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Watch Dogs

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1Watch Dogs Empty Watch Dogs 2012-06-06, 23:35



I'm buying this when it comes out. Looks really immersive. It has all the elements of an awesome game to me. Deep storylines, challenge, amazing computer-y stuff, and above all...BULLET TIME Very Happy

2Watch Dogs Empty Re: Watch Dogs 2012-06-06, 23:52



Its just assassins creed

Without the Assassins

3Watch Dogs Empty Re: Watch Dogs 2012-06-06, 23:52



Assassin's Creed with computer hacking and bullet time. Sounds fun to me.

4Watch Dogs Empty Re: Watch Dogs 2012-06-06, 23:56



Yep I imagine Assassins Creed 4 will be something like this and entirely focused on Desmond

5Watch Dogs Empty Re: Watch Dogs 2012-06-07, 00:12



Agreed. But you know, I feel a little burned out on Creed. If I get Assassin's Creed 2 from Khult, I'll play through that a few times, but I'm not advancing to Brotherhood, Revelations or 3. Just feels used. This has some feeling of freshness. It's weird.

6Watch Dogs Empty Re: Watch Dogs 2012-06-07, 00:14



3 is looking good

I always enjoyed them if only to throw money on the ground and then poison passing a brute so he beat the shit out of a load of civilians

7Watch Dogs Empty Re: Watch Dogs 2012-06-07, 21:44



On the one hand that looked very cool and like something I would be interested in.

On the other hand I couldn't even finish watching the video because it bored me to death.

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