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Twisted Metal

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1Twisted Metal Empty Twisted Metal 2012-03-21, 15:56



Is friggin awesome. That is all/

2Twisted Metal Empty Re: Twisted Metal 2012-03-21, 16:16

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I played it at a friends house. It was fun, but after about 3 hours of playing I was pretty well done with it. good gameplay, but I've played this game before.

3Twisted Metal Empty Re: Twisted Metal 2012-03-21, 16:47



I love it. Did you play the MP Terry?

4Twisted Metal Empty Re: Twisted Metal 2012-03-21, 17:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

On'y about a half hours, so not really enough to get a great feel for it. I was always kind meh on the whole twisted metal series anyway. Even though I've played almost every one.

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