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Poll: are you getting CQC?

Manila Plague
Bama Psycho
Dropped Da Soap
Ars Diaboli
HydrasBreath ♜
Gary Effin' Oak.
Patrick Star
Cardboard Fox
Keyser Söze
Ron Swanson
22 posters

Are you getting CQC?

Poll: are you getting CQC? Vote_lcap79%Poll: are you getting CQC? Vote_rcap 79% [ 19 ]
Poll: are you getting CQC? Vote_lcap21%Poll: are you getting CQC? Vote_rcap 21% [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 24

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1Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 19:36

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson


2Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 19:42

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Don't know yet...I'm split on this, especially if they are indeed only up to 16 players per map.

3Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 19:44

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Now that I've seen some of the weapons in it I'm considering it.

4Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 19:44

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

depends how much it costs... but i might just get it for the assignments/guns

5Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 20:03



If I'm actually still playing BF3 in June and we've had the patch long since then yes.

6Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 20:53



Not sure yet.Does anyone know if there is conquest?It doesnt seem like the mode would fit.I dont like the separate servers either but if there's no conquest I will not buy this dlc.

7Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 20:54




8Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 20:56

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

ACR? Spaz? Check.

Fuck yeah.

9Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 22:03



Post me the weapons or a link please!

10Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 22:05



Nevermind I found it.

11Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 22:24

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I voted yes even though right now I'm still on the fence. I'm leaning towards yes. The maps are probably your average MW2 size so 8 per side might work just fine. I'll have to see more gameplay of it before I make up my mind for sure. I'll probably get it just for the weapons though if nothing else.

12Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-13, 23:42



I want to say no, but I know myself and I'll probably get it.

13Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 02:06

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm on the fence. I need to know more about the maps. I don't want more clusterfucks, I have Metro for that, and B at the first base of Seine Crossing.

Where did you find the weapons, Metal?

14Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 04:35

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ars Diaboli wrote:I'm on the fence. I need to know more about the maps. I don't want more clusterfucks, I have Metro for that, and B at the first base of Seine Crossing.

Where did you find the weapons, Metal?

actually since it's infantry only I'm guessing these maps will be TDM only since they are so small.

15Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 04:38

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im getting it. Anything that adds to BF3 will be loved by me.

16Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 09:21



I'll get it for sure!

And y es were is this link to the weapons????

17Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 10:41

Patrick Star

Patrick Star







Got these off youtube so they might not be that reliable.
edit: here's the vid

18Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 15:06

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Holy crap getting that for sure. If the console's destruction looks as good as that I will be in LOVE.

19Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 16:55

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

More than likely will get it so I voted yes.

20Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 17:35

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

is it just me or does the map layout on the intro of the video looks like a rip off of the Villa map from RSV2... main floor TV room... or is it just me

21Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 17:46



Manila Plague wrote:is it just me or does the map layout on the intro of the video looks like a rip off of the Villa map from RSV2... main floor TV room... or is it just me

Woah it definatly does.

And Yes, i'll be getting this.

22Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 18:38

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

good i thought it was just me

even if it's a copy it's still a good map

23Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 22:44



Ill probably end up getting it even though I'd prefer they were normal conquest/rush maps

24Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-14, 23:53



I'm going to complain about it being rather expensive, and get it.

AUG man. Gotta get that AUG.

25Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-15, 22:28



Yes I'm getting it... Only because it's free. However I do think it'll make for a nice change of pace. I hope it's not horrible.afro

26Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-15, 22:31



Why hello Sean, how goes it.
welcome to the SeC

27Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-16, 00:46

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

xSBx610x wrote:Yes I'm getting it... Only because it's free. However I do think it'll make for a nice change of pace. I hope it's not horrible.afro

wait where did you hear this?

28Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-16, 11:54

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I know it won't be free. They would never give us something free that they could make money off of.

29Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-16, 14:58

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Terry Corp. wrote:I know it won't be free. They would never give us something free that they could make money off of.

well we had the free map packs in BC2 but you're probably right as we are also getting weapons and that jazz. Same type of deal as back to karkand and that was 20 bucks wasn't it?

30Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-16, 15:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

B2K was free with Limited Edition

I feel like the landscape of gaming is changing though, even since BC2 came out. DLC is the norm for almost any game, and EA and all other game companies know that. They know if they give us new maps and stuff that they can charge for it because no matter how much we don't like paying money for a game we already have, we will end up getting the new stuff if we really like the game.

31Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-16, 16:56

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Terry Corp. wrote:B2K was free with Limited Edition

I feel like the landscape of gaming is changing though, even since BC2 came out. DLC is the norm for almost any game, and EA and all other game companies know that. They know if they give us new maps and stuff that they can charge for it because no matter how much we don't like paying money for a game we already have, we will end up getting the new stuff if we really like the game.

Yeah I know I got B2K free as well but anyone without the LE had to pay and I think it was either 15 or 20 bucks with is probably what these three new expansions will cost.

32Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 00:59



Terry Corp. wrote:I know it won't be free. They would never give us something free that they could make money off of.

It says at the top right corner that CQC will be free to anyone with the Limited Edition.

33Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 01:23



xSBx610x wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:I know it won't be free. They would never give us something free that they could make money off of.

It says at the top right corner that CQC will be free to anyone with the Limited Edition.

top right of where? thats cool though.

34Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 01:46



Zillah wrote:
xSBx610x wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:I know it won't be free. They would never give us something free that they could make money off of.

It says at the top right corner that CQC will be free to anyone with the Limited Edition.

top right of where? thats cool though.

The menu. Right after you press start lol. On top of the battlelog.

35Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 07:59

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

xSBx610x wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:I know it won't be free. They would never give us something free that they could make money off of.

It says at the top right corner that CQC will be free to anyone with the Limited Edition.

well I'll be damned...guess I don't have to think about whether I'll get it or not since I'll be getting it no matter what because I have the LE.

36Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 08:13



Very Happy that's awesome dude.I had the limited edition as well

37Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 11:25



What? That shocks the hell out of me. Cool though, but very surprising.

38Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 13:25

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Godamnit! Fuck my normal run of the mill version of BF3!

39Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 13:28



Silly Greeks.

40Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 14:21

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Do to both an national holiday and strikes at the time here in Greece, I was told from most retailers that BF3 (both editions) was stuck in customs. When I finally found someone with a copy, I just settled for the normal edition.



*This post edited for having 37 fucks to many

41Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 14:43



Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many fucks.

As a mod I will now punish you.
*Writes Gregs name on the board and puts a checkmark next to it

42Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 14:59



Your post has now been fixed.

43Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 15:04

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Metalzoic wrote:Your post has now been fixed.

Wow, you must really have nothing better to do...

44Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-17, 15:43



Kinda seems that way.
I prefer to think of it as "lots to do and many ways to avoid doing it"

45Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-18, 22:51

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'll just vote NO now.

The whole "conquest domination" crap I read in the battlefield blog just isn't something that sounds good for me. Unless it costs $5 or maybe even $10. But yeah it will cost $15.

46Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-19, 01:35

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ars Diaboli wrote:I'll just vote NO now.

The whole "conquest domination" crap I read in the battlefield blog just isn't something that sounds good for me. Unless it costs $5 or maybe even $10. But yeah it will cost $15.

it's free if you have the LE of BF3 apparently. And what's conquest domination?

47Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-19, 03:02

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

What? Wasn't that limitedo B2K?

If it is free, DICE can take their pants down so I can blow them, and also buy BC3/BF4 on day 1.

I dunno, conquest domination is... conquest but in close quarters, or something <_< with deathmatch spawns, apparently.

"Inspired by these memories, we used the spawning systems from Battlefield 3 Team Deathmatch and came up with a Conquest mode adapted for smaller spaces. We called it Conquest Domination, and it worked beautifully. In particular, flag defense is suddenly more important, and you get different tactical layers due to the subtle differences the new mode provides."

More than the mode itself, which I don't really mind (what I know of it), is the reasoning behind it. They need to fix a lot of issues that will be very annoying in maps like these first, like getting killed by magical bullets that go through cover, USAS with frags, getting stuck with tiny shit (100% sure way to die stupidly), etc.

What's annoying though, is them trying to make this CoD. It's not, it will never be, and will never be better at what CoD is good at. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have DICE still make awesome maps, and just toss some big buildings for variety to fight indoors. Like the hotel in Gulf of Oman, but bigger and with loads of rooms inside, basically being a "map" itself. It could just be a crate in a base of Rush.

Now, ignore all of that rant. I'm sleepy...

48Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-19, 11:25



Metalzoic wrote:Your post has now been fixed.

That was fucking hilarious. Pun intended.

49Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-19, 14:48



Metalzoic wrote:Kinda seems that way.
I prefer to think of it as "lots to do and many ways to avoid doing it"
.Haaa.Good answer.

50Poll: are you getting CQC? Empty Re: Poll: are you getting CQC? 2012-03-19, 15:00



I think they should remove squad spawn from conquest.

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