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You are not connected. Please login or register it weird that I have been looking up professional wrestling schools?

Ron Swanson
Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Like schools that teach in the style of wrestling that WWE and TNA are in.

I don't want to become a professional wrestler, at all(though it would be cool). Its just I want to find something physical to fill my time with. And it seems like it would be a unique experience to have.
Just something extra for me to do you know? Like same reason people take a karate class, or kickboxing classes. Just gives me something to do.

Plus, well I think it would be fun as hell. Not many good cheap schools in Cali though.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

yes, yes its weird. lol



Well, let me just say. Its good to start young, but people can call it "fake" all they want.

I am going to warn you. You will put your body through hell. To the point where even i was taking Advil after every show and i hate pills, period. I can't express enough that unless you are planning on going to TNA or WWE. Don't start! Especially if you hurt from previous sports as it is.

I wanted it mostly to keep in shape. Which it did, but once i got good at it. I started traveling. Going to shows at least 2 hours away to only get paid maybe, 10$. The abuse your body takes for this is for sure NOT worth 10$. Do not start going to shows by yourself. ALWAYS take some wrestlers with you to work at the show. Otherwise you WILL get the shit beat out of you.

But, if you are serious about it. Go to OVW in Kentucky. It is $3,000 to train. But, you will be recognized by TNA if you are progressing well. You will also get the correct training.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well like I said its not something I would like to do for a while. Like I don't really have any plans of participating in matches or anything.

I think it would just be cool as hell to learn how to do it.



Well, if you take Martial Arts you pretty much have it down. But, you would still have to learn the ways of the holds. Having the Martial Arts background, you would have the "bumps" and could get the holds down a lot quicker.

I will give you something to start with if you want to practice with someone.

Learn to give and take the moves by doing it left arm on left arm. To see a better view, watch the next WWE show and watch how they give and receive the moves. Then try one move that you remember on someone. You can also go to youtube. If only you lived closer, i could train you easily. Depending on how good your athletic ability is.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ive never taken any martial arts training to be honest.

But I am fairly confident in my athletic ability. Up until a few months ago when I vaulted and rolled from a 10 foot ledge wrong and nearly ripped my ACL I was doing Parkour and things like that nearly every week.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I decided I am going to do it...for atleast a solid month. The school I am looking at looks pretty good. Its hard several of WWE's older stars and bigger current stars come in and tutor or watch. And they all gave the school some good praise.

Its 200 a month, or 20 bucks a session.
I am currently going to the gym 2-3 times a week. So I think I am going to do that until atleast July. Then after I have gained a few more pounds of weight and muscle(I am...6'1 and weigh 145....I KNOW, SHRIMP)and built up some more endurance I am going to sign up for a month class.

If I like it, I might continue.
If I don't atleast its something I can say I have tried.


Roy Drage wrote:I decided I am going to do it...for atleast a solid month. The school I am looking at looks pretty good. Its hard several of WWE's older stars and bigger current stars come in and tutor or watch. And they all gave the school some good praise.

Its 200 a month, or 20 bucks a session.
I am currently going to the gym 2-3 times a week. So I think I am going to do that until atleast July. Then after I have gained a few more pounds of weight and muscle(I am...6'1 and weigh 145....I KNOW, SHRIMP)and built up some more endurance I am going to sign up for a month class.

If I like it, I might continue.
If I don't atleast its something I can say I have tried.

What is your diet like? I'm 145 and I'm 5'9 so you must be a rail. You need to put on a lot of weight asap.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Umm.....I eat like a damn horse...

I seriously, eat ALL the damn time. I eat a good 4-5 meals a day. Have for three years, I just don't gain sucks.


Dat metabolism.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

It me. I can put away a good solid 3 giant Chipotle burritos in 20 minutes and still be hungry.

I eat things like that and that size all the time. I just don't gain weight.

I started drinking and eating more protein last week though. Maybe that outta help.



Maybe you're eating at the wrong times?

Don't eat breakfast, eat only popsicles throughout the day, and then eat 5 chipotle burritos right before you go to bed. Also become a raging alcoholic.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Chewy wrote:Maybe you're eating at the wrong times?

Don't eat breakfast, eat only popsicles throughout the day, and then eat 5 chipotle burritos right before you go to bed. Also become a raging alcoholic.

Also smoke lots of weed to keep your munchies at a constant high level.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Chewy wrote:
Don't eat breakfast, eat only popsicles throughout the day, and then eat 5 chipotle burritos right before you go to bed. Also become a raging alcoholic.

This is good life advice, not just advice to gain weight.



^I know, right? It's a pretty highly proven system. It is recommended by professionals.

Dance Hall Derelict wrote:

Also smoke lots of weed to keep your munchies at a constant high level.

I don't know man, I swear that stuff ups your metabolism. Although it will help get you a nice set of pot tits.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Chewy wrote:^I know, right? It's a pretty highly proven system. It is recommended by professionals.

Dance Hall Derelict wrote:

Also smoke lots of weed to keep your munchies at a constant high level.

I don't know man, I swear that stuff ups your metabolism. Although it will help get you a nice set of pot tits.

Even if it does...cheesey poofs!

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