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whats goin on guys?

Patrick Star
The Adli Corporation
Cardboard Fox
Epyk MD
14 posters

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1whats goin on guys? Empty whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:00

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

been busy with work and the sort.

haven't even had time to do much gaming recently.

2whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:02



in Serbia. My only gaming outlet is flash games online, and TF2 with Adli. Had some fun trolling this morning and backstabbing people.

3whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:03

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Not much, one exam left and then I have two months of freedom. I'm thinking of getting a part-time job so I have something to do and can earn some money, but it's difficult to find anything.

4whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:05



Getting ready to move this Saturday, only to move a second time the next Saturday.

Last day of work for my current job to morrow and first day of my new job next week. Shit's been stressful, I need a vacation. Too bad I don't get any until 90 days Sad.

5whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:08



When are you guys gonna play TF2 again?

6whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

playing some games (TF2 and JC2 mainly, with a little MC and Skyrim thrown in) and getting some work here and there. got some tomorrow morning Smile

7whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:43



First trip to the beach since last summer.

8whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 19:44



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

9whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 20:20

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Just enjoying the last days of my free time before i has to go to summer schoolz but it's self paced so i might be able to be done late July.( it ends august 9th)

10whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 20:31



Just got back from the amusement park, was there all day. summers been good so far

11whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 20:32



New gaming PC. Thinking about trading in some older games for new ones.

12whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 21:05

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Still dealing with the crazy ex while now banging the one bartender at my bar. Had a rough time last night as neither one would stop texting me about coming over to sleep with them. Didn't want to as I had a lot to do at work today and haven't had much sleep since last week Tuesday.

13whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 21:14



Just text her and say

"Honey,You got real ugly" Very Happy

14whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 21:27

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Yeah, but then no more crazy sex or bartender sex..... And well let's face it, I like the sex part.

15whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 21:29



Frankly I dont give a damn

16whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 21:48

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well I do! Without my lady friends, I would only have drinking.

17whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 21:50



Your right without the girls your just an alcoholic

18whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 21:56

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Frostbyrn wrote:Your right without the girls your just an alcoholic

Couldn't agree with you more.

19whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 23:26



on the down side i may or may not have testicular cancer

20whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 23:27



Dont be Nuts Kman Very Happy

21whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 23:31



in all actuallity i'm pretty sure its nothing but im not joking right now frost

22whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-21, 23:41



Yeah ive been there before

Had this mole on my crotch that had to Biopsy when I hit puberty

Turned out it was nothing youll be fine man

23whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-22, 00:32



Went shooting today with my dad and a friend today. I re-certified them to continue to be able to carry as retired police officers. Also got to shoot my conceal carry handgun a little more, which went pretty well. I shoot that gun better than I have ever shot ANY other gun. I love it.

24whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-22, 00:35



Are you crazy!

The last guy from Alabama to carry a gun got shot in the ass! Very Happy

25whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-22, 14:24



I'm confused Frost, I thought I was from Kentucky?

26whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-22, 14:29



nothin much man, just tryin to live day 2 day, bored as fucking hell with my current games....I've been tryin to sell Black Ops and GTA4 w/the expansion disc and some other games for awhile but no bites yet...probably use the money to get RE6.

probably only gonna be able to get RE6 if even that

27whats goin on guys? Empty Re: whats goin on guys? 2012-06-22, 17:57



Im from the future Volt

In the time I come from Alabama and Kentucky have merged into one state

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