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damn, the US election results are confusing

The Adli Corporation
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The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

House of Representatives
Electoral College
Popular Vote


im trying to make sense of the BBC new reports but i have no idea what im looking at XD



Get drunk

But just drunk enough to reach that philosophical phase where you understand the mystery's of the universe

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i left my case of San Miguel in Wales Rolling Eyes



At least Americans know who the other candidate is

Nobody in NZ has any idea who the head of the labour party is atm Very Happy



The popular vote is the vote of the people, which then decides the votes of the elctoral college (each state has a specific number of electors), these electors then select the president.

The house of representatives and the senate are the two chambers of congress.



If it makes you feel any better, most Americans don't understand it either.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ok, so im looking at the projected popular vote atm, since no states have declared yet.

thanks pariah Smile



Senate: Roughly like the house of lords (but elected)

House of Representatives: House of Commons (Except the president isnt the speaker)

Electoral College: The weird (personally I think stupid) way Americans count presidential votes. Each state is assigned a certain number of points based on its population. Candidate wins a state, he gets the points. First one to get to 270 points wins. Its what actually matters in determining the winner

Popular Vote: Total number of votes the candidate gets nationally. A candidate could actually get more votes in total and still lose (Happened in 2000 with Bush v. Gore)

My estimate is that Obama gets either 290 or 303 electoral college points

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Zillah wrote:Electoral College: The weird (personally I think stupid) way Americans count presidential votes. Each state is assigned a certain number of points based on its population. Candidate wins a state, he gets the points. First one to get to 270 points wins. Its what actually matters in determining the winner

yeah, i knew that part. i wondered what the popular vote and congress were on there for Razz


Electoral college does more harm than good IMO, because in the end they could disagree with the voters and do w/e the hell they want.



chunckylover53 wrote:Electoral college does more harm than good IMO, because in the end they could disagree with the voters and do w/e the hell they want.

nowhere in the constitution is the right to a popular vote guaranteed. And keep in mind, the system was set up when the average man was a pig herder, not an educated professional. The EC was put in place to insure that an ignorant majority couldn't overpower a well-educated patriotic minority.


Pariah wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:Electoral college does more harm than good IMO, because in the end they could disagree with the voters and do w/e the hell they want.

nowhere in the constitution is the right to a popular vote guaranteed. And keep in mind, the system was set up when the average man was a pig herder, not an educated professional. The EC was put in place to insure that an ignorant majority couldn't overpower a well-educated patriotic minority.

It kind of defeats the purpose of voting.



Just leaving this here...

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:Electoral college does more harm than good IMO, because in the end they could disagree with the voters and do w/e the hell they want.

nowhere in the constitution is the right to a popular vote guaranteed. And keep in mind, the system was set up when the average man was a pig herder, not an educated professional. The EC was put in place to insure that an ignorant majority couldn't overpower a well-educated patriotic minority.

well that's messed up.

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