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First Big Kill

Manila Plague
6 posters

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1First Big Kill Empty First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 05:41

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

this guy had a bad day

2First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 05:46



I have no idea what most of that means but sounds like you beat his ass Very Happy

3First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 13:08

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yeah we ruthlessly jumped the guy and he had no hope for survival

to give some context his total loss in ISK (game currency) was around 2 billion

2billion would pay for 6months of gametime subscription and he lost that in less tan a minute. one months of game time is about $15

4First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 13:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

so you trashed $90 worth of stuff?

must suck having an actual reference for ISK Razz

5First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 13:20

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Manila Plague wrote:yeah we ruthlessly jumped the guy and he had no hope for survival

to give some context his total loss in ISK (game currency) was around 2 billion

2billion would pay for 6months of gametime subscription and he lost that in less tan a minute. one months of game time is about $15

So how much you can play depends on how much currancy you have in the game?

Either way good for you. Fucking pwned that kid!

6First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 13:22

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

it's a pirates life for me... yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum

having a real world figure makes it even better

each eve pilot has to make money in some way to fund his play time or they have to pay $15 a month to play

this individual spent his time killing NPC rats but then he got jumped by our pirate gang... poor guy didn't see it coming

7First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 16:58



Ouch man, sucks to be him. Is there any secure NPC bank that pilots can drop money in, or is it whatever they have in their ship?

Also, I love your avatar picture for EVE

8First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 20:05

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

this guy said i broke the EULA by baiting at stations... bitter vets

9First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 20:19



QQ they mad Razz

10First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 20:23



Remind me tonight I have to give you my crap

11First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 20:45

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

frost give me you stuff tonight

12First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-13, 20:51



Its the middle of the afternoon man Very Happy

But yeah I will

Also I thought you werent going to be a pirate but a pirate hunter

13First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-14, 00:12

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

well im getting on now so anytime frosty

taking down a 2 billion isk ship and podding the guy is quite a lot of fun

the guy i baited at the station was a try hard... he had two accounts going and at the end after i almost killed his 3rd ship he tried to gank me in a prophecy... that guy is also a 5 year old player might i point out

14First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-14, 20:40

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i think i'll use "the Walrus Killer" to bait noobs in Pasha

as for the omen and the maller those will get converted to low sec gank ships

thanks again frosty

i'll try to get some screens to go along with my next kill mails

15First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-14, 20:45

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Pariah wrote:Ouch man, sucks to be him. Is there any secure NPC bank that pilots can drop money in, or is it whatever they have in their ship?

Also, I love your avatar picture for EVE

your money is not lost if you loose your ship and Pod... if your ship dies then everything attached to the ship and it's cargo is lost. Now if your Pod is killed you DIE.

you will go back to where you first got a clone (hopefully you have one) you will loose skill points unless you have insurance

long story short pariah this game is brutal and this guy learned that today

16First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-14, 20:56



My EVE online Picture is far more Badass

17First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-14, 21:21

Manila Plague

Manila Plague


18First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-14, 21:22



I look like a fucking Smug Sith lord Very Happy

19First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-14, 22:03

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

not enough beard

20First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-15, 00:09


Pariah just sadistically wiped out all the time and money this guy invested into EVE? Oddly, I have the feeling that you did him a favour.

21First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-15, 04:48

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

rifter is good

22First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-15, 14:48

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

frost i'll have the malediction trained in about a week

after that will be stealth bombers Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

23First Big Kill Empty Re: First Big Kill 2012-06-15, 18:29



I had Stealth Bombers trained Very Happy

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