in short....not worth the 60 bucks dude.....short as hell.I honestly agree with the IGN review on this one.I feel cheated I bought it at full price,save your money.Only reason this thing sold was because it had the Resident Evil name slapped on it to be honest.I heard the people who made this,slant six,their socom game sucked too.
I think I'm gonna stop buying games on release and wait for price drops.At least ME3 was 40 hours till the bad ending...this....was 5 hours on the hardest mode tops and laggy glitchy MP.It kept freezing my xbox last night online so I shut it off....
longer version....
I found it funny that the a.i. when I was on the last mission fighting them on pro. mode,I chose to kill Leon as Bertha and had Vector on my side...went against Lupo and Beltway,well,I found it funny that the a.i. is soooo horrible the entire game,then suddenly at the end right there they actually get kinda smart and pretty cheap but it was easy though to just melee them and kill em....
and cheap was killing Leon...he froze in 1 spot and I kept spraying him with the Typewriter (Mobster)
thought the ending was REALLY bleh.It's like there should be a cutscene after you choose to kill or save him,it just magically pops you in a random warehouse and you and your team are on opposite sides lol
still had fun with the game,but honestly not worth 60 bucks for me.I say wait for a price drop if you're wondering about getting this game people,and I'm a die hard RE fan,beat em all before...well besides the ones on the Wii.The online is ok but pretty laggy and takes forever to kill somebody,but they seem to instantly kill you.I thought it would replace BF3 as my online shooter,but nope.....they just run around with the full auto shotgun and grenade launcher and instantly kill you.If they're a medic there's a power to pretty much make them take no damage.Pretty cheap MP overall,but fun for a little while.
It was cool playing the story as co op however.I just don't see myself playing it much after I get the MP achievements.I mean,if you just have 60 bucks to blow and you like Resident Evil,it's cool,but really short,horrible a.i.,framerate problems and a couple times when an explosion happened,horrible audio glitches that seemed like they were about to blow my speakers out >__>
The only reason this game sold is because it had the Resident Evil name slapped on it.....I think all the firefights with the soldiers REALLY drag out and break the pace of the game.The game has decent electronic-y music which I like,like the main menu and the mission screen and mission passed.
I forgot to mention the cheesy day-1 dlc Nemesis mode which you know must already on the disc >__>
I was expecting sooo much more from this game.Slant Six should be all fired,I heard their Socom game sucked too.
The MP maps are wayyyyy too big and it really is confusing what's going on.By the time you run 10 miles to kill somebody,you spray them down and then they instantly kill you...I also saw lots of people just camping on roofs with grenade launchers or hiding behind doors with full auto shotguns
Not very many maps to choose from either.
There's supposed to be another story mode dlc April 11th I believe,not sure how long....But I have a feeling it's already on the disc
I really feel ripped off paying 60 for this crap