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[PC] The merging is complete

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1[PC] The merging is complete Empty [PC] The merging is complete 2012-09-23, 08:37



Posting from updated rig.

Still have to install more stuff, update, and backup.

Will post pics and stuff soon.

Benchmarking might have to wait for another day.



Need more tidying up, but right now I feel lazy
[PC] The merging is complete SAM_0949_zps0faeacbb

[PC] The merging is complete SAM_0955_zps30518131

This is how it looks lit up, with room light off
[PC] The merging is complete SAM_0954_zps56e6f3c0

And for the heck of it, my old ram that I'm going to toss in my office PC. LoL
[PC] The merging is complete SAM_0953_zps2a348fb2



Gah~~ Windows & Gah~~~ Norton 360

Registry is messed up, as I forgot to disable registry touching by Norton, and things don't seem to work as I planned it to be.

Well, CLEAN INSTALL AGAIN, tonite...



Thought you said you didn't play Starcraft.



Well, I used to.

Until a traumatic experience...


StormEye wrote:Well, I used to.

Until a traumatic experience...

Hand surgery?



Nothing physical.

It was a long time ago, and it was the first time I felt the "StarCraft = Korean National Sports" by personal experience...



[PC] The merging is complete Chiyob10

All setup! Again...

Benchmark will have to be delayed once more due to time constraints...



I don't even understand how it's possible to build a computer that neatly.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Chewy wrote:I don't even understand how it's possible to build a computer that neatly.

drug-fueled OCD?




It might be hard in the beginning, but so is manual transmission.



Storm is just good at wiring. Hes obviously done it a bunch of times.

Ive built four PC's from scratch, but still suck at the wiring.



The Adli Corporation wrote:
Chewy wrote:I don't even understand how it's possible to build a computer that neatly.

drug-fueled OCD?
It's not really difficult, given you have the room in your case. I'll put a picture of mine up sometime. I think it's slightly neater than Storm's, but I don't have as much in my case as he does.



The Adli Corporation wrote:drug-fueled OCD?

Maybe not drug fueled (really?) OCD, but I do have a slight OCD.

I did skip a few steps to make mine the usual tidy, as I just do not have right material for wrapping, and just am not sure whether anything is broken (replacing mobo will mess up the wiring again...).

I say the key to tidy case is (if you are not going to hotwire stuff yourself)
1. Good/Decent case that has some sort of cable management.
2. Knowing exactly what you need for connectivity and power, then place your components in your case in a logical order and position.
3. Wrapping up loose wires
4. Strapping down those wrapped wires
5. (Optional, but recommended) Modular Power Supply Unit

I managed to pull off a benchmark (screenshot at home, so will post later) before I left for Office.

Got 1250 (I think it was exactly 1250) for Unigine Heaven Benchmark.

4.6ghz motherboard auto OC was used, that also set a limit on my GTX680 to 1250mhz max frequency (but I think this is bypassed by my ASUS GPU Tweak as it limited to default setting, almost). I left GPU Tweak as default to just see how 4.6 auto OC runs, and it worked fine.

The problem I had was that Virtu MVP REFUSED to start up Heaven correctly, and crashed every single time. Maybe I set something wrong for it, so I turned it off (but I forgot to switch off onboard graphics just in case of wrong benchmark score, so this score may be wrong). Will need to do some more figuring out with this feature.

Will write up a mobo review, short one I think, about ASUS Maximus V Formula of my usage so far.



[PC] The merging is complete D-mode

Maybe thats why.

I have not touched UEFI setting about primary display, and left it alone as default/never-checked.

Working in a bank and doing a research about my PC.





< Has severe OCD

Think most of you know this

Off topic sorry



StormEye wrote:[PC] The merging is complete D-mode

Maybe thats why.

I have not touched UEFI setting about primary display, and left it alone as default/never-checked.

Working in a bank and doing a research about my PC.



Um, I would think that it would automatically be set to your primary display. Otherwise you wouldn't even see a start menu or anything, just an extended display.

Virtu works great in Heaven for me, but it doesn't work in Crysis or Crysis Warhead;it causes unbearable artifacts. Also can't run the HD texture pack in Crysis 2.

But if you find out a way to get it working I would expect your score to be at least 1300.



I should run Heaven again

Do you guys put everything on max when you run it?

Id be curious to see how my 580 stacks up against the 600 series you guys have



Yep, I always run it with everything on max. Highest I've gotten is 1180.



Sym wrote:I should run Heaven again

Do you guys put everything on max when you run it?

Id be curious to see how my 580 stacks up against the 600 series you guys have

Here is my stable OC benchmark setting, so use these settings
[PC] The merging is complete Untitled-8

I just don't know what would be causing the problem, if that is not the problem.

If I can get it to work, I am shooting for 1400+.

I got close to 1300 with my previous mobo and slightly unstable OC settings (the one posted in the other thread is stable setting), and I know it will perform better in this setup.



StormEye wrote:

I just don't know what would be causing the problem, if that is not the problem.

If I can get it to work, I am shooting for 1400+.

I got close to 1300 with my previous mobo and slightly unstable OC settings (the one posted in the other thread is stable setting), and I know it will perform better in this setup.

Yeah I don't know what would be causing it either... Are the drivers up to date for it? Does it work for other games?

Hopefully your virtu chip thingy isn't bad or something. I'd try poking it.



Nice Ill run this soon and post my results



Chewy wrote:
StormEye wrote:

I just don't know what would be causing the problem, if that is not the problem.

If I can get it to work, I am shooting for 1400+.

I got close to 1300 with my previous mobo and slightly unstable OC settings (the one posted in the other thread is stable setting), and I know it will perform better in this setup.

Yeah I don't know what would be causing it either... Are the drivers up to date for it? Does it work for other games?

Hopefully your virtu chip thingy isn't bad or something. I'd try poking it.

I REALLY hope not...

I've had a share of horrible luck for a while now, and don't want it coming back at me again...

I have not run ANY game, ANY GAME, with this new setup yet. I spent so much time trying to get my setup

1. up to date
2. cleaning out unnecessary stuff (touched only "guaranteed to be safe to the system" files)
3. System imaging - in case I decide to reset my rig again for speeding up clean install



Well stupid Heaven is being stupid and wont let me save my image

BUT i scored 900 with everything maxed



Was the Vsync on?

That should be off.



You talking to me ? haha

I had V sync off

I use old skool photobucket for my image hosting and it doesnt recognize the file



OH~~~ thats the problem.

You can't upload straight away.

Printscreen then paste it to paint or something.

Then upload the IMAGE.

The file generated by Heaven is HTML.

EDIT: I was referring to the score. I thought you would get somewhere around 1000.



Weak maybe Ill do it tomorrow again

But I scored exactly 900

This was with a stock EVGA GTX 580 without my OC

Maybe Ill click my OC profile and try again



Did you ever tested your card to reach a stable OC frequencies?

I'm pretty sure 580 can reach pretty high, compared to its base frequency.



No I have not. I just go by the core clock.

I tested again with my OC but I only scored 900 again this time.

Not sure what I did wrong.
My OC should score a higher number, no?



SHOULD, but there may be some complications (unlikely though).

What are you using to OC?



MSI afterburner



When you upped the clock, did you make sure to press Apply?

I know I forgot to press Apply once before when using MSI Afterburner.



Hmm I didnt press apply

Let me try again



Scored 901.......



Sym wrote:Scored 901.......

Well, that is just within error margin of your first score.

What frequency did you push your settings to?



Wow I feel like a noob

How di I see my frequency?

Do I need to go into the BIOS?



Ummm..... no....

[PC] The merging is complete Oc-msi-afterburner

From the above image, you can see all three clocks.

I suggest you start with something like that.

Core Clock 840~850 (Shader should be linked)
Memory Clock 2200

Don't overvolt, unless you know what you are doing.



Shit Im a noob

My voltage is 1075

I never touch that. Only the core clock.



If you never touched your voltage, then don't worry about it.

Sometimes people undervoltage for whatever reason (less heat, but less overclock possibility).

What core clock did you shoot towards?

580 should be able to handle suggestions made in my previous post, on virtually any card.



I was going for a core clock reading of 800.

Im at 797 right now and its very stable



Push it further than that.

I think the default should be like 772 or something.

797 is not pushing far enough.



Wow I totally meant going for core clock of 1000

Im at 902 with my OC right now

Sorry, Igave you the stock clocks



Sym wrote:Wow I totally meant going for core clock of 1000

Im at 902 with my OC right now

Sorry, Igave you the stock clocks

[PC] The merging is complete 1232550259442



That image is exactly how I felt

Sorry man, about 9 beers deep right now lmao

You think I can push it higher?



Whats your exact model?



EVGA GTX 580 Super Clocked



If you can run 902 STABLE, then go for it.

Though, I think its a little too high for stable OC without voltage changes.

If anything, run some games for a while (those that you KNOW that run without crashes). If it crashes step down 10mhz at a time.



[PC] The merging is complete 3qbf


I got Virtu MVP working!

Though I am not sure why it is, OLDER VERSION (the one that comes with CD) works, instead of the updated one I downloaded from Virtu's main site... So I am not sure if I am experiencing bugs or not.

Without Virtu
[PC] The merging is complete Withoutvirtu

WITH Virtu



Did a few different stress tests and settled with these superficial settings (too lazy to list out detailed power settings for now, and have no way to double check as I'm in the office right now).

CPU: 4.5ghz (1.35V)
iGPU: 1250mhz Max (default should be 1150 I think)
GPU Core: 1245mhz (actual performance 1258mhz) with + 1~5mhz error margin (since I experienced problem with 1251 and did not have time to fine tune)
CPU Memory: 6084mhz (the default setting pushed it to this value, so I stuck with it for now)

I still need to OC memory, but that probably has near 0 actual performance benefit, so I am not sure whether I'm even going to bother.

Below is the Heaven Benchmark score with above settings with Virtu MVP Hyperformance
[PC] The merging is complete Withvirtuandgpuboost

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