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Borderlands 2 footage from PAX

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1Borderlands 2 footage from PAX Empty Borderlands 2 footage from PAX 2012-04-08, 04:14





Here's another 12 minutes from Maya's perspective. Shows off the new trading system as well.

Also, that Maliwan sniper she picks up towards the middle is fucking awesome looking. And it looks like Jakobs guns will have more of a steampunk look than wild west. I am so okay with that.



Damn that looks so good.



Oh shit, looks like we'll be getting a new class.

The Mechromancer. Fucking badass.
Borderlands 2 footage from PAX 556761102



Gearbox held a panel at PAX East to discuss some incredible new things
for Borderlands 2 that have never been released anywhere else before and
I was on-hand to witness it all. To say they dropped some bombs would
be the understatement of the entire event and if you’re a fan of the
game in any way you’ll want to keep reading to see all the details
below! Read on to find out about some exciting information…a new
character coming to Borderlands 2?

The game features a new skin system which is introduced into the loot of
the game. Defeating bosses and enemies will unlock new skins for your
characters. These are more than just different colors and patterns with
some being more rare than others.

Things get taken a step further with customizable heads. Your character
in Borderlands 2 is going to be truly yours more than ever before. On
top of that there’s a special bonus for all players of the first
Borderlands: everyone who has played the first game will receive a
unique skin and head.

The biggest news however is something that is on the way after the game
launches: a new character! At some point the plan is to add a new
character called the “Mechromancer”, another female character!

What can a Mechromancer do? That’s not entirely locked down at this time
but we were shown concept art of what was referred to as “Deathtrap”.
Borderlands 2 just got real. The plan is to launch this DLC within 60 to
90 days of the game launching, though nothing is concrete at this time.

The best part? If you join the Borderlands 2 ”Premiere Club” you’ll get
the new character for absolutely free! (

The team also announced that there will be a number of special editions
for the game in a number of tiers. Mention was made of one edition
costing $99 and another after that for $149 which will actually come in a
physical loot box from the game!

yes yes YES. I am so getting that loot box.



This looks a lot more vivid than the first one.

Most definitely a day 1 buy for me.



Holy crap, check out the character customization they're going with. These skins look crazy cool.

Fuck fuck fuck. September 18th, I need you to be here now!



Let the joy-puking begin! *blaaaaaaaaaargh*



this is so cool man.....I still have alot more time to put into the 1st game finishing the DLC's

when it comes out it's probably all I'll play...sooooooo fun with 3 other people especially Razz.I dunno who I'll be.Maybe Maya but anybody's cool I guess.I mostly like shotguns or assault rifles,sometimes rocket launchers.

probably have to only play with people we know since there's likely to be rampant mods like how the 1st game is >__> ,I want the 1st playthrough to be "normal"



I havent played the first one yet,I should get it.

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