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Is it wrong too...

Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
9 posters

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1Is it wrong too... Empty Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 04:10



Just watch terrible fucking parenting and laugh

Was just at a restaurant and this Chick was to busy skanking it up with some dude to watch her toddler


*Poked a fork into an electrical socket for awhile before becoming bored

*Climbed up onto an empty table and poured all the salt and pepper out

*Drew on the table in Ketchup

*Knocked a lamp off the table

*Fell off the table, landing on his face he then proceeded to cry really fucking loud

Hes mom finally tore herself away from the guy she was with and came and got him at that point

2Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 06:13



it makes me hate humanity a little more every time I see it lol

3Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 07:45

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

that's pretty hilarious, other than the fork in the socket. i'd have taken the fork away from the baby if i'd seen it do that.

4Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 11:16

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I would laugh. And laugh hard.

5Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 11:29



required breeding licenses here we come

6Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 12:36



Where were the restaurant staff? No way would I let that happen if I were working there.

7Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 13:21

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Ante wrote:Where were the restaurant staff? No way would I let that happen if I were working there.


8Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 14:50

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I would have yelled at that lady and made a big scene

9Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 17:40



I would have just called CPS on her.

I have no respect for bad parenting.

10Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 18:38

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

anyone who allows their children to make a mess at resteraunts should have to work a full shift their to pay the place back.

11Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 18:39



Oh Ive seen some shit you wouldn't believe

< Waited table for 2 years at a very busy restaurant

12Is it wrong too... Empty Re: Is it wrong too... 2012-09-07, 18:57



I use protection so I dont have to deal with this crap at all Very Happy

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