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New Premium Assignments

Artimise Flare
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
Keyser Söze
12 posters

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1New Premium Assignments Empty New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 10:26

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Unlock – F2000 Woodland Oak Camo

Pre-requisite Premium Assignment 1 completed
100 kills with the F2000
50 squad revives
25 kills with the underslung shotgun

Unlock – Pecheneg Tactical Camo

Premium Assignment 2 completed
100 kills with the Pecheng
25 Claymore kills
25 vehicle kills with C4

Unlock – L96 Digital Woodland Camo

Premium Assignment 3 completed
100 kills with the L96
50 squad spot assists with the MAV
350 meter headshot with the L96

Unlock – Scar-H Berkut Camo

Premium Assignment 4 completed
100 kills with the SCAR-H
20 kills with AT mines
5 air vehicles killed with AT launchers (RPG/SMAW/Javelin)

Unlock – Navy Blue Digital Camo for US Soldiers and Woodland Stripe Pattern for RU Soldiers

Pre-requisite F2000 Specialist, Pecheneg Specialist, SCAR-H Specialist and L96 Specialist Assignments completed
500 kills with Assault
400 kills with Support
500 kills with Engineer
300 kills with Recon

I love new assignments, no matter how ridiculous they might be. It gives me shit to do, as I often get bored playing for too long without a goal left to shoot for, especially since all medals and previous assignments are done.

2New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 10:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Not having things to do is one of the few things that stops me from playing all the time.

3New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 10:46

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I on the other notice a drop in playing hours once everything is achieved. Leveling up is just boring after some point. At least now I got new things to fuck around with.

Now, I'm off to go and be a useless 12x scope sniper hiding on the mountaintop for that stupid 350 headshot.

4New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 11:05

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

350 meter headshot!? I don't see me getting that one. I think my longest headshot is like 150 or something like that.

5New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 11:30



What the hell? New camos for the weapons that already have extra camo?

Whay the hell don't they put out camo's for guns that don't have any yet. That is stupid.

I would also like them to fix it so you can pick completely different outfit camo for each faction.

6New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 11:32



Yea my longest is 214...... Tho granted I've never tried for long headshots but still..... I doubt I'll be going for that one soon.

7New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 11:38

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Just tried the headshot bit of the assignment. I got 277,


It's like DICE want you to be useless to your team.

8New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 11:59

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

From what I gather a 350 headshot is approx. the second line under the middle of the 12x scope.

Maybe it's not that hard after all, but just a matter of grinding it out until you find some prone target at the right distance. Still a grind.

9New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 13:23

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Rectal Tenesmus wrote:It's like DICE want you to be useless to your team.

What if I'm already useless to my team with my fun C4 tactics.... ...

10New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 13:50



I like assignments too, but like said before. Why is it weapons that already have camo? And why only four new ones?

11New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 13:57

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm happy just with getting assingments, I couldn't care less about what they unlock to be Frank.

12New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 18:17



>_____> I say we find a game and get the 350 headshot if we all want it,cuz I don't see myself ever getting that damn thing

yeah I agree it should of been camo for new guns

13New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 18:34

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


Yeah baby!

First I got a 344 first and was like, "ah no!", moved back 10 feet and took out the guy that spawned off the first guy before he died.


Next step, eat my own grenade and get rid of that 12x scope crap.

14New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 18:57



>____> how did you get it?On Firestorm?

15New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 19:09

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Mine is 538m, and I don't camp on some mountain like the average Recon players...

I spot the crap out of everything and usually take out the enemies medics if I can help it. Funny how I didn't want Recon to be my best class, it just...happened. More of a Support and Assault kind of guy, but there are many times where sniping just seems to be where I'm needed, especially with some of my friends who play with me. They usually fill the gap on the other needed classes. I get stuck with MAV and SOFLAM duty *grumble grumble*

16New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 19:26

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

JrTapia1991 wrote:>____> how did you get it?On Firestorm?


17New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 20:54



350 headshot isnt really that long, my longest was 717 meters (proof in sig)

18New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-09, 22:28



well I got a 102m headshot on metro..maybe 350 wouldn't be so bad

19New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 11:48

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It's not hard assuming you find someone that's not moving and that you get the shot on the first try, otherwise once they hear the bullets fly by, they're out of there.

20New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 12:31



You have to do the rangefinding shot away from them so they don't get suppressed.

21New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 13:04

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

MH wrote:You have to do the rangefinding shot away from them so they don't get suppressed.

I found even doing that, just the sound of bullets makes most people flee.

22New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 18:57

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Shoot way off to the side so that they can't hear the round. The round literally has to fly right next to them to hear it.

I do it all the time, once I have my range, I go in for the kill.

I posted a video showing how each rifle behaves and how to read the x12 scope. You should check it out. It was extremely helpful.

23New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 20:42

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Doesn't matter, I got the stupid 350 headshot anyway,

24New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 20:48

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Was plying some TDM on Damavand, got 151 and it counted it towards the 350....

25New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 20:51



yeah mine says 102/350....urg.really not looking forward to it.

got all the PKP kills,need 23 claymore,and I've only blown up 1 or 2 vehicle with the c4

26New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 20:54

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Good thing that the L96 is my favorite sniper rifle. I swear I really don't do as well with the others, an exception to the M40. I can't shoot worth a darn with the M98B.

27New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-10, 21:15

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Annoyed that I have to use certain guns and I hate when you have to do all the other new assinments before they start counting towards the final one.

28New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 04:05

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I wish they made camo for the other weapons, I want some Urban camo for my G3 darn it Sad

29New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 04:25



after you get at least 1 of the other assignments done,the kills start to count towards the last one...a chore to do,400 kills with each class I think.

That F2000 was suddenly so much better with a kobra red dot's my fav now

Got the medic assignment done,got 388m kill with L96 so my nightmare is over

30New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 12:51



Artimise Flare wrote:I wish they made camo for the other weapons, I want some Urban camo for my G3 darn it Sad

Yeah, this pisses me off. I want camo for all of the weapons.
Fucking douche-bag, moron, skill-less, Swedish, block-headed fuck-tards.

31New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 15:17

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, damn Metal that's some rage you've got there. JK

What weapon and what kind of camo do you want most? I wouldn't mind Digital or even the simple woodland camo for my G3.

32New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 15:32



I already know I'm not getting a single one of these done.

33New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 15:35

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, whys that mega?

34New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 15:42



25 kills with the underslung shotgun


25 vehicle kills with C4


100 kills with the L96
50 squad spot assists with the MAV
350 meter headshot with the L96


20 kills with AT mines

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

35New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 15:44

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Play BF3...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/quote]

36New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 16:27

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, don't play BF3 anymore Adli?

37New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 16:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Artimise Flare wrote:Lol, don't play BF3 anymore Adli?

no. fucking randoms.


38New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 16:47

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ah, you on the 360?

39New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 16:50

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yes. and i have no intention of rebuying for the PC either Razz

40New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 17:06

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, such a shame man, the experience is completely different on PC. I have some friends that I run with all the time, would have loved to have you in the squad Smile

41New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 17:10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Artimise Flare wrote:Lol, such a shame man, the experience is completely different on PC. I have some friends that I run with all the time, would have loved to have you in the squad Smile

the last FPS i played on PC (excluding a few games of TF2) was the original Halo, i'd be horrendously bad Laughing

42New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 17:18

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, well just keep practicing and I'm sure you'd get your edge back. When I first came back to the PC I sucked balls too.

43New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 17:21

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ill be able to get some free practice in on Tribes and Blacklight Smile

44New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 17:30

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Well, if you ever decide to get it for PC, look me up, would be awesome to have another SEC'r to run with.


45New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 18:26



Id love to play more with you Art, but your always playing Caspian....ugh

46New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 18:33

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, not your favorite map eh. Any reasons why?

47New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 18:41



I hate it lol.

Its one of my least favorite maps, along with Grand Bazaar.

I dont really like using vehicles and the only place infantry combat is common is on D, always.

48New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 18:48

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ah, I like the map, it gives me room to move around and flank. It feels pretty well balanced and offers something to most players. Long range, short range (Hilltop) vehicle play and the like.

Only maps I don't like are Metro, Davamand peak (Because I ALWAYS have to go smoke nades in order to get my team to do anything) and to some extent Grand Bazaar.

49New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 21:29



meat grinder maps like metro and bazaar are my favs Very Happy

got so many double kills with the F2000 last night playin with Zillah and everybody on grand bazaar CQ....the other team kept spawning on each other,but it didn't do them any good, entire 4 man chump squads got sprayed down in no time

One that's going to be a pain in the ass is the AT mine kills.The AT launcher on vehicles would seem to be easy,just soflam and javy it,but alot of the times you just disable it or they bail out

50New Premium Assignments Empty Re: New Premium Assignments 2012-07-11, 21:30



Grand Bazaar CQ?

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