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Batman Arkham City good?

Dropped Da Soap
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1Batman Arkham City good? Empty Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 02:20



I see the GOTY version with the "expansion" and other DLC for 30bucks right now on amazon,but....everybody I've ever talked to has said it's really just worth a rent.

They said it's a cool game, but it's too short, and I heard no replay value *shrug*

I never even played Arkham Asylum. I HATED how clunky the controls were when I played the demo of was more stiff than GTA4 is....and that's BAD dude lol!!! Razz

2Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 02:31



JrTapia1991 wrote:I see the GOTY version with the "expansion" and other DLC for 30bucks right now on amazon,but....everybody I've ever talked to has said it's really just worth a rent.

They said it's a cool game, but it's too short, and I heard no replay value *shrug*

I never even played Arkham Asylum. I HATED how clunky the controls were when I played the demo of was more stiff than GTA4 is....and that's BAD dude lol!!! Razz

It's supposed to be.
I never even put mine in my system before I traded it so I don't know first hand.

As far as super heroes go Batman is less-lame than most.

3Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 02:32



Game is awesome

About 25 hours though

4Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 02:41



25 hours is waaaaaay to long for me anymore.
If it isn't multiplayer then I want to be done in 10 or less. 7 is perfect.

5Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 02:41



Not me

I like long games

I like my SP games to be at least 25 hours. Anything less and Im disappointed .

6Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 03:01



I used to be that way, but I just buy too many games. If I can't finish it quickly then the odds are that I'll never finish it because I have to move on to something else.

However I can't stand owning to many physical games at once, so I sometimes end up selling them before I finish them or even try them.

7Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 07:04

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Get it. I spent almost 100 buvjs on it. Still play it occasionally

8Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 07:59



I wanna check it out....and get Dark Souls again for the DLC that came out today Razz hell maybe Dead Island too haha

9Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 08:53



Kurz wrote:Get it. I spent almost 100 buvjs on it. Still play it occasionally

Really? I only spent like 30 buvjs on it.

10Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 09:18

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yup. I bought it for sixty the day it was out. Then a week later amazon got the collector's edition in stock for 80 bucks. So I bought that and sold my friend my old Copley for forty.

11Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 10:23



Metalzoic wrote:
JrTapia1991 wrote:I see the GOTY version with the "expansion" and other DLC for 30bucks right now on amazon,but....everybody I've ever talked to has said it's really just worth a rent.

They said it's a cool game, but it's too short, and I heard no replay value *shrug*

I never even played Arkham Asylum. I HATED how clunky the controls were when I played the demo of was more stiff than GTA4 is....and that's BAD dude lol!!! Razz

It's supposed to be.
I never even put mine in my system before I traded it so I don't know first hand.

As far as super heroes go Batman is less-lame than most.

Batman is my favourite hero (back in the original comics and stuff he was badass).

The Joker is my favourite villain, he is just so .... brilliant.

12Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 10:48

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

My friend had it and he loved it. And the bit I saw looked pretty cool.

13Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 10:56



I forgot to mention that I bought it last November new for $29.99 and it came with Arkham Asylum gOTY edition as well.

I didn't try either one of them. Traded them in for more than I bought them for instead.

14Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 11:02



Arkham City I actualy played and was awesome. everything was awesome.

Asylum I never finished.

15Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 13:57

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I thin kits worth it but campaign isn't that long. I really like it though, he really messes people up. It's fun to play just to pass some time. Theres also challenges in the main menu you can do. I tried one and it was pretty fun.

16Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 17:57



The game is about 20-25 hours

Not short for a game like this IMO

17Batman Arkham City good? Empty Re: Batman Arkham City good? 2012-10-23, 23:23



I recommend the game. Its pretty darn awesome.

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