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Stephen Colbert

Epyk MD
Ron Swanson
6 posters

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1Stephen Colbert Empty Stephen Colbert 2010-10-02, 03:17

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Colbert is my hero. I love his show and I have his book. Givin the opportunity I would vote for the guy for president (hopefully he runs again). I just think that he is as witty and hilarious of a TV personality as there has ever been.

Any other Heros on the board? Maybe people near the DC area who plan to attend his rally "The march to keep fear alive"?

BTW I, and any other Colbert lovers should get our own group "Heros". since it will come down to us to keep this great nation marching forward, blindly, and without reason, to a future which we cannot possibly imagine (the fear part anyway).

2Stephen Colbert Empty Re: Stephen Colbert 2010-10-02, 04:14

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I watched his c-span address to congress. While very blunt, it made you think.
It was pretty humorous and pissed off congress and the press at the same time.

3Stephen Colbert Empty Re: Stephen Colbert 2010-10-16, 02:21


I love Stephen Colbert. Even though he makes fun of conservatives, and I happen to be pretty conservative, I think he's one of the funniest guys on TV. I find him a lot funnier than John Stewart, who's just kind of a jerk to be funny. Colbert is wittier and just funnier in every way.

4Stephen Colbert Empty Re: Stephen Colbert 2010-10-16, 11:02



I enjoy watching both the daily show and the colbert report.

I saw the address to congress he did and of course being a funny man they didn't take him seriously!

5Stephen Colbert Empty Re: Stephen Colbert 2010-10-18, 12:02



i've been liking the daily show more recently.

colbert's fake personality gets a little old after a while IMO. he was my favorite guy on the daily show when he was still on that though.

6Stephen Colbert Empty Re: Stephen Colbert 2010-10-18, 13:19



I've watched both back and forth, kinda like Daily Show a bit more, I use to watch it when Conan O'Brian use to host it, If I have off I might check out the rally's, DC only 20min away.

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