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I need SeC advice for college

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1I need SeC advice for college Empty I need SeC advice for college 2012-04-11, 01:35



Originally I was thinking of just majoring in Computer Science. Then I was thinking of theoretical physics but getting jobs in that field is near impossible. So, I was thinking I would major in physics and minor in computer science. Or major in computer science and minor in physics. OR double major. Any thoughts?



Personally I would say Major Comp Science and Minor in physics



Why not double major?


Double major, yo.



Major in double D's... That's what I did.



If you think you can handle the work load go ahead man I dont know you personally so I cant really say if you could handle it or not



Learning to handle them is the best part.


Metal always makes me smile



Metalzoic wrote:Learning to handle them is the best part.

I need SeC advice for college 55-oh-you



I REALY want to major in physics. Probably more than computer science. I love math, complex math. I want to major in computer science too, but I think I might be disappointed that I never majored in physics. So would a major in physics and a minor in computer science even be a good degree? Or a waste of time? That's why I kind of want to get a four year degree in computer science and physics. Then get a job in computers and keep going to school for a PhD in physics.



Honestly man I wouldnt know what the job oppurtunitys in your country are

I know here there are alot of computer based jobs a degree is good for though

So move to NZ Very Happy

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

if you can afford it I'd say getting two separate degrees is your best/safest bet as long as you don't mind the extra delay in entering the real "real world".



Ill most likely be getting an internship where my dad works which would pay for the full computer science degree and I would be getting paid pretty well there also. So I would really only need to pay for one degree.



It is all up to what you want do to for the rest of your life, no one here can really make that decisions for you. In regards to the double major thing I would personally not do it unless both majors are closely related to each other because if they are not it will not help you very much in getting a job in either field and will most likely require at least 1 extra year of schooling.



computer science seems like the more practical one so i would say do that. but if you did get a physics major/job it would seem more beneficial to have a comp science minor or major under your belt



Computer science is one of the easiest majors to get a job in today.

Whatever you pick, just make sure there are practical applications and you know the jobs you can get using your major. If one subject sounds cool but you can't see any jobs in it, there's no reason you can't just research that subject on your own.

And if you're deciding between two types of jobs, always pick the one you would enjoy more, don't entirely base your decision on pay. You spend half your waking day at least 5 days a week working, remember that.



I already research physiscs on my own and absolutely love it. I heard that with a physics degree its easy to get a job incomputers, or atleast some type of software development, because of your physics background letting you solve some problems that some aren't able to with just a computer science degree. I'm not completely sure on this but I also heard that a lot of the math classes needed for computer science is also used for physics so that would cut down on some of the classes I need to take.



The only direct application of physics to computer science I could see is with game development, or developing software used to calculate physics(obviously). Might help increase your problem solving skills in the same way the higher level maths do though.

I haven't really needed physics myself as of now, but I've really only been involved in database driven web development. Which involves plenty of algebra, algorithms and data mining.

So it would be a good idea to try and narrow down what kind of job you want and decide from there. At any rate a double major certainly wouldn't hurt if you're willing to put the effort into it.



I haerd it was helpful for a software development at some sort of finincial place. Apparently the math in physics is awesome for some of it.

I think I'm going to try a double major. I love to learn and I'm willing to put the effort in because they are both things I love. Just have to find a college now Razz

Thank you Very Happy



our little bla is going to make frostbite 5.0



1fnbighen wrote:our little bla is going to make frostbite 5.0
You better believe it Razz

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