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Bones (TV show)

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1Bones (TV show) Empty Bones (TV show) 2012-10-27, 19:59



Anyone else watch this? I generally can't stand procedural crime shows, but in a random act of extreme boredom decided to give it a whirl while perusing Netflix. First episode was kinda ehhhh, but after watching the second one I can't seem to stop watching this show...

So yeah, anyone else? I'm about halfway through season 3 right now.

2Bones (TV show) Empty Re: Bones (TV show) 2012-10-27, 20:00



I have watched since it of my favourite show...barely watched the recent season though

3Bones (TV show) Empty Re: Bones (TV show) 2012-10-27, 20:20



I've never followed it by show, but every once in a while I'll catch an episode or two, it's definitely one of the better shows I've watched. I like Bones, she's awesome and seems like she'd be a lot of fun to hang out with, and Booth's belt buckle has always been pure awesomeness

4Bones (TV show) Empty Re: Bones (TV show) 2012-10-27, 20:46



Most of the crime shows all seem the same to me. I figure if I'm going to watch one of them it might as well have Nathan Fillion in it so I watch Castle.

5Bones (TV show) Empty Re: Bones (TV show) 2012-10-27, 21:25

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

castle is the shit.
i watch bones, but its kind of getting meh for me this ...and most of last season.

6Bones (TV show) Empty Re: Bones (TV show) 2012-10-28, 01:19



I like the X Files

7Bones (TV show) Empty Re: Bones (TV show) 2012-10-28, 02:52



the new season should be coming here soon i thino

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