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So Obama won, or so it seems

Ron Swanson
Keyser Söze
Artimise Flare
17 posters

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1So Obama won, or so it seems Empty So Obama won, or so it seems 2012-11-07, 00:45

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I wonder if they'll call for a recount, what's BS is that our soldiers over seas voices don't count because their absentee ballots conveniently "Did not arrive on time"

We shall see. At any rate, I sure hope Obama proves worthy of the trust the American people are placing in him.

Update: Forgot to mention that it doesn't quite look like it's final, there are still several states that need to be counted, but it's all pointing towards Obama from what I can tell.

Ohio, Florida and Virgina are still up for grabs. So we shall see.



Did I ever tell you guys about a former co worker of mine who think Obama is the anti christ?



Looks like I need to get the sharpie out and raise the prices tomorrow. silent






I'm really surprised that Mitt even did that well considering he's Mormon.



My 5"1 Indian friend said she would beat up any American she saw if Romney won

And Shoji is at my house atm



Metalzoic wrote:I'm really surprised that Mitt even did that well considering he's Mormon.

It's not the "I like Mormons" vote. It's the "I hate (what Obama is)" vote.

Anti-Christ, check. Kenyan, check. Muslim, check.



I'm over here laughing at all the butt hurt on fb watching all the trolls XD



Frostbyrn wrote:
And Shoji is at my house atm


Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Not that I think that the concept of "choice" in any two party system is anything more than an illusion, but I thought this was relevant...

So Obama won, or so it seems 534002_379323678819101_1324090193_n



didn't he end up with the majority anyways in the end....sooo.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Not that I think that the concept of "choice" in any two party system is anything more than an illusion, but I thought this was relevant...

So Obama won, or so it seems 534002_379323678819101_1324090193_n

The point of voting for Obama is that Romney would do all of that and probably more, just without the woman's rights.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I realize that.

Not much of a choice when your best option is the lesser of two evils, but that is a whole other can of worms, I suppose...



And while he's at it he might convince people to switch healthcare to a single payer system so we have less health insurance companies leaching off of it. The US debt would be gone if we could lower the cost of medicare, medicaid, and social security, and if you get rid of the the stupid shit health insurance and medical device companies do to make the health related costs of those programs high, there's like 2/3s of the US budget that is going to be a lot lower.



Duck wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Not that I think that the concept of "choice" in any two party system is anything more than an illusion, but I thought this was relevant...

So Obama won, or so it seems 534002_379323678819101_1324090193_n

The point of voting for Obama is that Romney would do all of that and probably more, just without the woman's rights.

most of those are fair criticisms, but it doesnt list all of the good things that he has done in the past 4 years



people will pick the neg bro, always will

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Politics just sucks balls.



It's safe to say Obama won it. I'm a little relieved, since I was very frightened of Romney's America. But then, they're both failures in one way or another.



Gad dang Obomber gonna take are jarbs!

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Zillah wrote:
Duck wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Not that I think that the concept of "choice" in any two party system is anything more than an illusion, but I thought this was relevant...

So Obama won, or so it seems 534002_379323678819101_1324090193_n

The point of voting for Obama is that Romney would do all of that and probably more, just without the woman's rights.

most of those are fair criticisms, but it doesnt list all of the good things that he has done in the past 4 years

Maybe so, but he's still serving a higher agenda.

Option A or option B, makes no real difference, when the same elite is pulling the strings.



Chewy wrote:Gad dang Obomber gonna take are jarbs!



Come to NZ we have much better candidates

One year a comedy duo set up a party and got like 5% of the party vote Very Happy unfortunately they had no candidate so it didnt matter Very Happy


So Obama won, or so it seems UkPSmuDGl0y7c68Xb9N0pA2



Frostbyrn wrote:Come to NZ we have much better candidates

One year a comedy duo set up a party and got like 5% of the party vote Very Happy unfortunately they had no candidate so it didnt matter Very Happy


So Obama won, or so it seems UkPSmuDGl0y7c68Xb9N0pA2

Flight of the Conchords?

I'm guessing they're the only comedy duo in NZ so it must have been them.



I just wish I could find a fucking job in this country of OPPORTUNITY!!!!!!

What a joke



Actually it was Bill and Ben

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I was pretty scared that Romney won as well don't know what i would've done but i know it wouldn't have been good.



Camel wrote:I was pretty scared that Romney won as well don't know what i would've done but i know it wouldn't have been good.

yea me too...he was trying to take us back to last century in terms of woman's rights,etc...

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

what was he planning in terms of womens rights? I know some people were freaking out about it but I don't know what about exactly.



HydrasBreath wrote:what was he planning in terms of womens rights? I know some people were freaking out about it but I don't know what about exactly.

Something to do with abortion.



yeah pretty much

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

MEGA MILK wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:what was he planning in terms of womens rights? I know some people were freaking out about it but I don't know what about exactly.

Something to do with abortion.

ah now that whole gift from god rape thing makes sense. I assume he was going to try to make abortions illegal? or at least the non-medically needed ones.



Im a horrible American

I didnt pay attention to this at all



Sym wrote:Im a horrible American

I didnt pay attention to this at all

Neither did I(at least until the end)

Like George Carlin said, doesn't matter who's president, the government doesn't give a shit about you anyways.



HydrasBreath wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:what was he planning in terms of womens rights? I know some people were freaking out about it but I don't know what about exactly.

Something to do with abortion.

ah now that whole gift from god rape thing makes sense. I assume he was going to try to make abortions illegal? or at least the non-medically needed ones.

no, all abortions.

in america, we don't do things half assed. The woman will die if she goes through this pregnancy? WE CAN'T ABORT BECAUSE ALL LIFE IS SACRED!

also, he once supported the rights of a rapist to meet and hold custody of his spawn.



Pariah wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:what was he planning in terms of womens rights? I know some people were freaking out about it but I don't know what about exactly.

Something to do with abortion.

ah now that whole gift from god rape thing makes sense. I assume he was going to try to make abortions illegal? or at least the non-medically needed ones.

no, all abortions.

in america, we don't do things half assed. The woman will die if she goes through this pregnancy? WE CAN'T ABORT BECAUSE ALL LIFE IS SACRED!

also, he once supported the rights of a rapist to meet and hold custody of his spawn.

What in the flying fuck??



Sym wrote:Im a horrible American

I didnt pay attention to this at all

Same here.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:what was he planning in terms of womens rights? I know some people were freaking out about it but I don't know what about exactly.

Something to do with abortion.

ah now that whole gift from god rape thing makes sense. I assume he was going to try to make abortions illegal? or at least the non-medically needed ones.

no, all abortions.

in america, we don't do things half assed. The woman will die if she goes through this pregnancy? WE CAN'T ABORT BECAUSE ALL LIFE IS SACRED!

also, he once supported the rights of a rapist to meet and hold custody of his spawn.

And this guy could have been president?...I don't even...

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

oh and another thing...what was that "binders full of women" thing about?

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