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I smell the nerf bat coming to the SCAR-L

Keyser Söze
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The thing is ridiculously powerful, with little to no recoil even in automatic fire. Slap heavy barrel on it and it pretty much spits out lasers. Not so great in CQC but I can just smell the whiners bitching about how it needs to be nerfed.



I haven't seen anyone complaining about it anywhere.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I don't know, I think it's because it's not widely used....yet.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I doubt it. It may be a beast at range, but up close...

Yeah right.



Turn around corner. Meet AEK.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

MH wrote:Turn around corner. Meet AEK.

Or even a G17 for that matter.

The Scar-L kills slower at close range than the bubonic plague.



If they nerf this gun's long range capability it's really going to hurt my view of where this game is headed. I'm super happy that this expansion added more specialized weapons instead of a bunch that were either crap or just jack-of-all-trades weapons. I'm going to be pretty upset if that move is reversed just because the community needs something to bitch about.



variety in a gun? we cant have that...



yeah I hated how in BC2 by the end they pretty much were all nerfed to being the same,I like how in this game guns actually have different roles

never cared for the scar-l much.I'd rather use the AK74 and burst fire it at range with iron sights and heavy barrel

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Don't get me wrong, I don't really see how the rifle is OP, but I can definitely see the community crying their asses off about it.

We shall see.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze




If anything gets hit, it'll be the how-the-fuck-did-DICE-let-this-happen-powered M417.

And maybe the MTAR.



yea that 417 is nasty especially on hardcore >___>

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I don't know, I have not used the M417 to really judge it in depth. I hate going against it though, to me it felt like a very BS weapon. As powerful as an M39, but has a fairly high mobile accuracy (From my experience) fires faster, and appears to have fairly low recoil.

It seems to trump every other semi auto sniper out there, why would you use them in the aggressive sniper role when the M417 can easily outclass them at both close and medium to long range?

Also, what's wrong with the MTAR? It's a great weapon at medium to close range, but you'll never hit anything beyond that from my experience with the gun.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Neither need a nerf.

The only thing that needs a nerf is th 93R.

But crybabies will be crybabies and unneeded changes will happen.




Artimise Flare wrote:I don't know, I have not used the M417 to really judge it in depth. I hate going against it though, to me it felt like a very BS weapon. As powerful as an M39, but has a fairly high mobile accuracy (From my experience) fires faster, and appears to have fairly low recoil.

It seems to trump every other semi auto sniper out there, why would you use them in the aggressive sniper role when the M417 can easily outclass them at both close and medium to long range?

Also, what's wrong with the MTAR? It's a great weapon at medium to close range, but you'll never hit anything beyond that from my experience with the gun.

M417 shots travel slower. It's the worst sniper rifle for actual sniping. Not that I mind.



417+acog,front grip,and silencer = QQ Razz

started playing a little hardcore last night out of boredom and that gun fucking pwns >___<

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was playing Damavand Peak on Rush this weekend and we were attacking the second base. I was using the M417 and I go into the building to drop a spawn beacon when to my surprise I run into 6 enemies. Hand to god I gunned all six of them down with the M417 in one clip. Just firing from the hip with a laser sight. The gun is amazing.



I mowed down a whole team hip firing with it too at the A base on metro conquest 0__o couldn't believe it.Then I got killed by a pistol while reloading

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The M417 is basically the Assault Recon's go to weapon. It's basically a semi AR...

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