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Hooray for Friday!

Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
10 posters

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1Hooray for Friday! Empty Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 08:05

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm at work.... Hungover.... No work to do.... Guess who's going to be taking a long morning nap!? THIS GUY!

How's everyone's Friday looking?

2Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 08:08



feeling a little better,these pills make the day go by nicer.Hurry up and heal you damn wisdom tooth... Evil or Very Mad

might sleep all day again.Hopefully my games from amazon come in soon.sadly nobody ever wrote me back when I craigslisted my mass effect 3 :'(

3Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 09:40


Work soon and class later for a class i dislike... Looking forward to Saturday.

4Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 12:17

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I work until 4 and then its over to my buddies house to watch some college Bball!!


5Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 13:18



Going to see Hugo today ^^ and the weather is soooo nice

6Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 14:24



Noooooo friday already? Spring break is going by too fast

7Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 15:07



I woke up at 2... what the fuck.

8Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 15:12



Terry Corp. wrote:I work until 4 and then its over to my buddies house to watch some college Bball!!


Go Ohio! Screw you Brady Hoke and your lame insults. Now you really do have to play Ohio haha. Good stuff.

Watched the Bucks play like shit last night and still dismantle Loyolla. Deshaun Thomas is a beast.

9Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 15:15

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Booo friday! I have to work 9pm-7:30am and I am sick like a mofo.

10Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 16:53



Its Saturday!

And I plan on playing ME3 all fucking day! Very Happy

11Hooray for Friday! Empty Re: Hooray for Friday! 2012-03-16, 18:43



My Friday is looking to become a pretty good night. Buddy is having some people over down the street and I got some really rare beers to drink on, including some KBS which I've been waiting like 2 years to get my hands on.

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