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fun night last night

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1fun night last night Empty fun night last night 2012-07-13, 16:11

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Playing last night on Scrapmetal with a Spas 12 and slugs. started the match 12-2 and got banned, not booted, banned for life. I know I killed the admin 3-4 times or so so he must have had enough of that shit >_>

Then I was playing with Majora and Synical jester (Grey and Camel joined later) on some clan server called Boss. At one point there was 6 of them vs the 3 of us, but after 2 rounds of getting pwned by us all 6 of them quit at once. lol Booted those suckers off of there own server.

2fun night last night Empty Re: fun night last night 2012-07-13, 16:26

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I want to play...

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