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My sleeping schedule is asidfasoifhsflskjdf

Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
Captain Pirate Pineapple
14 posters

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... almost 1 30 in the afternoon and haven't been to bed yet...if I go to sleep now I'll wake up at like midnight and be really screwed up grrrr but I feel so sleepy Sad

insomnia sucks dude.I don't wanna be on that vampire schedule again.I wanted to try that melatonin stuff but I read it has like side effects to your heart or somethin and I've been having chest pains anyway

was playing BF3 all night and me and my buddy kept getting ace squad and I got MVP most of the night Very Happy .I like the PKP with bipod,and KH2002 with pso x4,silencer,front grip



don't sleep, just try and push through the day and go to bed earlier, around 9 or 10 >.< that's the way I get back on track in the summer....just don't give in to the sleepiness~!!



Razz how can I stay awake oh great siren of wisdom bounce

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I had roughly 8 hours of sleep since waking up Thursday morning. Been keeping late nights due to excessive night life activities. The best thing to do at this point would be to push yourskef to stay awake until this evening and go to bed at a decent time. It's what I'm going to havering do tonight.



damn dude.Would it be good to drink an energy drink or would I just crash worse in like an hour lmao Razz Evil or Very Mad



It depends, I ussually go for a coffee...but that's because I'm so used to the caffeine that I don't crash afterwards anymore. I'd say probably no, unless you have like 10 energy drinks and take one every hour XD



If you think that is bad just look at mine. I usually go to bed around 4 a.m. now and get up at 11 a.m. I am slowly improving it but man it is hard.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I don't do energy drinks or crap like that. One of these days though, it's going to catch up to me and my body just won't move. Some days it feels like that's going to happen, but then I just kind of laugh and force my muscles to move.



Your sleeping schedule is Adli?



Just keep yourself busy but not too busy. Go online, that's a good way to stay up XD



Careful, sleep deprivation can rapidly age the body and shorten your lifespan. Did you ever try those melatonin pills I recommended?



nuh uh:( no place around here has amazon gift cards



Any chain store with a pharmaceutical/supplement isle should stock them.



or better yet, dont stay up that late playing video games XD

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:Your sleeping schedule is Adli?

on one hand, i have stopped playing BF3 and so dont have to stay up until 2am to play with you guys.
on the other hand, Skyrim is so bloody distracting i end up staying awake until 2am playing it anyway.


Very Happy



I was actually talking about the random gibberish at the end of the topic title Very Happy


Definitely go for melatonin, man. I've never heard of side-effects from it, it is a naturally-occurring chemical in your body anyway.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:I was actually talking about the random gibberish at the end of the topic title Very Happy

My sleeping schedule is asidfasoifhsflskjdf Okay_guy




My sleep schedule consists of this: aslittleaspossible

though sometimes I'll be so tired I'll just want to sleep for ages.



Mine's more like as much as possible....I'm probably anemic so I'm constantly sleepy XD

During the summer I often go to bed around 12 or 1 then sleep all the way until 4 or 5....and then repeat.
Never an issue.

oh and im still tired when I get up afterwards XD



over the years i have perfected the skill of power napping.

i can live on like 4 hours or less

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I just go to bed when I feel tired, and wake up whenver.



OG Terry Plague wrote:over the years i have perfected the skill of power napping.

i can live on like 4 hours or less
ever tried the Uberman method? I'm pretty sure it took a decade off of my lifespan, but it was so fun.



no what is it?



well I failed lol I woke up like 30 mins ago XD....managed to make it to like 2pm >__> was on here I think,then boom I woke up and it was 4 and I was like fuck this dude and passed out Razz

I'm gonna try to take like a good nap or something at 4-5-6 and see if I can go to sleep XD



OG Terry Plague wrote:no what is it?
4 hours on, 20 minutes off.

its ridiculously hard to adjust, but its amazingly liberating.



Kind of hard to incorporate into an 8 hour work day as well.



20 minute nap over your lunch break



damn man seems interesting,but I couldn't even make it a whole day of staying awake lol....

that's seems like such a waste to sleep...but I bet if people did that long term it probably really would kill em...idk

I've read that nobody really exactly know "why" we have to sleep,it's thought to have a regenerative effect,and I know during sleep,I think that REM phase it was talking about,is when your brain trips out on that DMT stuff and has dreams

major drawback to that thing I agree would be a job lol



Wraith wrote:20 minute nap over your lunch break

There would still be some form of overlap with the prior nap and the post nap unless you can teleport from your home to work instantaneously. Unless you can sleep while driving, that is.

This sleep pattern also leaves no room for your body to repair muscle tissue, so if you're any sort of an active person it would be horrible for your health.



nap in your car before you go to work, and in it before you go home.

you dont have to be doing anything all the time ante, you could just lie down on a couch and relax. you dont have to be active.



"The other thing is more of a health issue that comes to mind. There is a reason the body goes through those initial 3 phases before REM. REM restores the mind, phase 2 and 3 slow your body down to a resting state so your entire body can recuperate from the day. This is important for everyone as, unless you spend the vast majority of your 22 hour day sitting in a chair in front of your computer or at an office desk you’re going to have broken down SOME muscle tissue. If you never give your body a chance to rest for a solid chunk of each day by sleeping, allowing your system to restore those broken parts of the body fully, without stimulus, your body is simply going to break down eventually and hit a perpetual crash. Short term this might work but long term this spells disaster for your body where only extreme amounts of rest could restore your body to working order.

There’s a reason your body functions the way it does, messing around with it hasn’t ever really produced any positive results."

I kinda agree Razz

I heard some people do just fine on very little sleep,heard Napoleon(no not dynomite Razz ) only had like 3-4 hours of sleep every night and so did 2Pac

eh.I need at least like 9 hours to feel ok.Anything less,and I feel like complete shit for the next several hours and a zombie for the whole day



Wraith wrote:nap in your car before you go to work, and in it before you go home.

you dont have to be doing anything all the time ante, you could just lie down on a couch and relax. you dont have to be active.

Yes, I do need to be active. I spend quite a bit of time in front of my PC, but I would go insane being prisoner to a regimen like this. I would gain no benefit from it either.

If you want a healthy sleep pattern, try biphasic. One 4.5-5 hour sleep period with another 60-90 minute nap at the opposite end of the day.



that is........ intense

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't think I could even fit my hourly fap sessions in there.



I have those Melatorin thingys...havent taken them yet...because it says a half before bed whole with water...but my bed time is I usually forget



Protip: Don't do ANYTHING other than sleep or fap in bed. Like watch movies and stuff like that.



Why not Uni?



Because if you dont do anything else you will immediately become tired when you enter the bed because your body will only have it associated with sleeping



huh, thats interesting. I read a lot in bed.



It's true. They actually say the same thing for your bedroom, to remove ALL electronic devices, music players, books, homework, everything and do that somewhere else will the bedroom is only used to go straight to bed.

It helps with insomniacs XD because if your brain is used to the bedroom being a place of distractions and such, it makes it harder to fall asleep.



*spends approximately 90% of available free time in bedroom, mostly on PC*

well fuck.



Wraith wrote:*spends approximately 90% of available free time in bedroom, mostly on PC*

well fuck.
Couldn't have said it better. When I'm in my room, I'm always either playing Xbox, watching Tv, watchiing netflix, using the Internet, or doing that thing called homework. If this is true, I should be screwed.
Also, if I'm destroying as much muscle as I think I am, I'm also screwed. God damn this topic Evil or Very Mad



destroying muscle? how so?



Wraith wrote:*spends approximately 90% of available free time in bedroom, mostly on PC*

well fuck.

that would explain why you sometimes dont sleep at night XD

i have the same issue too though. so it's fine >.<

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

My tv and laptop are literally 16 inches from my pillow, so i am screwed too



I'm fine being a couch potato and hermit crab Razz


I do almost everything in my bed... SO, in a way that makes me more exhausted, i win.



Wraith wrote:destroying muscle? how so?
lifting and such everyday.

@JR: I'm with you on that. Hermit crabs are the way to go! Very Happy

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