pass, for anyone who hates them.

2Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 03:16



Demo is out? How did I miss that. Even though it seems to be missing nearly everything that made Syndicate, Syndicate I'm still really interested in it.

3Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 03:22



Yes, demo's out. Play it. Now.

4Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 03:26



That would break my streak of playing nothing but BF3 since BF3 came out...

I'll download it at least.

5Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 08:21



I'll have to check the demo out, I'm definitely interested in this game.

No way I'm not getting it after all the Syndicate I played as a kid. Although I don't think I ever actually got past the first mission I just kind of ran around the city shooting people and what not.

6Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 08:55



Pretty sure it's not Frostbite - I believe it's Starbreeze's own engine (or a version of it) that they used for Chronicles Of Riddick and The Darkness - it does have a Frostbite feel to it in Syndicate, though.

I had a quick blast on the demo last night, and enjoyed it. Need to play a bit more though

EDIT: also, yeah - I forgot about the belt fed auto shottie! I picked one of those up and it was fucking epic Very Happy

7Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 10:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I saw an ad for this on the dashboard but I didn't look into it more than that. Maybe I will give it a shot one of these nights.

8Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 12:05



9Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 14:41



Holy fuck this game is hard. I don't even want to see how hard the actual hard difficulty is.

I wish they had a way to mute people in game though. It seems like every person I play with has their damn microphones right up to their speakers.

I have no idea what most of the ability things do either, they don't really explain anything at all they just kind of throw you at shitloads of enemies.

Good game though, I might pre-order since you get a $20 giftcard with it at Amazon that I can put towards ME3.

10Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 17:54



it looks cool man I'll probably download the demo today and check it out Very Happy Very Happy

wish there was multiplayer or SOMETHING else to it tho....I'm really not one to keep playing a story mode more than once ever....after you beat the game it's pretty much done...

cool music,I think Skrillex and others did the soundtrack

11Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 20:15



JrTapia1991 wrote:it looks cool man I'll probably download the demo today and check it out Very Happy Very Happy

wish there was multiplayer or SOMETHING else to it tho....I'm really not one to keep playing a story mode more than once ever....after you beat the game it's pretty much done...

cool music,I think Skrillex and others did the soundtrack

The whole game revolves around the multiplayer aspect of it.

12Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 22:50



wish there was multiplayer or SOMETHING else to it tho.

I thought the demo was co-op multi. And the actual game does have MP doesn't it?

13Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 23:03



nah I read that the real game doesn't have MP like BF is,deathmatch,'s only the co op story.

if it wasn't storming so bad here right now and I was scared it would blow out my xbox,I'd download the demo >__> but idk how long this storm is gonna last.Why couldn't it have rained this summer instead of now 0__o

I heard it doesn't have an online pass surprisingly, and read that Kingdom of Amalur game does have an online pass,but Kingdom of Amalur doesn't even have multiplayer....maybe it's like how ME2 was with the cerberus network

14Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-02, 23:29



JrTapia1991 wrote:nah I read that the real game doesn't have MP like BF is,deathmatch,'s only the co op story.

if it wasn't storming so bad here right now and I was scared it would blow out my xbox,I'd download the demo >__> but idk how long this storm is gonna last.Why couldn't it have rained this summer instead of now 0__o

I heard it doesn't have an online pass surprisingly, and read that Kingdom of Amalur game does have an online pass,but Kingdom of Amalur doesn't even have multiplayer....maybe it's like how ME2 was with the cerberus network

There's no online pass because EA wants more people to give this game a shot. And co-op is mulitplayer. You just shoot AI bad guys instead of each other.

15Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-13, 17:13

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Bringing this topic back

Tried the demo out and I was impressed. Lots of fun, cool graphics, lots of things to upgrade and stuff. Its a little busy on the screen at times, and I still haven't figured out how some of the things work. For example, I don't know how to throw grenades.

Kinda disapointed you don't get 4 on 4 fights against real opponents though. Thats kinda how I invisioned this game right off the bat.

16Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-14, 08:49



Double tap Y for grenades, iirc

EDIT: maybe hold Y, actually.....

17Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-14, 09:09



I'm about to try the demo out,I'm intrigued by the game.....

tried out the KoA demo too

18Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-14, 11:30



I downloaded it.
Haven't tried it yet though.

19Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-14, 12:38


I downloaded it but haven't touched it yet. I heard about the original Syndicate but never played it. This looks interesting if they do it right.

20Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-14, 13:01



It does look cool, but it looks like it's missing most of what Syndicate played like.

21Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-14, 18:33



my bro played this game and i watched him, it looked good. prolly get it if it dont flop its got the 20$ bonus for preordering from amazon too (i think)

btw i handle annoying talking people by taking an old broken headset, cutting the headset part off, and plugging the wire in. me and my bro call it the muter and for some reason he likes to chew on it

22Syndicate Empty Re: Syndicate 2012-02-15, 03:37



been playing it for like an hour,I REALLY like the game man,reminds me of Crysis mixed with Borderlands or something.....awesome Razz Razz Razz

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