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character help

The Adli Corporation
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1character help Empty character help 2012-07-06, 08:53



I need help choosing a new character to build. I already did a nord assassin, khajitt thief, orc two-handed hell, and working with my pure high elf mage. Heres what I'm considering:

Durzo Blint build (I know one person knows) :Breton; Sneak, alchemy, one handed, archery
Black knight: Heavy armor, destruction, conjuration, one handed
Paladin: same as black knight except with restoration

2character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 08:54



anything else interesting you guys might have I'm open to doing

3character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 08:55

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Art made a paladin build on the PC, perhaps he can help you out Smile

4character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 09:01



just looking for some interesting or challenging ways to play the game

5character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 09:02

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ConciliarFox wrote:just looking for some interesting or challenging ways to play the game

Iron Man?

you die, you delete your save... Twisted Evil

6character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 09:11



Actually, I'm starting a dead is dead character too. That'll be an argonian archer/poisoner. I'm just trying to create a backstory.

7character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 18:52



born as the real last shadowscale his mother fled the dark brother hood assassins who were trying to take you
after twenty odd years of running your mom is dead and you are trying to cross the borders of skyrim when... well we all know how that turns out dont we

8character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 19:58

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I did a pure high elf mage. It was fun but you really gotta get your enchanting up fast in order to reduce the cost of spells. I always ended up needing the dagger I brought with me until I realized I could cut the cost of spells in half with some good enchantments.

9character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 20:14



Do an actual Norse warrior Very Happy

Use the Dawnguard light armour in red and only use an Iron sword Very Happy

10character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 20:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:Do an actual Norse warrior Very Happy

Use the Dawnguard light armour in red and only use an Iron war axe Very Happy


11character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 20:18



I would use the Dawnguard axe if your going for the Axe type

But I prefer the iron sword looks sexy and its the only longsword all the rest are broad swords or scimitars

12character help Empty Re: character help 2012-07-06, 20:57



that dark knight looks fun....I've kinda been wondering this myself.Currently on a lvl20 khajit "thief" who turned out to mostly just snipe with my bow and hit with axe up close and in my left hand have healing spell,using light armor

pretty much the same as my lvl 81 nord warrior,except he had daedric armor and daedric sword and healing in left seems so generic now thinking of it playing the same way,but that healing spell has saved my ass too many times to not use it...

I've never even messed around with enchanting in this game,never saw a need for it,except maybe as a mage

for my next char I might do two handed heavy armor (maybe daedric or ebony,or,dragonbone) Orc with warhammer,snipe with crossbow if they're far away,up close,use warhammer.For enchantment on the warhammer,idk,maybe absorb stamina so I could spam power attacks Laughing

always been curious of doing a mage or necromancer.It would be cool to have some powerful conjuration stuff

I miss the old days of being able to spam iron daggers to increase it takes forever

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