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Played last night for the first time in a couple days.

Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
9 posters

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Double digit deaths Sad but I didn't have a negative game.

Who's up for some battlefield tonight?



Wife's on;y night off is tonight so I don;t plan on playing the xbox tonight. I'd be game some other night this week tho for sure!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I played for a while last night. Played about 3 rounds before I ended up on OP Metro and about 3/4 through the match the enemy team ends up with Zilla, Milk, Camel, and Toastman. They knocked me around a little bit ( I still went 36-22), but my team was just about to close it out when my Xbox froze Mad



I just played for about 3 hours but didn't see you on...

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Terry Corp. wrote:I played for a while last night. Played about 3 rounds before I ended up on OP Metro and about 3/4 through the match the enemy team ends up with Zilla, Milk, Camel, and Toastman. They knocked me around a little bit ( I still went 36-22), but my team was just about to close it out when my Xbox froze Mad
and we still lost. Our randies were absolutely turrible .

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I haven't even booted up my xbox in like 2-3 weeks I've just been working like crazy.



Whenever I get on BF3 I never really see anybody on but it would be cool to team up...been using the AEK with heavy barrel,kobra sight,and front grip,really nice.Might even switch to the iron sights

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Camel wrote:
and we still lost. Our randies were absolutely turrible .

Yeah they were pretty bad. I was playing poorly, missing shots and shit, but I was still holding the line and capping flags. Every time that you guys died you lost a flag Razz



Camel wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:I played for a while last night. Played about 3 rounds before I ended up on OP Metro and about 3/4 through the match the enemy team ends up with Zilla, Milk, Camel, and Toastman. They knocked me around a little bit ( I still went 36-22), but my team was just about to close it out when my Xbox froze Mad
and we still lost. Our randies were absolutely turrible .

Is it me, or are randies getting worse?



I think it's just that you're getting more awesome.



Thanks man.



the randies have gotten worse lately,my kills have gone WAY up lmao.

I've been doin em dirty with sucky guns like the mg36 lol



xSBx610x wrote:Thanks man.


JrTapia1991 wrote:the randies have gotten worse lately,my kills have gone WAY up lmao.

I've been doin em dirty with sucky guns like the mg36 lol

There are no sucky guns. I just finished another 100 kills with the G36 and it kills just as good as the others.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The LMGs are all good now I'm telling you. Every gun is innaccurate due to suppression, so you might as well have the biggest one there!


Terry Corp. wrote:The LMGs are all good now I'm telling you. Every gun is innaccurate due to suppression, so you might as well have the biggest one there!
Nothing is good, everything is random... SUPPRESSIONFIELD 3. <big explosion>



I think the suppression needs to be toned down a bit since the latest patch (just a tiny bit though), but still needs to be higher than it was originally.

Personally I think it's an awesome mechanic and something shooters have needed for a long, long time.



I thought it was fine how it was when the game first came out...the screen would get blurry but the hit detection was still good,now,it just pisses me off....other day I shot a whole LMG clip at a guy 5 feet from me and got no hit markers

maybe it was just bullshit but I read on gfaqs you can delete the rent a server update and can play on the old servers



I shot a whole LMG clip at a guy 5 feet from me and got no hit markers

Yeah, that's what needs to be fixed.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

What I want to see happen is the area of where you get suppressed being decreased. For example if I'm around a corner about 3 feet from the edge and a guy is spraying a gun at this corner I shouldn't get suppressed. If I'm behind a short wall and he shoots it I should. I don't mind the suppression so much as I hate how often/easily it happens.



I really like the suppression. I kinda wish they had an indicator to let me know when I'm suppressing people though.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I just hate that as soon as you start to exchange shots with someone your accuracy is out the window. I have noticed I lose toe to toe gunfights just a little bit more often partially because of the randomness of the inaccuracy.



yea I think it's bullshit lol it NEVER seems to work in my favor,even with squad suppression on



Metalzoic wrote:I think the suppression needs to be toned down a bit since the latest patch (just a tiny bit though), but still needs to be higher than it was originally.

Personally I think it's an awesome mechanic and something shooters have needed for a long, long time.

I agree with that.

And I'm pretty sure DICE agrees with that. The senior designer was talking about how suppression was too unbalanced since the patch.



Cool. I'll listen to that when I have more time later.

...and it's always time for plot!

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