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Who else has seen Prometheus? *SPOILER ALERT*

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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I just came back from seeing it and I got to say, it was excellent.

It was one of my most anticipated movies of not only this year, but the last couple of years in general and while some reviews worried me slightly (I do take any review I read with a grain of salt as I like to make up my own mind) with their complaints about the movie not answering questions both preexisting and brought up in the film, I thoroughly enjoyed it and to be frank, I've always liked some unanswered question in my sci-fi. Call me old school, but I prefer to have a question left dangling in front of me, begging of me to formulate my own theories and answers, rather than have a bad explanation that is either contrived or makes little to no sense.

I greatly recommend this film to anyone that has enjoyed the Alien movie(s) and the mythology contained within, but be forewarned that while the plot of the movie takes place in the same universe Ridley Scott created with his seminal film Alien, it isn't exactly a prequel to those films as much as an interconnecting story that sets the stage for the thriller that Scott released upon moviegoers in 1979. But don't let this disappoint you, as it is a great movie.

Now some things I liked about the movie.
- CGI was spectacular and manged to seem quite realistic despite the scale of things created on screen
- Charlize Theron is an amazingly sexy woman (I wonder how old she is) and her ass still looks good in anything.
- Good cast without too many big names, yet strong performances all around
- Ridley Scott has never let me down personally and I'm glad to report that he still hasn't
- I love space and the premise of extra-terrestial life, so this is right up my alley
- A satisfying ending in my opinion even though questions are indeed left unanswered
- H. R. Giger's artistic conception is amazing

Concerning some of those unanswered questions:

One thing though did irk me, especially being the stickler for continuity that I am:

Check it out!!!!


This one easily gets Greg's Stamp of Approval TM


EDIT: Some further info I found on the movie which helps clear some of the confusion posted in my last spoiler:

Damn, I demand answers!!!

What did you think of the movie and what theories have you formed after seeing it?

Last edited by Rectal Tenesmus on 2012-07-14, 23:40; edited 1 time in total

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I liked it but I have never seen anything but Alien so I don't really know about the back story...or anything like you do.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Miles Edgeworth wrote:I liked it but I have never seen anything but Alien so I don't really know about the back story...or anything like you do.

Well, essentially, Prometheus is the back story. The "problem" is that while it answers several questions, it leaves a lot to speculation, which depending on what kind of person you are, can kill it for you or not. As I stated, I like unanswered questions in my sci-fi, so I am content, but I can understand why some people might not be.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Also, go watch Alien, Aliens and Aliens 3 NOW!!! But stay well away from Alien Resurrection.

EDIT: edited original post.



It was good as a movie I guess but I got so annoyed that nothing is actually answered. It seemed like one giant hype fest for a sequel that will explain what happened. They literally didn't answer any of the questions they brought up within the movie.

The opening scene I thought that perhaps the giants were upgrading themselves into humans or something with that black goo because it seemed to change their dna into human dna.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Dave wrote:It was good as a movie I guess but I got so annoyed that nothing is actually answered. It seemed like one giant hype fest for a sequel that will explain what happened. They literally didn't answer any of the questions they brought up within the movie.

Well, as I stated before, I am not bothered by this approach. I am generally not a fan of hang endings though, thus my deduction from a perfect score on this one, but I found the movie was so superbly crafted that it's a forgivable offense, especially in light of a possible sequel. I thoroughly enjoyed this film, so I would welcome a sequel.



other than a few things at the end that dont match up correctly i loved the movie

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

infadel117 wrote:other than a few things at the end that dont match up correctly i loved the movie

Such as?



the guy at the end was supposed to be in the gunners seat on the crashed ship not in the human escape pod...actually i cant remember but there sould be 3 more things that didnt fit

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


Taken from

Last edited by Rectal Tenesmus on 2012-07-15, 00:20; edited 1 time in total



a) the giant in the opening scene seems to somewhat "melt away", unless this is some how a precursor to evolution of human life on Earth, but if that is the case, the fact that there is already plantation on Earth would lead to the theory that humans are of different origins to the rest of life on our planet. Yet, we somehow manage to fit into the symbiotic circle of life on Earth? How?

These guys seem to be pretty much omnipotent compared to humans. I feel like they could have made humans to fit in with whatever they wanted, hell, since the giants are so similar to apes themselves, maybe they even made the rest of the earth as well.

b) when they analyze the giant head they find out that they share the same genetic code anyway, so how much a change is really made if your hypothesis is indeed the case? Possibly just in size it appears, but for what purpose?

There must be some kind of difference between the humans and giants that we just don't know yet. Maybe they're more susceptible to aliens and would make better test subjects or they're less susceptible for some reason? It seems strange the giant would sacrifice himself to create a test subject in the opening scene if they're actually just test subject.

The other option I think is that the aliens are based off of giant DNA and the giant in the beginning is turning himself into the first alien. I think aliens would have to share some similarity with our DNA in order to fit in with our pregnancy functions too.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

@ infadel
This should answer you main question.


@ Dave, you make some good points. Check out my post before yours, as I think most answers are there.



that is interesting. Always forget that aliens aren't always on the same side as their own race.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It all seems to go very deep making it all the more interesting.
I like how there seems to be a hefty dose of ambivalence and duality to the various concepts expressed within the film.



Rectal Tenesmus wrote:@ infadel
This should answer you main question.


@ Dave, you make some good points. Check out my post before yours, as I think most answers are there.

so why did they make that ship crash in the same way as the one on Derelict
anyways the sequel that they are inevitably going to make better tie up all the questions left by the ending

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

infadel117 wrote:
Rectal Tenesmus wrote:@ infadel
This should answer you main question.


@ Dave, you make some good points. Check out my post before yours, as I think most answers are there.

so why did they make that ship crash in the same way as the one on Derelict
anyways the sequel that they are inevitably going to make better tie up all the questions left by the ending

But we don't know how the ship that was found on LV-426 in Alien crashed, so how do you deduct that it crashed in the same way?



i'll come back in a sec i have to use *dun dun dddduuuuunnnnnnnn* Google!

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

This will be good...



infadel117 wrote:i'll come back in a sec i have to use *dun dun dddduuuuunnnnnnnn* Google!

Who else has seen Prometheus?  *SPOILER ALERT* Tumblr_m74vhgLsC31qk9rjso3_500

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

da fuq...



mass effect modding community.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It looks like infadel got lost googling...



alien crashed ship
Who else has seen Prometheus?  *SPOILER ALERT* Images10

prometheus crshed ship
Who else has seen Prometheus?  *SPOILER ALERT* Ffffff10






direct embedded links from google. You make us proud *tear*



fuck that
i saved the pic and hosted it google sucks balls

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

infadel117 wrote:alien crashed ship
Who else has seen Prometheus?  *SPOILER ALERT* Images10

prometheus crshed ship
Who else has seen Prometheus?  *SPOILER ALERT* Ffffff10

I think this is more an allusion to Alien than anything else. An eye candy of sorts for both fans of the Alien series and fans of H. R. Giger* as well. It just happens to be two ships of the same model crashed on similar terrain. The similarity I think is purely coincidental.

*The man that designed the original Alien and spacecraft from the 1979 film.

Kudos on using Google. Wink



Rockin! thats how i roll

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Also, I had not paid attention to the movie at all before it was released, saw like one trailer and wanted to see it. So I had NO FUCKING GOD DAMN CLUE it was related to Aliens till like the final 3/4 of the movie. Imagine my damn surprise.



really not even weland corp.
or the big chair in the ship

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I saw Aliens when I was like 9 dude. you know how long ago that was? Like 10 fingers ago or somethiing....And even now I got no idea what you are talking about.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Miles Edgeworth wrote:Also, I had not paid attention to the movie at all before it was released, saw like one trailer and wanted to see it. So I had NO FUCKING GOD DAMN CLUE it was related to Aliens till like the final 3/4 of the movie. Imagine my damn surprise.

I had been waiting a couple of months for this at least. Once I heard that Ridley Scott had something to do with a new Sci-Fi movie, I was all over it.

I can imagine that not knowing it was related to the Alien universe would make it a pleasant surprise.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Miles Edgeworth wrote:I saw Aliens when I was like 9 dude. you know how long ago that was? Like 10 fingers ago or somethiing....And even now I got no idea what you are talking about.

Go and watch Alien and Aliens now, before I knock on your door and hit the first person that opens.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That would be hilarious since the only one ever downstairs is my friends mom.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Seriously though, go and watch.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Pirate Baying them as I type this. Will watch atleast one tomorrow after work.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Alien is a straight up thriller that just happens to be sci-fi. Must watch in the dark.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Fine I will watch it at night...god do you want me to watch it at all?



no just till the credits

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

To be honest, I couldn't care less. You're the one missing out though, if you don't.

Aliens is more an action film btw.


I really liked Prometheus. I liked that it didn't answer questions as well. And I haven't seen the Alien movies, so I got to appreciate it on its own. I haven't tried interpreting it much, but I think it did leave a lot of room to form your own opinions which really made it great to me.



i dont know about you guys but my favorite zenomorph related scene is the one in avp requiem where the dad says "see [molly?] there are no monsters" and the fucker gets jumped by a warrior

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

That film was horrible.



but that scene was awesome
just that scene the rest was absolutely terrible

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