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[MGS] Big Boss Wants You~

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1[MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ Empty [MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ 2012-02-23, 05:45



[MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ Thumb_bg_cover

Konami is hiring new staffs for the development team for the next MGS.

And from what I hear around different medias, it seems like slightly after Peace Walker.

2[MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ Empty Re: [MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ 2012-02-23, 07:57

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I thought that series was done with MGS 4?

3[MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ Empty Re: [MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ 2012-02-23, 10:43

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Now thats a job. Designing games would be a joy...... and a terror.

4[MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ Empty Re: [MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ 2012-02-23, 11:48



I wanna get the HD collection pretty soon Razz

does anybody who has the HD collection on Xbox 360 know if aiming is a problem?I remember on PS2 the face buttons were analog(pressure sensitive),so,you held down [] to aim,and pressed it hard to shoot....I heard some had problems w/the Xbox version because the buttons on the xbox controller are simply on/off and aren't pressure sensitive...

5[MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ Empty Re: [MGS] Big Boss Wants You~ 2012-02-23, 20:56



HydrasBreath wrote:I thought that series was done with MGS 4?
The MGS was "completed" in the sense that Hideo is no longer expanding the universe beyond the scope of MGS by the borders he had imposed by works that he had involvement with.

That does not mean that Konami will try to expand it themselves, or Hideo trying to come back and fill in the gaps where the original series did not explain to full.

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