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Some drunk driver ran me up a curb and almost into a tree tonight.

Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Driving down a 3 lane road in the far right lane tonight, and this guy speeds past me going like 80.

He then swerved into my lane, slowed down a lot, then sped up again and swerved to the far left.

He then slowed waaaay down, falling way behind me. Then sped up, and got next to me and swerved right infront of me. I was going 60, and instantly swerved to the right to avoid him. Hit the curb with my right front tire and literally heard and felt my suspension crunch. I managed to slam on my brakes before slamming into this oak tree on the side of the road.

the drunk driver of course was out of there before I could get his plate number.
He never hit me though, just ran me off.

And I spent like 10 minutes there, with my truck on the curb, me under it looking for any damage to my axles or suspension. Thankfully there isnt any.



Pft. Just let him hit you next time. If your truck is bigger than his car, maybe he won't be able to get away.

I hate drunk drivers.

If you drink and drive, Sheep will not love you anymore.



This is why you should always carry a powerful rifle with you. I would've got out of the car, shot his tires out and proceeded to beat the fuck out of him with a blunt object. Fucking asshole deserves a lead pipe to the face. Repeatedly.

Drunk drivers are scum.



Tell us how you really feel Ante! lol




Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nah he had an Explorer, or a Durango...something like that.
I have a puny 99 Toyota tacoma. I don't think letting him hit me would turn out well.


The best thing to do is take another road home if possible or pull into a lot or just slow down and stay parked on the side for a bit. Not worth risking your life to get home a few minutes early.



Or just help out humanity as a whole and shoot him.



sheep wrote:
If you drink and drive, Sheep will not love you anymore.

What about drinking and pantsing a Jehovahs witness in front of an old women?



Honestly I bet you could have crashed into him on purpose just to fuck with him. police get there and he blows a .15 youre good to go

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