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Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
Captain Pirate Pineapple
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51Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 20:54



sav, its a combination of good genes, irregular eating habits, a total apathy towards selfdestructive behavior and just a wacked out metabolism.

52Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 21:07



Pariah wrote:sav, its a combination of good genes, irregular eating habits, a total apathy towards selfdestructive behavior and just a wacked out metabolism.

Fuck yeah!

53Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 21:23

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What they said. I am 6 foot 2, almost 6 foot 3, and I spend like 50 to 70 dolars on Fast Food A WEEK. And I weigh 145 pounds.

54Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 21:39



24 years old, 5'9", 125 pounds. I eat Burger King at least 4 times a week, oftentimes more than that.

Maximum metabolism.

55Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 21:50



Arby's is delicious!

6' 2" and 145? That's pretty skinny Soap.
Right now I'm 6' 2" and 220.

56Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 21:55



6 foot 3, 135 lb. fuck to the yeah.

57Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 22:09



Dude! I've got almost 100 pounds on you. Crazy. My brother is 6' 4" and 235... he actually does have 100 pounds on you. And fists like loaves of bread.

58Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 22:20



hehe, i love that really. I'm skinny as a rail and taller than most people. I like being all tall and wraith-like

59Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:18



I weigh more than my boyfriend...

5'10 and 150.

I never eat fast food, I have a low metabolism. I have to watch what I eat too...5 meals per day. Each is of a fist-sized portion and must contain a bit of protein, preferably the lean kind, water, some vegetables of some sort and as much fiber as I can pack in. But the fun part is trying to find the dietary fiber, as in no trans fat. No more than 1500 calories per day...and lots of whole grain,whole grain rice and whole grain pasta.

Yet I still am not quite skinny enough >.> I should be 130. That's the goal.

All you people eating bad foods and being thinner than me, I hate y'all! D:<

60Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:20



Sounds like work Siren. Bummer.

61Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:28



It is a lot of work >.<

But on the bright side, I know a lot about healthy know incase anyone ever asks >.>

62Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:30



Sav, I've met midgets who outweigh me. Its not that difficult. And I've told you a thousand times, and I'll tell you a thousand more, you're beautiful. Someone back me up here.

63Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:37



'Beautiful' 20 pounds over weight and I work my ASS off to keep it at only 20 D:<

64Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:40



yes. beautiful.

65Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:43



Do you exercise? If so, how often? Just eating right isn't always enough.

Not only do I have a high metabolism, but I do a lot of aerobic exercise. No strict regimen or anything, but I try to stay as active as possible.

66Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:48



Atm, I swim every morning, get atleast an hour of moving around in the water.

Otherwise, over the summer I go for hour bike rides every day, running into about october I have swim team (2 hrs every day of laps) and in the off in not the summer or into october, I horseback ride every saturday.

Which whoever says that's not a sport or real excercise I will kick their balls >.<

67Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-22, 23:55



dat sig....

and even though i don't really watch what i eat i still try and be active quite often (at least every day)

68Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 00:00



Have you tried metabolism boosters?

69Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 00:04



As in like, medication?

My mother won't allow any pills >.< she's very picky about what medications I put in my body.

70Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 00:09



Supplements, not medication. There's also natural ways to boost your metabolism.

71Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 00:13



The way I eat is the most efficient natural way to do it. And it kinda works, I've lost some weight. Just not much. >.<

72Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 00:27



I eat what I want when I want and do whatever the heck I feel like Very Happy

Also Horseback riding is an exercise...For the horse not the lazy person sitting on its back Very Happy

73Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 00:43

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I once had a girl at work tell me she wanted my body.....

Because mine looked better then hers and that I have better looking curves then she did.

74Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 01:01



Pariah..... - Page 2 PltR8

75Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 02:06



6'1", 120 lbs.

I'm going to get signed up at a gym this weekend, though, I have to put on some muscle before basic.

76Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 02:44



7",2 lbs? maybe


77Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 02:44

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah same here. When I get more money I am hitting a gym and taking a boot camp regiment course. Then after that figuring out if I want to do Law Enforcement or join the military.

78Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 08:21

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm 6'4" and weigh roughly 100 pounds. The other 105 I have is all beer weight, so I don't know how to add that to my weight.

79Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 13:12



5'8" and 133 pounds. Mostly muscle(though im pretty skinny) except my stomach. Need to start working on that so I can get dem washboard abs Very Happy

I also eat fast food around 3 times a week(including McDonald's earlier) so I guess I have a fast metabolism as well.

80Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 13:59

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

183cm and 60 kilos I think, haven't checked in ages.

81Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 15:35



trying to get a bit beefier myself...

5"9 - 5"10 and 135 pounds.... my arms truned to twigs over the winter, not playing tennis

82Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 16:45



any interested, martial arts keeps you really skinny but unbelievably fit.

83Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 16:53

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have a friend who takes Kraw Magraw(spelling I have no idea)and is like 6 foot 150 pounds but is ripped like a tank.

I also hae another friend who is 5'9 and is like 200 pounds but can bench press close to 260.

84Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 17:00



Krav Maga is really cool, but for fucks sake, you sound like a cement mixer when you use it. i like the pain-causing motions, but they just sound annoying to me. And I like my present style really.

85Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 17:55


Metalzoic wrote:Arby's is delicious!

6' 2" and 145? That's pretty skinny Soap.
Right now I'm 6' 2" and 220.

I am pretty sure i am 6,2 and use to be 228(mostly fat though) the last time i weighed myself i was 178 but i know i am lower than that now. A lot more muscle now aswel cheers .

As for fastfood.. The only one that i dislike is arbys everything else is fine with me. I don't eat it that much anymore since i've been working a lot of morning shifts might get some dunkin dounuts breakfast sandwhich or mcdonalds breakfast menu.

86Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 18:03

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

5' - 5'10" anywhere between 100-150 lbs. Boob size doesn't matter. Must have nice legs/ass, as that's my main preference when checking a chick out. Hair color doesn't matter either. Same with eyes, but if she has really pretty eyes, that's always a bonus.

87Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 18:51



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:5' - 5'10" anywhere between 100-150 lbs. Boob size doesn't matter. Must have nice legs/ass, as that's my main preference when checking a chick out. Hair color doesn't matter either. Same with eyes, but if she has really pretty eyes, that's always a bonus.

hell yea man gotta love the nice legs,thighs and ass on a sexy chick XD....a redhead is even better,or a brunette with sexy brown eyes......

I instantly melt when they make direct contact with me lmao

I'm like 150 pounds and 5"10.Average size I guess.I can never gain any weight no matter what I do,due to my fast ass metabolism.

I used to live off burgers,and would never gain a pound lol

88Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 20:55



i feel like im surrounded by skinny people....

89Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-23, 21:09

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Sorry. Not my fault I am perfect!

*flexes miniscule arms*

90Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 03:43

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Spike, the Dastardly wrote:Sorry. Not my fault I am perfect!


*flexes the only muscle I have*

91Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 04:14

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well you do use that thing alot

92Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 19:49



His cheek muslces, for drinking beer and giving blowjobs right?


93Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 19:50



Giving blowjobs? Very Happy

94Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 19:53

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Oh look, now you turned Frost on.

95Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 19:54



Im just laughing at the fact she said Kalei gives blowjobs Very Happy

96Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 19:55

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I am fairly certain he may have dragged a trannie back to his place once or twice.

97Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 19:58



There is no amount of alcohol that would make someone make a mistake like that unless they subconciously wanted to make it in the first place

98Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 20:32

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well it IS Kalei

99Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 20:51



hmmm you have a point

100Pariah..... - Page 2 Empty Re: Pariah..... 2012-02-24, 21:29



boom roasted?

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