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Am I the only one who still plays ME3?

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I always have to play with stupid randoms who don't understand how to play on Gold ~_~

Someone come play with me sometime Very Happy

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I could maybe do some ME3 tomorrow after work if youre free then.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I stopped playing because no one had it for PC.... :<



I'm out of school, and out of a job, so I'm pretty much free all summer.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I still play fairly often. I'm caught up in BF3 and Dawngaurd right now but I will probably play some tonight. I will keep an eye open for you.



are you on my fl conker? i was just trying to play gold with randies today. it surprisingly went fairly well. youre on xbox rite? i'll send you a fr.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Any of the new races any good?
Better than a human sent?



1fnbighen wrote:are you on my fl conker? i was just trying to play gold with randies today. it surprisingly went fairly well. youre on xbox rite? i'll send you a fr.

Awesome, we should play some pubs later.

Epyk wrote:Any of the new races any good?
Better than a human sent?

The Phoenix Male is okay. His Smash ability is REALLY strong and good for biotic explosions.

I've heard that Vorcha is really fun to play, but I have no personal experience.

Quarian Male is a bit iffy. His Arc Grenade is pretty damn strong, and I think it acts like Overload and stuns shit.

Overall, the new races are pretty meh. But the new weapons, oh boy. The Reegar is the most overpowered thing ever. Slap it on an Infiltrator that can drain shields and you'll plow through anything that isn't a Banshee, Brute, Atlas or Prime. And even they go down quickly if you just put on some armour piercing or incendiary rounds.

The Krysae is also really powerful, doing AoE damage and having three shots per clip. It's pretty much perfect for the Geth Gold on Firebase White strat.



i have been playing a good amount since that dlc came out and i have not gotten a single character, ive wanted to use the vorcha and the phoenix vanguard but spectre packs havent been pleased with me apparently



Phoenix Adept is pretty fun. Seeing everything explode from Smash is always satisfying. I don't have the Phoenix Vanguard, but I can imagine it's equally as fun, or more since you have Biotic Charge. From what I've seen, Vorcha are really fast and agile, and can be pretty tanky since Bloodlust gives massive health regen if you get multiple stacks of it.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The Vorchas are neigh invincible if you can keep killing enemies. The Pheonix guys can really throw out mad damage with Smash. The male quarians are allright, teh arc grenades amazing, but tac scan is kinda meh to me, but useful on boss enemies.



Quarian Male is REALLY good vs Geth. Tac Scan on Primes makes your job easier, plus Arc nades drain shields quickly. But other than that, not very useful.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The Pheonix vangaurd is my favorite class right now. Just use smash through walls, biotic charge to regen shields and a hurricane to unload on all the mob creatures. I have yet to be outscored as him, you just need to be really careful where and when you use smash.

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