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Vehicles,post patch.

The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
8 posters

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1Vehicles,post patch. Empty Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-27, 17:55



Ive been hanging out on Battlelog here and there today and it sounds like vehicles have been nerfed hard.Sounds like tanks are pretty much jeeps now and though I havent seen as many topics on choppers what Ive read doesnt sound too good for them either.Im really not liking what im reading over there.

2Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-27, 17:59

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Really? I don't recall reading much about them making tanks weaker or anything. Thats bad news if so.

3Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-27, 19:08



WTF? Tanks are fine as is....

4Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-27, 19:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Vehicle Nerfs/BUffs:
-The A10 properly gives Jet score again.
-Unguided tank rounds and RPGs will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
-Increased the damage the MBT’s primary weapon does to the front and side armor of other main battle tanks. Primarily this means 1 less shot to the front, and very good hits to the side can result in a 1 hit to disable.
-Slightly reduced the repair speed of the repair tool.
-Increased the damage done by TOW weapons to armored vehicles.
-Increased the rate of fire and minimum damage of the Coax HMG.
-Increased the damage mounted gunner .50cal HMGs do at long range.
-Increased the power of the repair tool when killing soldiers or destroying vehicles slightly.
-Fixed a problem when locking on to two nearby targets, the locking should no longer jump rapidly between multiple targets. This applies to all locking weapons and Laser Designators.
-Increased the damage of the Javelin and Air to Ground missiles against laser designated targets.
-Javelin missiles fired without Laser targeting now do more damage to the side and rear of MBTs.
-Slightly reduced the locking time of all weapons vs Laser Designated targets.
-Laser Guided missiles can now be distracted by Flares.
-Increased the locking distance for AGM Missiles for Jets when locking on laser designated targets.
-Reduced the locking time for the AGM Missiles for Jets to make them more viable against ground targets.
-Reduced the locking time for AA Missiles for Jets to make them more viable against air targets.
-Flares will no longer break the lock of a vehicle that is locked on, it will only distract the missiles.
-Flares now more reliably distract missiles, especially for Helicopters.
-Flares for Jets and Choppers now reload at 11 seconds again, except for the gunner, which remains unchanged at 20sec.
-AA Missiles are more difficult to dodge in Jets, this was unintended behavior that created an imbalance against skilled pilots.
-AA Missiles should no longer kill the pilot instead of the vehicle.
-AA Missiles should no longer detonate before hitting their target or a Flare/ECM chaff cloud.
-Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets to 45%.
-Fixed the SU-35 firing Air to Air missiles at a lower rate of fire than other vehicles.
-The IGLA and Stinger now lock on much more quickly and disable an attack aircraft in 1 hit, but have significantly reduced range. This should allow Stingers to mount an effective close range point defense, without dominating an entire airspace.
-Increased the speed of the Helicopter AA missiles lock on to reduce the tedious nature of Helicopter dogfights and improve the Helicopter’s defensive abilities vs Jets.
-Slightly reduced the damage of Jet cannons against Aircraft. Damage is now only slightly higher than it was originally at launch.
-Increased RPG and SMAW damage against aircraft.
-Guided Rockets will now only track ground targets, as originally intended.
-Reduced the direct damage done by Attack Helicopter gunners vs Armor.
-Helicopter guns should now suppress correctly.
-Improved the accuracy of the Attack Helicopter’s Rocket Pods, both guided and unguided.
-Slightly increased the damage of Attack Helicopter’s Rocket Pods vs Infantry and other Helicopters.
-Additional fixes have been made to the TV missile to prevent it from blowing up the lauching vehicle.
-The Mi28 has received upgrades to its climbing and yawing abilities.
-Fixed an issue where guided rockets from the Mi28 did not follow the crosshair properly.
-Improved the accuracy of the Mi28 gun to match the AH1 gun.
-Increased the direct hit damage of the APFSDS rounds for the IFVs.
-Decreased the locking time of the IFV Guided Missile to make it more viable as an unlock.
-Miniguns and Helicopter Gunners now more quickly destroy parked cars.
-Increased the power of explosions from cars and other explosive static objects.
-Dying from the explosion of a car or other explosive static object should now correctly credit the player who caused the explosion.
-Adjusted the F35′s Center of Mass and Hover Engine for more stable, level flight in all flight modes.
-Updated the F35 weapon systems to be consistent with the other Jets.
-The F35 will now only attempt to enter Hover at low altitudes, though it will maintain the hover until forward flight is resumed, even if it reaches high altitude.
-The F35 and SU35 now properly have Ejection seats to prevent players from being killed when exiting the vehicle.
-Changed the Kornets to TOW launchers on Wake Island and moved the spawn position of the AAV to a more level position.
-Fixed several bugs with air vehicles colliding with objects at high speeds and taking no damage.
-Players will no longer receive suicides or team kills if they crash their vehicle (dying is punishment enough).
-The MAV will no longer destroy vehicles that run into it, instead it should be destroyed.
-Jet and Helicopter collisions should now properly result in the death of both vehicles.
-You can now spot with the EOD bot.
-Increased the base accuracy for AA guns and added a decrease in accuracy over the course of a burst.
-Reduced the damage AA guns (both mobile and stationary) do to infantry.
-The carrier based CRAM stations are now properly tracked as stationary weapons.
-CRAM and Pantsir stationary AA weapons now have Air Radar equipped by default.
-Improved the sound feedback for damage to help players better understand the amount of damage their vehicle is taking.
-The A10′s extinguisher should now function properly.
-Disabled vehicles now have an increased reverse speed to help escape to cover after being disabled.
-The T90′s crosshair now more accurately represents the trajectory of the main gun.
-Toggle and Hold zoom settings now also apply to soldier controlled turrets on jeeps, transport helicopters, boats, and IFVs port guns.
-The AAV now has zoom and a 3P camera when using the turret.
-Tweaked the AAV’s turret controls to be more useful when the vehicle is moving.
-The Z11w now properly functions with Below Radar.
-Below Radar will now also prevent the lock on of Stinger and IGLA missiles.
-Added Horns to all Jeeps.
-Tanks can no longer drive into the water and cross the Wake Island lagoon completely submerged.

5Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-27, 21:33



The Adli Corporation wrote:
F35 and SU35 now properly have Ejection seats

Me gusta

6Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-27, 21:46



-Flares for Jets and Choppers now reload at 11 seconds again
-Below Radar will now also prevent the lock on of Stinger and IGLA missiles.
-Increased the damage of Air to Ground missiles against laser designated targets.
-Laser Guided missiles can now be distracted by Flares.
-Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets to 45%.
-Flares now more reliably distract missiles
-The IGLA and Stinger now lock on much more quickly and disable an attack aircraft in 1 hit, but have significantly reduced range YESYESYES

Later, ground pounders

Vehicles,post patch. F18_TakeOff

7Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-27, 23:10



Forgot to mention in case some didnt know or remember,the patch came out today for the PS3.The threads over there are from the people playing post patch.

8Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-28, 04:38

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

That sucks if they nerf them really hard though it could just be people overreacting and being all whiny and butthurt. Hopefully that's the case.

9Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-28, 04:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

WAit wait wait WAIT.

You could drive Tanks across Wake Island>?!?

10Vehicles,post patch. Empty Re: Vehicles,post patch. 2012-03-28, 04:55



So basically, vehicles are stronger (attacks) but more vulnerable in terms of defence?

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