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AC3 PC version delayed 3 weeks

Artimise Flare
Ron Swanson
9 posters

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1AC3 PC version delayed 3 weeks Empty AC3 PC version delayed 3 weeks 2012-08-10, 17:15



Fuck Ubisoft

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I haven't decided if I'm gonna get this or not. I find that I enjoy AC games, but they all feel the same to me in the end.



This one is a must buy to me. The setting is enough alone for me.

Plus I love the series.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't like how he is an indian. I have to deal with indians up here in MT and about 75% of them are awful. I know its silly but it bugs me just a little.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Should I be ashamed to say I've not played this series...not once?



Artimise Flare wrote:Should I be ashamed to say I've not played this series...not once?

I've played em all except for Brotherhood.Beat AC1 which burned me out badly on them,getting that achievement for doing all the sidemissions in the halfway done with AC2,beat Revelations

they're ok,but I would never pay more than 20 bucks for one,if that...


Terry Corp. wrote:I don't like how he is an indian. I have to deal with indians up here in MT and about 75% of them are awful. I know its silly but it bugs me just a little.

Terry Racist Corp



they're mad at the white man for taking their land



JrTapia1991 wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:Should I be ashamed to say I've not played this series...not once?

I've played em all except for Brotherhood.Beat AC1 which burned me out badly on them,getting that achievement for doing all the sidemissions in the halfway done with AC2,beat Revelations

they're ok,but I would never pay more than 20 bucks for one,if that...
i agree with that but ac3 is looking very promising, after ac1 i never bought the others, they were all either given to me as presents or i got to play them cause the step dad had them

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'll probably end up getting this at some point. I played them all up until brotherhood and then got completely burnt out on them. Probably didn't help that I got them all basically at the same time so I just plowed through them one after the other.

As much as I love the Renaissance I was getting pretty tired of Ezio so I'm glad they went with a new main character.



I'm pretty disappointed by the setting tbh. American history is so boring. I was really hoping they would go with either Egypt or Feudal Japan.



[quote="Shinma"][color=red]I'm pretty disappointed by the setting tbh. American history is so boring. I was really hoping they would go with either Egypt or Feudal Japan.[/color][/quote]

American History boring...ok?

Now the History of North America...that's not boring. How everything started with the Europeans to present I find it all very interesting and fun to learn about...wish I was majoring in history.

EDIT: To clarify the 'how everything started with the Europeans' statement, I meant when they started showing up in North America.



I'm a little disappointed in the setting, since American history has always bored me too , and honestly, AC2 is enough for me. I feel very wary of getting 3, since 1 (on PC) and 2(on xbox) are just so long and tedious at times. Don't get me wrong, they're really fun, but sometimes feel likie they were stretched out, just so Ubisoft could boast about a long play-time.



yeah that's how I felt that they dragged on wayyyy too much.

like in Revelations,having to go to that one weird city that's like inside a wtf was the point of that lol.I guess to find that one dude and smoke him out

I watched a video on AC3 somebody posted here I think and it kinda reminded me a little of Skyrim and the guy going into a village to do some sidequest.

I was surprised at all the little branches and stuff he could jump on so fluidly



Pariah wrote:I'm a little disappointed in the setting, since American history has always bored me too , and honestly, AC2 is enough for me. I feel very wary of getting 3, since 1 (on PC) and 2(on xbox) are just so long and tedious at times. Don't get me wrong, they're really fun, but sometimes feel likie they were stretched out, just so Ubisoft could boast about a long play-time.
the first and second games are very tedious but brotherhood and revelations there is a little more variation, note i said a little its not major

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