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BF3 best bulpup assault rifle?

Cardboard Fox
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Artimise Flare
9 posters

Which is the best bulpup rifle IYO?

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BF3 best bulpup assault rifle? Vote_lcap20%BF3 best bulpup assault rifle? Vote_rcap 20% [ 3 ]
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1BF3 best bulpup assault rifle? Empty BF3 best bulpup assault rifle? 2012-08-01, 22:35

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

F2000: Great all around weapon, won't be sniping anyone with it, but its stability in full auto at medium ranges certainly makes it a top contender IMO.

FAMAS: Long range is not its forte, but when used in conjunction with the heavy barrel and bipod, the FAMAS is capable of some surprising accuracy. However, it suffers from the fact that if you tried long range shots off hand, you'll more often than not lose the fight. The FAMAS shines in CQC, short to medium range. its high ROF usually means that you'll destroy enemy players before they know what hit them. However, compared to the F2000, the utility of this rifle loses out when it comes to reload times. The FAMAS simply cannot compete in this department, it is best used in a semi conservative manner, focusing on ambush tactics and good use of cover, and a high capacity side arm of some such would be highly recommended due to its blistering rate of fire. When used properly, the FAMAS is a very capable weapon, if now an underused one.

L85A2: Good pretty much all around, with an exception to a moderately low rate of fire. Accurate for the most part in automatic, and fairly impressive accuracy at long range with the heavy barrel attached. Performs very similarly to the Ak74m

AUG: Jack of all trades, master of none, the AUG is a viable rifle, but will be outclassed by others, the F2000 fires faster and is better suited for medium to close range, the M16 has better long range full auto accuracy. But the short comings of the two other rifles are inconsequential to the AUG as it can do it all, long range, close range, medium range, all with reasonable effectiveness. A great weapon if you want to be versatile and have the ability to engage at nearly any range.

KH2002: I sadly can't comment on this rifle, since I've never really used it. I'll leave the comments for this one to someone more knowledgeable.

In the end, I'd say the F2000 wins personally, it just seems better and more useful in regards to engagement ranges that an assault player will usually be running into.

Last edited by Artimise Flare on 2012-08-02, 02:45; edited 1 time in total



F2000 to me. I have the most kills with it, and the ROF is insane.



Makes no difference to me performance wise, but I do think the KH2002 is fun to use.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I've only used the F2000, AUG, and L86A2. Speaking on those 3 alone, the F2K wins. It's ROF and CQB abilities make it a beast.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I had to revise my views on the FAMAS, Ive actually been having a lot of fun with it as of late. Never thought I would have. What gets me is the agonizingly long reload times and the necessity for me to go prone and use a bipod in order to make long range shots. Other than that, it's been a blast destroying enemy players with it.

You pretty much almost never see it anymore, at least on conquest you don't. Just with the recoil was toned down in semi auto mode so that longer range shots were not such a pain in the ass. You'd think you were firing 7.62 rounds or .50 BMG' out of the damn thing with how much the optics jump with the FAMAS.



I use the FAMAS



You forgot the TAR, which is what I would've chosen.

Picked the other sand people gun instead.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

L85 isn't the best, but it's the one I enjoy using the most so I voted for it.

It's also the best looking one IMO, just beats the AUG.



Ive always thought the AUG was beautiful.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

MEGA MILK wrote:You forgot the TAR, which is what I would've chosen.

Picked the other sand people gun instead.
I think these are just assault bullpups or else he would have included the QBZ, A-91, QBA, ect.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

F2000 followed closely by the KH2002. Technically I think the KH2002 is better because it has the range advantage over the F2000, but I do love that hipfire.



Just got 1000 kills with the F2000 last night



if you know how to use it,k2002...F2000 is good since the last patch.The one before,idk what the hell it did,it was shaky as hell,but now with the front grip it's pretty stable.

I really like it with the kobra red dot,heavy barrel,and front grip

funny because I couldn't use the thing in BC2

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

JrTapia1991 wrote:funny because I couldn't use the thing in BC2

Thats because it was terrible in BC2 lol

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I did pretty well with the F2000 back in BC2, though I think my go to weapon was ironically the Thompson.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

if you did well in bc2 with the f2000 then you were just better than your opponents Razz

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

the F2000 in BC2 was the best gun ever to ever do anything ever.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I used to go 3-4x my deaths with the Thompson, which I think is saying something considering how much of an advantage other players had with their AR's and LMG's

If they brought the Thompson back, that would once again be one of my top 5 weapons for sure Very Happy

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I got a piece of lovemail from 2 opponents on BC2 using the thompson just saying "man you destroyed us with the thompson! We would love to play with you again"

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

That's nice, honestly, I think it was one of the best all kit weapons you could have. Extremely low recoil, and had a pretty good amount of punch. In the right hands, it could rip apart enemy players in short time, not to mention very respectable hip fire accuracy, plus, it was heavily underutilized. A weapon that required finesse and skill IMO.

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