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Valentine's Day -

Epyk MD
Manila Plague
HydrasBreath ♜
Patrick Star
Dropped Da Soap
24 posters

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101Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 20:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

and to see the sheep...

102Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 20:38



Nah its 50% what I first said and 50% watching a whale go splat

103Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 20:38

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have yet to see that movie. But if shes in undies I should.

104Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 22:00



i need to see that movie again

105Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 23:21



Siren wrote:*doesnt know what you're talking about*
these would be the women we're talking about.

Frostbyrn wrote:Bet she will end up looking like Isabella from DA2
Valentine's Day - - Page 3 5UJUPl
Frostbyrn wrote:Or maybe Kate Beckinsale from Van Helsing Very Happy
Valentine's Day - - Page 3 P8a5Hl

106Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 23:52



Twisted Evil

107Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 23:54



@the first picture

Ah the things I would do....If I had a gun and the asshole who raped the Dragon age franchise

108Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-07, 23:58



oooh, i see now :3

109Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:00



Frost, you know the rules. We go after Blizzard first.

Still think you wanna try gypsy love?

Duan, how many of your posts are just emoticons?

110Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:04



Yup, I'm gonna try gypsy.

But hey, if you can put up with me wearing a gypsy outfit and not go hiding in fear........I'll put on that maid costume!!!

111Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:04




112Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:14




you're such a male.

113Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:17



You can do what you want if I get a nuke im blowing up activision Very Happy

114Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:19



Obviously I'm a male. Now go find yourself a gypsy outfit, the deal has been struck Razz

@Frost: OH HELL NO! FUCK NO! They "made" CoD!! As much as I think BF3 is better, I fuckin love MW3. You blow up Activision, I blow up Auckland.

115Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:24



I'll find the gypsy outfit. But no promises for the maid outfit.

116Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:25



Actually I usually avoid there games anyway ill nuke EA

Those fucks are always ruining things I like

117Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 00:25



Siren wrote:I'll find the gypsy outfit. But no promises for the maid outfit.
ah ah ah! we had a deal.

118Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 04:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

So....chili cheese fries?

119Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 04:41



Wraith wrote:
Duan, how many of your posts are just emoticons?

not enough

Wraith wrote: You blow up Activision, I blow up Auckland.

and no one will care

120Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 11:51

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Wraith wrote:

Duan, how many of your posts are just emoticons?

asks the biggest post whore... irony

121Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 16:03



You should probally care moron Auckland houses a quarter of the countrys population and has most of its major financial centers and ports

122Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 16:53

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Siren wrote:I'll find the gypsy outfit. But no promises for the maid outfit.

Please. As man whore extraordinaire, I will be the first to tell you finding a maid outfit is much easier than finding or making a gypsy outfit. All girls want to be French maids or any kind of maid for Halloween. Now, that doesn't mean all of them can pull it off though. You need to know at least a couple French words to pull it off completely. Pariah may not tell you that, but he's thinking it.

123Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 18:46

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Haha Kalei. You would know.

I wish I had a machine so I could steal your life. I would rather have a creepy obsessed stalker gf then being lonely and sexless.

124Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 18:56



Its easy to get chicks like Kalei you can do it in 3 easy steps

1.Stop having standards
2.Hit on anything with a vagina
3.Drunk prey is easy prey Very Happy

125Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 18:58



Frostbyrn wrote:Its easy to get chicks like Kalei you can do it in 3 easy steps

1.Stop having standards
2.Hit on anything with a vagina
3.Drunk prey is easy prey Very Happy

wise words to live by

126Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 19:30



Manila Plague wrote:
asks the biggest post whore... irony
I'm the biggest post whore? Shocked so...honoured...

Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:
Please. As man whore extraordinaire, I will be the first to tell you finding a maid outfit is much easier than finding or making a gypsy outfit. All girls want to be French maids or any kind of maid for Halloween. Now, that doesn't mean all of them can pull it off though. You need to know at least a couple French words to pull it off completely. Pariah may not tell you that, but he's thinking it.
I'll teach her all the french she'd ever need.

127Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 19:56

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I could help too right?

128Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 20:10



Parle-toi francais?

129Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 20:28



French you say?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

130Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 21:11

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Glirit mortin hed sarma shinem!

131Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 21:35



Frostbyrn wrote:Its easy to get chicks like Kalei you can do it in 3 easy steps

1.Stop having standards
2.Hit on anything with a vagina
3.Drunk prey is easy prey Very Happy


use of commas can make a big difference

132Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 21:40



Your not just in a glass house Kman your on a fucking glass island surrounded by lava

133Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 22:06



Khaymen wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Its easy to get chicks like Kalei you can do it in 3 easy steps

1.Stop having standards
2.Hit on anything with a vagina
3.Drunk prey is easy prey Very Happy


use of commas can make a big difference

I see no problem here.

134Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 22:45

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Guys, shut it before I make you Very Happy

Also, Mrs. Hat has not one, but TWO, gypsy costumes. One from Halloween in college and one that I wear to ren faires. I look badass. I love my ren faire costumes.

Siren, gypsy costumes are easy to find -- if you're not looking for something authentic, trust me, every costume shop has some random gypsy costume for college girls to get drunk in on Halloween Razz

135Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 22:47



Mrs. Hat, don't encourage her!!!

136Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-08, 22:52

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Hahaha! Gypsy costumes are awesome. That's my favorite thing to dress up as for ren faires.

Valentine's Day - - Page 3 110_582051087915_12459642_38068156_949_n

Case in point: the Hats are awesome. Buy a gypsy costume, Siren! (The heart is covering up a gun that was pointed at my head, which makes it ever cooler).

137Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 01:19

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Is that you Mrs.Hat?

If so.....I must resist my Soapy impulses.

138Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 01:23



Cicero wrote:my Soapy impulses.
thats not lather is it?

And Mrs. Hat, I'm pretty sure Mr. Hat doesn't have a debilitating hatred of gypsies.

139Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 02:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I lather and repeat baby.

140Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 03:21

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Cicero wrote:I lather and repeat baby.

you so gangsta Cool

141Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 07:59

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Hah! Yes, that's me. Minus the glasses and when I still kept my hair long Razz

I don't wear that costume to ren faires much anymore though...the older I get, the less comfortable I feel walking around in that, haha!

142Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 08:24

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Cicero wrote:Haha Kalei. You would know.

I wish I had a machine so I could steal your life. I would rather have a creepy obsessed stalker gf then being lonely and sexless.

While it sounds good and all to have my life, it's not. Dealing with the crazy is making me a bit crazy. She wants my babies, make me a husband and well I don't know what else. Careful treading is always a must when dealing with that one. I wouldn't recommend that for anyone, or wish this crazy one on anyone.

Frostbyrn wrote:Its easy to get chicks like Kalei you can do it in 3 easy steps

1.Stop having standards
2.Hit on anything with a vagina
3.Drunk prey is easy prey Very Happy

I like it. Only I do have standards! They are not very high, but they are standards. There's two chicks at the bar I haven't and won't sleep with. I'm not going to be derping with their herping.

Cicero wrote:I lather and repeat baby.

I've never heard words ring more true after a one night stand with some random chick.

143Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 18:45



Thank you Mrs. Hat, I will most definately find a gypsy outfit >:3

infact, I was very very close to buying one last year for halloween!!! But I settled for a native american girl. With a lovely sexy dress ^w^

144Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 19:05

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Siren wrote:Thank you Mrs. Hat, I will most definately find a gypsy outfit >:3

infact, I was very very close to buying one last year for halloween!!! But I settled for a native american girl. With a lovely sexy dress ^w^

Were you dressed as "Pokethathotass"?

145Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 19:20



clever play on words, kalei!

146Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 19:26



seriously dude?

147Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 19:28




I got poked in the ass by a freshman today. Bitch tried to steal his wallet back!

148Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 19:31



And I got to punch him. That was a happy moment!

149Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 19:36




But I could see the massive ass smile appear on Kaleis face from here

150Valentine's Day - - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Day - 2012-02-09, 19:38



This guy was just a kid who used to be on my swim team. Rather scrawny, but a nice guy.

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