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My PC is Dead

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1My PC is Dead Empty My PC is Dead 2012-03-17, 22:37



I wouldnt feel as bad as i do if i knew what was wrong.
all i did was replace a nonvital broken fan and boom. The fucking thing cant boot up.
Ive gotten like 10 different bsod messages.
I tried booting without the fan.
I attempted to use the recovery feature of win 7 but i bsod on that too.
Ive tried switching ram sticks in various combinations.
Ive switched out vid cards.
Ive tried using a new hd i had.
I tried various combinations of my 3 hard drives available.
I have tried doing a clean install of both ubuntu and windows on my hd.
Ive tried using the mem test utility with ubuntu and my ram passed.
This all pretty much points to a burnt out processor.
Its a 2600k and its overclocked. Not seriously, just up to 4.2 with sufficient after market cooling. Also it never really got above 50% usage even during gaming.
I really hope intel will honor this warranty if the cpu turns out to be the culprit. Im still not sure if it is to blame.

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