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Info on the "Massive" BF3 patch going live June 4-5

Artimise Flare
Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
HydrasBreath ♜
13 posters

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Seems like a good patch.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

thank god they're nerfing javelins again. I might actually play this game now.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm liking most of this patch. I think the Javs may be a bit OP, but for how long it seems to take them to lock on sometimes, I'm fine with it. I think that little emblem they are talking about putting next to custom servers should be manditory. Or at least show it when you look at the server. Sucks when I join a server thinking it's a normal server (just rented) and it ends up being 500 tickets on Rush. My feelings is Dice made ticket counts the way they are on Conquest and Rush for a reason, no need to up the tickets because you're incapable of winning normally. More tickets isn't going to help you snipe your way out of your spawn.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Tom wrote:Seems like a good patch.

I seem to recall hearing myself say this before about Dice patches, but rarely do I say it afterwards.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Terry Corp. wrote:
Tom wrote:Seems like a good patch.

I seem to recall hearing myself say this before about Dice patches, but rarely do I say it afterwards.

yeah same here...that's pretty much been the story for every patch that's come out.



> Fixed exploit where you could teleport to the AA gun on carriers by firing an EOD bot at its door.


HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Zillah wrote:> Fixed exploit where you could teleport to the AA gun on carriers by firing an EOD bot at its door.


yeah I don't understand this one at if you're on the beach and deploy an EOD bot while aiming at a door on the carrier you'll be teleported to the AA?



lol!I had never heard of that before either 0__o

stingers will still be useless but I guess what else is new lol

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

"Rayzorblade 06.01.12 | 23:45

I’m amazed they didn’t address the lmg’s issue of being the be all end all weapon. My suggestion for the lmg is to simply make it take longer to fire after running, since its not intended to be a run and gun type weapon to begin with. As it is there’s essentially no reason to use another class for kills, since the lmg is just an assault rifle with about 8x the ammo. If this isn’t addressed by the release of close quarters, I guarantee it will be a bust, since 80% of ppl will be using support. Sad"

LOL WAT?! I get killed WAY more by assault rifles and engineers than I do by people wielding LMG's. Sounds like someone has got their panties in a wad about being killed too many times by LMG users in Rush or something.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've actually jumped into BF3, such a shame most of ya'll don't play on PC.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I just really hope they get it right this time. I don't want anymore unintended concequences similar to the dart or teh USAS frag roundss.



LMGs have awful moving accuracy and recoil makes it impossible to hit anything even when you're not moving. Only way to hit anything is with a bipod or prone with the foregrip.



I still don't see them fixing the fact that I can't play with the M9 with no attachments.

I guess I'll just have to keep using the mp443. Sad



xSBx610x wrote:I still don't see them fixing the fact that I can't play with the M9 with no attachments.

I guess I'll just have to keep using the mp443. Sad

What? Why not?

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I can't kill shit with an LMG, unless it's with a bipod or it has very low recoil (MG36) <_<

The patch LOOKS good, I'm just worried about what DICE will break now.



Metalzoic wrote:
xSBx610x wrote:I still don't see them fixing the fact that I can't play with the M9 with no attachments.

I guess I'll just have to keep using the mp443. Sad

What? Why not?

Idk. It just won't let me play without a tact light or a suppressor.

Tis bullshit.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

xSBx610x wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
xSBx610x wrote:I still don't see them fixing the fact that I can't play with the M9 with no attachments.

I guess I'll just have to keep using the mp443. Sad

What? Why not?

Idk. It just won't let me play without a tact light or a suppressor.

Tis bullshit.

do you mean you can select it but not spawn, or that it doesnt appear?

because IIRC you can only use the plain M9 as US and the plain MP443 as RUS, until a certain number of kills.



because IIRC you can only use the plain M9 as US and the plain MP443 as RUS, until a certain number of kills.

Yeah, you're right they are team specific weapons until you get 100 kills with them.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well I played today for the first time in months.

So far its great. Supression is still way more powerful then it was when the game was first out. But not so much overpowered that you can't do shit when a stray bullet passes you.

I don't know about all the tweaks and all that. But it played pretty damn well impressive to me. and remember I haven't touched the damn thing more then 4 tiems since the Frag-Usas days



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:Well I played today for the first time in months.

So far its great. Supression is still way more powerful then it was when the game was first out. But not so much overpowered that you can't do shit when a stray bullet passes you.

I don't know about all the tweaks and all that. But it played pretty damn well impressive to me. and remember I haven't touched the damn thing more then 4 tiems since the Frag-Usas days

What? You downloaded today's patch and found a server to play on?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah Metal, why is that impossible at the moment?

But yeah, took me 30-45 minutes to download the patch, a good 10 seconds for a spot to open up in Grey's game, and then I joined on the other team.

It was on CQ Metro, 500 tickets each team or something. My team had no bases, 193 tickets, while Grey's team had 498 tickets. Grey left randomly halfway thru aftter my team captured C and B.

Few minutes later we had A and had their team pushed in spawn.
Few minutes later my team won with 114 tickets.
It was awesome. And my first game in like 3-4 months and I came in 4th place with 27 kills 9 deaths.



I think my xbox couldn't handle the ass whooping I was giving the enemy team.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap




It was possible to DL the patch earlier but it wasn't possible to actually play or buy Premium. But right after I read your post I checked and it was working.

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