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Running like Rambo.

Artimise Flare
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1Running like Rambo. Empty Running like Rambo. 2012-05-04, 18:39

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Been using the M60 lately, and while it certainly is not the greatest LMG (Certainly the least versatile) it does leave you with a good sense of satisfaction when you use it. It's very meaty sounding to say the least. It appears to shine in a defensive role, it's low RoF makes it a liability in CQC, but if you get setup with a bipod or something, even with open sights, you can go to town with this weapon.

I like it, it fits my slower paced play style when it comes to being a support player, you're supposed to be in the rear and with the gear anyway for the most part when it comes to playing support with belt fed LMG's (The SAW of course being the one exception).

Anyone else like the M60? I tried the M240B and for some reason I didn't click with it as much as I did the M60. The PKP is just as good but has some really vicious recoil.

2Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-04, 18:50



M60 is the best belt-fed LMG in my opinion, Toast's opinion, and Kirby's opinion. Probably Lead's too.

PKP and M240 are much more difficult to use when not deployed, and don't sound nearly as cool.

Half the time I don't even aim the thing, I just hip-fire and suppress. It works too well.

3Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 10:23



I don't play as support too often. In fact I only have like 27 LMG ribbons lol. But when I do I like the m249. Probably because I'm such an impatient son of a bitch. I just like to move around a lot.

4Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 10:24



Plus Rambo hip fired most of the time. His accuracy is only like 4% lol.

5Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 14:36


Charlie Sheen hip fired. Did you see his kill count? Massive.

*too lazy to insert a YouTube video of Hot Shots Part Deux scene here so... just use your imagination.*

6Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 14:43

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

no problem i got this

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

7Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 14:50


Manila Plague wrote:no problem i got this

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Embarassed Thanks.

8Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 14:53

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Manila Plague wrote:no problem i got this

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

reminds me of the ending of Commando Razz

9Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 20:26



i use the M240B with bipod extened mag and iron sights with the .44 scoped...i destroy with this set up

10Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-05, 21:27



I went like 125-10 w/the M240B w/3.4x scope,flash suppressor and bipod last night on metro where A is on rush....I held that thing down so good on conquest

11Running like Rambo. Empty Re: Running like Rambo. 2012-05-06, 12:53



Only Charlie sheen can throw bullets and kill you.

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