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So Pandora is pretty awesome.

Cookie Monster
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1So Pandora is pretty awesome. Empty So Pandora is pretty awesome. 2010-10-10, 03:49

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I've been on Pandora these past 2 days (still new to it) and I'm discovering stuff I've never heard of before, but I like it.

Anyone else use Pandora on their phone or computer?



I only go to Pandora for Hot Blue chicks and Liliths ass Very Happy

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I see what you did there. Had to think about it for a while. Very Happy

Try it.

It's given me new hope for music. They have some pretty underground stuff that comes up (stuff that's even scarce on youtube).

Just type in what band or what song you like and they'll find similar artists or songs for you.



I have it on my iPhone, and I wish I could use it more often while I am on the go. But I cannot since my connection is crappy (yes... even on phone. LoL) since I use T-mobile, which iPhone cannot connect to the 3G network of it.



Damnit but i have limited Broadband though so i try not to waste it

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I don't have an IPhone, but I kinda wish I did or at least have something that can have Pandora. Beats the radio by a gazillionjillion.



Shouldn't any phone nowadays be able to get apps like Pandora?



Want to know something Ultra cool lol

We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that dueto licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora forlisteners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to workdiligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for thetime being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to haveto do this, but there is no other alternative.



So Pandora is pretty awesome. Kanata



We dont have Pandora in my Country Very Happy

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I'm mad. Music Nazis are ruining your chance to discover new music or listen to what you already love.



To answer CCR's Question i have never seen the Rain Very Happy


I've been using Pandora for about 2 years, got one station that started off with Sonic Youth, now has got pretty much everything from the Doors to Japandroids. I've discovered a lot of my music from it, and even gone to concerts just because I heard the band on Pandora. I love it.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I've never been to a concert before. Sad

I always wanted to, but I haven't kept up at all.



I've got it on my phone, I listen to it every day at work.



i use instead.

no ads and it tracks all the music you normally listen to.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm a bit peeved that they limit it to 40hrs a month for PCs now... But yah its pretty awesome.

If you want more underground music try The have a wider selection. But their genome filters are a bit weird.



It's pretty much all I use for music on my phone (windows mobile). It constatntly amazes me at how it can analyze your taste in music and get it right 90%+ of the time.

Anyone else like looking at why it picks certain songs for you? Very cool how it breaks down all the elements of music that click with you.

I have it on my iPhone, and I wish I could use it more often while I am on the go. But I cannot since my connection is crappy (yes... even on phone. LoL) since I use T-mobile, which iPhone cannot connect to the 3G network of it.

No offence, but why the fuck would you use T-mobile? You have internet issues at home already. Why be with the only major cell company that can't do high speed to their phones and will probably never have 4g at all Shocked

Hell you could probably ditch your ISp just by switching to a Sprint 4G smartphone and using it as a wireless hotspot. I've played online through my phone before doing tht just with 3G... Very Happy


I've tried and I just don't feel like it's as good. However, I have noticed that I do get a different variety from the same stations. Take one band, make a station on both, and you'll get different results. It is pretty cool.



I'm going to provide corporate account for cell phones to my employees. While doing so, I might be switching over to something else.

Though I need either AT&T or T-Mobile since I think they are the only two that uses SIM card for the phones, which are compatible for many phones that are used outside of US.

I don't want to pay for roaming service, so I usually by single use SIM cards whenever I go abroad, and use it with my current phone at the time.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Find what provider has the best coverage overall for the areas you're in or think you might be in. Over where I live Verizon takes it hands down. Never had a drop call on my end for years now.

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