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Remember that time...

Patrick Star
8 posters

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1Remember that time... Empty Remember that time... 2012-02-21, 08:01



Remember that time... 431619_240974899323766_162594613828462_516160_1339505756_n

>____> fuckin shit

2Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-21, 11:11


I am happy i don't have giant spiders in my area.. I'd buy a gun if i did.

3Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-21, 11:23

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

kill it with all the fire!

4Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-21, 21:41



i fucking hate spiders.

5Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-21, 23:31



If that's real ,I've just previewed my nightmares for the next 3 days.

6Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-22, 09:39



dude I swear I'd have a heart attack if I woke up with a big ass spider right by my face........

Growing up,had alot of brown recluse's and even some black widows by my houses...

I'm so glad I didn't pick up a black widow I thought was a beetle when I was little >__> something just told me not to...

fuckin transparent wolf spiders I think they're called,brown with black stripes and blend in and look transparent....REALLY suck when you have brown wood floors >:[[ lol

I swear at my old apt I must have gotten bitten by a brown recluse or something on the back of my neck because I felt like shit for a couple days and had a bump on my neck

7Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-22, 20:01



I actually used to love spiders...they fascinated me. And when I was little and too stupid to care, I actually played with a black widow. Razz

8Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-23, 01:26


My friend went to Japan and saw a huntsmen spider, the thing is MASSIVE it could wrap its legs around your head(according to him it might've been fully grown and he might've been exaggerating.) Apparently the lady just got rid of it and made fun of the big america man for being afraid of it.

9Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-23, 02:48

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I want a Golaith Bird Eater so damn bad.

10Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-23, 04:16

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

youd know if it was a recluse jr.
they'll fuck your shit up big time if bitten.

dont look if you're squeamish

11Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-23, 04:18

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

the fuck...

12Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-23, 04:18

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


13Remember that time... Empty Re: Remember that time... 2012-02-23, 12:08



Remember that time... Rabida


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