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Donation Link

Patrick Star
Epyk MD
Manila Plague
10 posters

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1Donation Link Empty Donation Link 2012-05-25, 00:22



<object width="250" height="250"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="color_scheme" value="gray"></param><embed src="" flashVars="color_scheme=gray" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" width="250" height="250"></embed></object>

So the way I'm rolling this is on a 3 month cycle. This is 3 months of running the server.

2Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 00:34

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i pay you in other ways....

3Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 00:45



Ill help out with this like I said. Gotta transfer money to Paypal though, which takes a week.

4Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 03:55



Manila Plague wrote:i pay you in other ways....

Donation Link Tumblr_m3u5yksy6U1rqjmpfo1_500

5Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 04:00



unisyst wrote:
Manila Plague wrote:i pay you in other ways....

Donation Link Tumblr_m3u5yksy6U1rqjmpfo1_500

Isn't that his sister?

6Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 04:15



Whats that off?

7Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 04:22



Frostbyrn wrote:Whats that off?

It is from the tv show community.

8Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 04:25



Really? What episode?

9Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 17:54



WOW are you guys trolling rofl. It's Deborah and Quinn (not related) on Dexter.

10Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 18:54



Yeah I got bored of Dexter and didnt watch it that much

But when he said Community I was like WTF what episode was that then since ive seen them all

11Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 19:55

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


12Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-05-25, 21:35



Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah I got bored of Dexter and didnt watch it that much

But when he said Community I was like WTF what episode was that then since ive seen them all

Yeah I do not watch community all that much so that probably is why I got them confused. Plus the last time I saw the gif it said that it was from community :/.

13Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-01, 23:09

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i'm bumping this topic as none have donated yet ...

i will sacrifice one of camels cows for every day that passes without donations

14Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-02, 00:03

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Not the cows D:

I can pitch in in about three days.

15Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-02, 00:48



i still think that all these funds should go towards getting me a new mic

16Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-02, 00:54



I'm sorry, I can't donate. I'm broke as fuck.

17Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-02, 19:51

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ill send the monies.

18Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-03, 01:03



Still haven't been told the IP for it...

19Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-03, 01:16

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

same as before.... what is your minecraft name as we have a whitelist?

live map is up still at

20Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-03, 05:56



I was going to donate, I really was. But that battle point boost in dota 2 was calling me :/ (I will donate if I start to play on the server again)

21Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-03, 16:34



Shit sorry guys. This totally slipped my mind. I gotta set up my paypal transfer and will send a few bucks your way.

22Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-03, 17:23

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

its coming i promise...

23Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 14:04



Manila Plague

same as before.... what is your minecraft name as we have a whitelist?

live map is up still at

My name is Bla125


24Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 14:07

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i will whitelist you next time i get on

25Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 14:12



I love you.

26Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 14:23



I actually love you more than I thought Mad

The reason I put the angry face is because it looks cute. Not because I'm angry, I'm very happy right now Surprised

27Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 14:50



I went to donate yesterday, but couldn't remember my damn paypal password.

Why would I donate at all? Well, I might dislike the PC, but I love you guys!

28Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 16:12

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Your so nice metal we barely deserve you.

29Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 16:23



Paypal is such a bitch haha

30Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:28



Sym wrote:Paypal is such a bitch haha

My problem is I don't remember the password, but it is set up with Kari's email address so I can't even do the "forgot password" option because I don't know the password to that email address.

I have to wait until she's home.

Fuckin passwords.

31Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Metalzoic wrote:Fuckin passwords.

how do they work?

32Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:40

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

time to call tech support

33Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Mmk Thursday ill donate $40.
Gotta wait for dat payday.

%irst of the month bills.. Mad

34Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:47



Epyk wrote:Mmk Thursday ill donate $40.
Gotta wait for dat payday.

%irst of the month bills.. Mad

You should be exempt.

35Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:51

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

im in the middle of banks (transferring to another that is better for students) and dont have paypal.

once i sort the bank out and get paypal i can send some Smile

36Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Metalzoic wrote:
Epyk wrote:Mmk Thursday ill donate $40.
Gotta wait for dat payday.

%irst of the month bills.. Mad

You should be exempt.

i pledged to pay half, and i dont do any work on the server so its the least i can do.

37Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 17:57



No, the least you could do is take down that scary baby picture of yourself.

38Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 18:03

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

really epyk that is a lot for one person to cover also you run this site at no cost to us

we were kinda hoping that each person could make a small donation

don't feel obligated to make a donation of that size or at all

also i'd like to thank the first person that has donated.... whoever you are

39Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 18:11



Sym wrote:Paypal is such a bitch haha
All it does it ask for how much you would like to donate and then you just have to put in your email and password.

40Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 18:17

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

and you are whitelisted Bla

41Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 18:33



Thank you Manila Smile

42Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 18:43



Bla125 wrote:Thank you Manila Smile

Uni does the work, Plague takes the credit. Division of labour ftw!

43Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 18:46



Also thanks for the 10 whoever put that in here. If you wanna make yourself known here, or pm me so I can keep a record.

44Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 19:36



Dammit I wanted to be first! Mad

45Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 20:47

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Bla125 wrote:Thank you Manila Smile

i totally leaned over from my desk and told uni to do this

46Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 20:49



I totally waited till Uni was AFK and buried him in a hole

Very Happy

47Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-04, 21:04



Alright guys transferred money just need to wait 3-5 days.

48Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-09, 17:20

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Bam Bitches.

had to use the wife's card >.>
mine (tied to the same account) does not work.

49Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-09, 18:22

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

thanks dude

50Donation Link Empty Re: Donation Link 2012-06-10, 18:56



Epyk wrote:Bam Bitches.

had to use the wife's card >.>
mine (tied to the same account) does not work.

Thanks dude!

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