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PS4 specs leaked

Green bean Specialist
6 posters

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1PS4 specs leaked Empty PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-08, 19:30

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

2PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-08, 19:36



An... APU?

I'm a little skeptical about that to say the least. I've hardly heard of these but they don't seem to be catered towards gaming as much as a dedicated GPU. It seems like their philosophy is to help the CPU out with normal processing and not just chill when games aren't being ran.... but I don't know maybe they help with physics or some shit.

And 8 or 16GB of RAM? Why would they need 16GB of RAM for something only used for games?

3PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-08, 20:32



16 gigs? wtf?

4PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-08, 20:35



I heard around gfaqs it's going to support either 2k or 4k resolution,and that supposedly takes alot of power. Not like many will even buy those expensive tvs anyway

bleh,I'd rather get a good pc than a ps4 now that I'm thinking about it

5PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-08, 20:40



Anything above true 1080 for a console will be a bad business move IMO

6PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-08, 21:13



From what I know now, A10 is supposed to be about the power of i3 of Intel in terms of CPU power, and about the power of nVIDIA GeForce 9600GT in terms of GPU power.

Thats not enough power to do anything...

Most likely, as it is AMD stuff, Sony will implement Hybrid CrossFireX to have the APU working with a dedicated GPU, which is not on the article. There is just no way they can pull it off without another dedicated GPU with A10 alone.

Though, it seems like that the article is suggesting that the PS4 is basically a modified PC (just like how original Xbox used to be), so it may be easier for developers to make games that are easily compatible between console and PC. That may actually be a good news for PC gamers, even if they are not interested in purchasing PS4.

7PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-09, 05:53

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

1080p at 60 FPS using an APU?

8PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-09, 12:38



1. How do these supposed specs compare to the supposed Durango specs?

2. Has anyone seen any leaked specs for the Xbox Surface anywhere?

3. Never, ever, ever believe anything that Sony says about any upcoming hardware they have. They have never even once launched a system that actually came close to matching the specs they "Officially" released, let alone specs that were leaked.

9PS4 specs leaked Empty Re: PS4 specs leaked 2012-11-09, 13:50

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the spec rumours for PS4 (most probably nicknamed ''Orbis'') and Xbox 720 (most probably called ''Durango'') are pretty much just rumours.

there are some sites that say they have had the supposed Devkit for Durango images confirmed by insiders in the gen-gen AAA business, but i remain unconvinced since there wasn't a lot of information for them to verify (literally just the case and a few vague 'Intel and Nvidia' remarks).

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