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Hi, how are you guys?

Dropped Da Soap
Cookie Monster
10 posters

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1Hi, how are you guys? Empty Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 04:59

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I've been mia for a a longgggggg while. If you guys don't remember me I use to play BFBC2 with you guys a lot. XBL GT was ZooNraug. I just fell off the board, and didn't have a 360 anymore. But I bought BF3 for the PC so is anyone shooting it up on there?

2Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 05:00



I have not played in a while, but if you want to play some time just send me a message on steam.

3Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 05:11



I've got it. Wrapped up in Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2 at the moment, though.

4Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 05:30



Of course I remember you

Your asian

Thats all I remember Very Happy

5Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 05:52

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

And I still remember your Gifs Frost. lol. You and someone.

6Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 05:53



Most likely Soap

With that Ben Stiller avatar

7Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 06:57

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What avatars?

I know if no such thing

8Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 18:41



Ya., I moved to PC as well.

I'm pretty awful at controls still, though.

9Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 18:42



yep im on PC as ducksaws.

most of the sec moved to pc actually.

10Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 19:46

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I'm on PC origin ID is slvspartan

11Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-01, 19:53

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

<- Steam ID

12Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-10, 05:22



Hey Cookie Monster and Frost and dropped da soap, no way. Nice to see you guys all again. I also moved over to PC when I moved to dorms for school which is why I dropped off the map!

fighter4u is my steam name feel free to add me. I have BF3 on PC and play starcraft 2, a bit of LoL, Trouble in Terrorist Town and of course Minecraft. I am also looking at getting TL2 and BL2 as well! Just been looking for people to play with so if ya all adds me I would totally pick them up!

13Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-10, 05:30



We have pretty much all moved to PC

14Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-10, 08:48



Not all of us, there's a pretty big xbox population

15Hi, how are you guys? Empty Re: Hi, how are you guys? 2012-10-11, 08:45

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Ohhh man. The hackers. It's not often you see the blatantly hacking ones, but there's a few where:
Hi, how are you guys? 35ql

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