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I realized something last night

Gary Effin' Oak.
Manila Plague
Captain Pirate Pineapple
The Adli Corporation
Epyk MD
Keyser Söze
Ron Swanson
14 posters

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Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't know if I'm feeling BF3 right now. Maybe it was lagging or it was just not the night for it but there was something decidedly off last night. There seems to be a randomness to how this game functions right now that I find frustrating and confusing. I lost at least 5 gunfights where prepatch I would have easily won. The fact that suppression throws off you aim THAT much is just absurd. Its like I have to roll some dice to see what random number I get to decide if I actually hit anywhere near where I am aiming.

I'm thinking I may join Sean in going back to some BC2, I have to get the disc back from a friend of mine, but right now I think its the right thing to do. BF3 just isn't a consistant enough game for me right now.


For me the rent a server killed it for me.

Before then, I could count on booting up at any given time, finding a match and having a blast.

Now its like:

1) Search
2) Find Server that has normal tickets and Conquest
3) Join
4) Find out it's not normal tickets
5) Leave
6) Find another server
7) Repeat 2-6 a few times
8 ) Find a server I like and play
9) Get kicked
10) Watch Netflix

The gameplay changes are whatever I can live with that although I question some of the changes as it seems like only people with Twitter account or who are vocal on EA forums influence these changes while a huge percentage of the population don't get a say.

I took a sabbatical from BC2 and I think I'm about to for BF3 as well.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I haven't been able to get into it much lately myself either, although the gameplay changes and rent a servers aren't my problem.

I think I just burnt myself out on it...

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ive been playing dr. mario.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

D wrote:The gameplay changes are whatever I can live with that although I question some of the changes as it seems like only people with Twitter account or who are vocal on EA forums influence these changes while a huge percentage of the population don't get a say.

I took a sabbatical from BC2 and I think I'm about to for BF3 as well.

im with you on that one, the people who are most vocal are usually screaming for nerfs... yay.

eventually we'll end up like BC2 with everyone complaining about how little damage all the guns do now. Rolling Eyes


The Adli Corporation wrote:
D wrote:The gameplay changes are whatever I can live with that although I question some of the changes as it seems like only people with Twitter account or who are vocal on EA forums influence these changes while a huge percentage of the population don't get a say.

I took a sabbatical from BC2 and I think I'm about to for BF3 as well.

im with you on that one, the people who are most vocal are usually screaming for nerfs... yay.

eventually we'll end up like BC2 with everyone complaining about how little damage all the guns do now. Rolling Eyes

In a perfect world, players would be able to vote on these changes via the front end of the game. If they can sell us shit there, then they should be able to put surveys or polls and stuff so that every person that plays would be able to sound off they were so inclined. I'd love to see something like this.

Not to say the results would be the only thing that influence these changes, but I'd like to see what percentage of the population really has a problem with things.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah that annoys me too. It took me 10 mins and 3 tries to find a match that looked playeble

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I just hate the rent a server thing. Quick Match throws you into one and it sucks. Not only that, but then you have a bunch of kids running them kicking/banning people because they are getting beat.



I gave up on BF3 maybe a month ago.Its a mess imo,been so since the beta but the last patch and boredom killed it for me and the way dice has supported this game plus the future dlc hasnt given me a reason to look forward to the future of this game or near future anyways.



I'm the opposite. I still love this game. Suppesion is a little whack but the rent a server just has not been an issue for me. Every night I find a dice server withing a few minutes. Consitantly so I know I'm not just getting lucky.

The game is still a lot of fun. I'm disapointed so many have jumped ship. I miss my team mates. Specially Terry and Sheep. Mills still plays thankfully he's just always on later than I am. We do get a few overlaps thio which is good!

Game is great! Yall suck!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I will still try to play with ya DL. This really has been a pretty isolated incedent I will say, but I was not feeling it last night at all. Maybe if I had some teammates and my team wasn't getting steamrolled while I felt like I was being robbed of kills this wouldn't have bothered me. But I had all those things going on at the same time last night and it sucked the fun right out of it.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Don't know what you're talking abot DL. I just played for a good 2 hours. Would have played more but no one was on. Might be on tonight.



What! Everyone should knopw what I'm talking about Kalei!!!!!!!!! HAHA

Seriously tho the rent a server dosn;t bother me.

I understand what your saying. SOmetimes I just have to stop playing because it dosn;t feel fun but thats happens with all games. I still have a lot of fun with BF3. More than not fun tho I do miss seeing people playing it for sure!

Last night I got home and played 3 games before cutting grass. Won the fist two and lost the last but they were good close games! On a EA normal server for rush! Found it withing second of going to server browser.

Fun stuff!

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

BC2 sounds interesting

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:What! Everyone should knopw what I'm talking about Kalei!!!!!!!!! HAHA!

Well if that's the case, then I guess I should start paying attention more.

Also, I'll be hopping online in like 20 minutes for some BF3 if anyone is going to be on.



I'll be on later but after work later.

Played with Terry, Greg, and Camel last night and we KICKED ASS!!!!! Lots of fun to be had!!

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Terry hit my complaint on the head.

BF3 is suppose to be a tactical shooter. I take the time to learn my preferred weapon inside and out, backwards and forward but you decide to make it so my better than average aim is rewarded by getting thrown out of wack by some wanker holding down the trigger with an LMG outside of its effective range. It ruined the gun on gun aspect I wanted the game for.

Not even bro.



BF3 is suppose to be a tactical shooter.

I realized something last night 00WNh



Gary Effin' Oak. wrote:Terry hit my complaint on the head.

BF3 is suppose to be a tactical shooter. I take the time to learn my preferred weapon inside and out, backwards and forward but you decide to make it so my better than average aim is rewarded by getting thrown out of wack by some wanker holding down the trigger with an LMG outside of its effective range. It ruined the gun on gun aspect I wanted the game for.

Not even bro.

pretty much.All they had to do was nerf the frag rounds and that would have fixed alot,but noooo they had to fuck everything up.It's extremely frustrating to be aiming at somebody right in the chest and not get a single hit marker sometimes.

Well,it's partly that they use client side hit detection which is pretty much p2p I'm assuming and not dedicated servers like how BC2 was.

I was on most of yesterday playing either resident evil or ac:revelations but never saw anybody on BC2.We should get a game going or something or at least all team up on BF3,I never see anybody playing really which is why I never get on,I refuse to play with a whole team of randies......they're honestly so stupid it's scary to think they knew how to turn on their xbox and have it hooked up online.Pats for patrick mr randie

that shows the intelligence of 99.9% of the randie population,the other 0.01% that's actually good,always magically gets put on the other team

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

MEGA MILK wrote:
BF3 is suppose to be a tactical shooter.

I realized something last night 00WNh

In this above post: Someone secretly butthurt about the tanks being paper.




bc2 > bf3 always

toss me an invite if you think about playing bc2



Terry did you see angrysquid made me and you admins on his server?

this server aint big enough for the two of us...

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Zillah wrote:Terry did you see angrysquid made me and you admins on his server?

this server aint big enough for the two of us...

Which is his server?

I say we settle this with .44's at 20 paces. the very top of Damavand peak at dusk!



Gamefaqs 1.1

Sounds like a plan... I know you wont show though.



oh god I think I gotta re download that 2gb patch for bc2 >__>

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Zillah wrote:Gamefaqs 1.1

Sounds like a plan... I know you wont show though.

Ohhh I will show. In fact I am already on my way. Remember to meet at the very top of the peak.



with the insane amount of suppression that the 6 shooters do... we could be there a while.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Whoever gets the luckier roll of the dice wins!

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I want to see this.



woo I finally got on last night and played with Inflatable Duck and went against Khult on Firestorm 750 conquest.I FINALLY got that Complete Warrior achievement for getting a kill in the jet,an assault rifle (I used AK74),and a tank without dying (which was hard as fuck since they nerfed it...1st time I've been in a tank post patch...I can tell why people are pissed) ....And guess who I got the tank kill on for the achievement,good ol Khult Razz

me and Duck barely won,we would shoot people and not get hit markers and they would instantly kill us.Even with tank shells no hit markers,or they just wouldn't die.Both of our teams were complete idiots....we were winning by like 400 tickets but our randies blew it,and in the end only won by 19 tickets....Khult's team just collapsed,doesn't surprised me by the randies on the team...I winded up getting best on my team.Their team had all bases locked down for awhile there too >__>

played grand bazaar conquest which I really liked,won by 86 tickets Razz

then played seine crossing rush with us all on the same team as attackers,it was annoying at times due to us being the only ones trying,we won w/like 6 tickets left.

then they got off and I played on Mills team...joined one game and we were the only ones trying on wake island rush defenders....lost...after that metro rush attackers and I did em dirty being recon with either the SKS or the UMP-45 Twisted Evil I got MVP and we won pretty easily.They weren't nothing without their pussy tanks and pussy attack choppers and wide open maps lol

felt really good to win

oohhh and should I mention,they should be ashamed,I did em dirty last night without my left trigger finger too Twisted Evil

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