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 » The Lounge » PARIAH!


The Adli Corporation
Cardboard Fox
13 posters

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1PARIAH! Empty PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:05



Whats up little fucker?

Why you no post in my topic?

2PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:06



I saw this right after I posted in yours old man xD

3PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:07



Dem it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess I'm old and slow!

4PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:07



nah, I just got home. Now I'm making the usual rounds

5PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:08



Likely excuse.

6PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:09



Calling DL old

Such disrespect Very Happy

7PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:11



I'm a teenager, isn't it like my job to be disrespectful and annoying?

8PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:12



Maybe Very Happy

9PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:12



Is it disrespect if its truth? HA

You are an annoying little bastard sometimes tho! Reminds me of me at that age! HAHA

10PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:16



Honestly to me 34 isnt that old

My Mum turned 45 yesterday Very Happy

11PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:19



HAHA No I'm not old. I had someone yesterday call me young.

I'm just old in relation to most of the people here.

12PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:20

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

You're all old, apart from Camel.

13PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:21



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA No I'm not old. I had someone yesterday call me young.

I'm just old in relation to most of the people here.

At least your not Metal Very Happy

14PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:21



Yeah, and I'm old in relation to kindergartners. No big deal.

though, speaking of old...I found a penny last night that was 88 years old. That was trippy.

15PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:23



Not sure if I ever talked about my job..... I work as Tech support for a welding supply company. One part of our business is we fill high pressure gas cylinders. Oxygen, Nitrogen, ect...... They have to be retested 5 or 10 years depending on the process. Anyways. I found a cylinder that was first made in 1918 and is still in service today and has always passed retest. Its creepy to think this cylinder is that old and still hold 3500 psi of compressed gas.

16PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:24



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Not sure if I ever talked about my job..... I work as Tech support for a welding supply company. One part of our business is we fill high pressure gas cylinders. Oxygen, Nitrogen, ect...... They have to be retested 5 or 10 years depending on the process. Anyways. I found a cylinder that was first made in 1918 and is still in service today and has always passed retest. Its creepy to think this cylinder is that old and still hold 3500 psi of compressed gas.

That cylinder

Its covered wars you know Very Happy

17PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 17:26



Yea that's what I was thinking. Piece of history and its still a usable product.

18PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-06, 18:57



damn, that's awesome. I wish I owned something so old.

19PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 00:43



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Not sure if I ever talked about my job..... I work as Tech support for a welding supply company. One part of our business is we fill high pressure gas cylinders. Oxygen, Nitrogen, ect...... They have to be retested 5 or 10 years depending on the process. Anyways. I found a cylinder that was first made in 1918 and is still in service today and has always passed retest. Its creepy to think this cylinder is that old and still hold 3500 psi of compressed gas.

Hey do you know what the deal is with this helium shortage? Me and my friend were working on a high altitude balloon project but everywhere we look for helium they're out.

20PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 00:46



Zillah wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Not sure if I ever talked about my job..... I work as Tech support for a welding supply company. One part of our business is we fill high pressure gas cylinders. Oxygen, Nitrogen, ect...... They have to be retested 5 or 10 years depending on the process. Anyways. I found a cylinder that was first made in 1918 and is still in service today and has always passed retest. Its creepy to think this cylinder is that old and still hold 3500 psi of compressed gas.

Hey do you know what the deal is with this helium shortage? Me and my friend were working on a high altitude balloon project but everywhere we look for helium they're out.

helium is limited supply. Everytime it is mined a good chuck of it escapes. It is a limited resource...Earth is getting low (not like extremely low ... but enough that its price is likely to go up).

That is the deal with Helium (and my science knowledge)

21PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 00:48



I read somewhere that we'll have run out of helium by 2020.

Just wondering if this shortage is going to be permanent until that point

22PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 00:50



probably...unless we are able to get more effective at mining it. Or look at other planets (all future things)

23PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 00:51



The thought of mining helium conjures up images of someone striking a bubble of helium with a pick-axe.... I assume that its not done like that though.

24PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 00:53



I got no idea how its done...I learned about it....but I has forgotten.

I picture it as putting a straw like object into the ground attached to a canister.....and some poor bastard having to sephion it.

25PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 02:45



Frostbyrn wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA No I'm not old. I had someone yesterday call me young.

I'm just old in relation to most of the people here.

At least your not Metal Very Happy

PARIAH! Tuzki-bunny-emoticon-028

26PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 02:48



Metalzoic wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA No I'm not old. I had someone yesterday call me young.

I'm just old in relation to most of the people here.

At least your not Metal Very Happy

PARIAH! Tuzki-bunny-emoticon-028

Too be fair if I didnt know you were 40 I would think you were like 25-28

27PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 02:57



Metalzoic wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA No I'm not old. I had someone yesterday call me young.

I'm just old in relation to most of the people here.

At least your not Metal Very Happy

PARIAH! Tuzki-bunny-emoticon-028

That gif.....

Did not know you were that aged. Thought you were mid 20s

28PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 09:07

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Zillah wrote:Hey do you know what the deal is with this helium shortage? Me and my friend were working on a high altitude balloon project but everywhere we look for helium they're out.

its because Helium literally floats into space. every time people use Helium in party balloons it leaks out (Helium molecules are fucking tiny yo) into the atmosphere and floats up into space.

since there is a limited supply on earth this means we are running out of Helium for scientific purposes. Universities have huge compressors and storage tanks to recycle Helium, and they pay students for the Helium they recycle after experiments.

yeah, party balloons are endangering science.

29PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-07, 13:37



The Adli Corporation wrote:
Zillah wrote:Hey do you know what the deal is with this helium shortage? Me and my friend were working on a high altitude balloon project but everywhere we look for helium they're out.

its because Helium literally floats into space. every time people use Helium in party balloons it leaks out (Helium molecules are fucking tiny yo) into the atmosphere and floats up into space.

since there is a limited supply on earth this means we are running out of Helium for scientific purposes. Universities have huge compressors and storage tanks to recycle Helium, and they pay students for the Helium they recycle after experiments.

yeah, party balloons are endangering science.

Parties > Science. And parties without balloons aren't real parties in my book.

30PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-09, 23:45



Just accept that you smell Twin, and no one loves you anymore.


Just kidding of course.

Or am I?

31PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-10, 09:24



sheep wrote:Just accept that you smell Twin, and no one loves you anymore.


Just kidding of course.

Or am I?

At least I am the cute twin!!!!!!!

Plus I heard about how dead this place was. I come back and the place is AWESOME again!

32PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 03:26



Lies and slander. It got awesome when I came back. You sir are just riding on my coat tails.

33PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 09:11



When you came back? You didn't leave. Your confused I am the twin that left and then came back shining my awesome all over the SeC. Bask in the greatness that is the DL!!!! O Don;t mind that smell by the way, I had tacos last night.

The mighty DL!!!!!!!! Buwahahahahaha

What was I saying?

34PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 09:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sheep, you don't leave the SeC unless you make a topic announcing that you have left. you were just lurking indefinitely, DL was the one who left Smile

35PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 11:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:When you came back? You didn't leave. Your confused I am the twin that left and then came back shining my awesome all over the SeC. Bask in the greatness that is the DL!!!! O Don;t mind that smell by the way, I had tacos last night.

The mighty DL!!!!!!!! Buwahahahahaha

It is a good thing you came back DL. Without someone to be awesome against I was just being awesome in a vacuum, and its sad to see greatness like that wasted.

36PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 12:44



Now we prepare for the SeC Awesome Wars!

Terry v. DL v. Sheep.

37PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 13:23



It was long ago established I was the most awesome som a bitch round these parts!

38PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 13:50

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:It was long ago established I was the most awesome som a bitch round these parts!

I challenge you to an awesome-off! something I just made up that in no way favors me at every turn! Let the competition begin!

39PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 13:56



Ferris wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:It was long ago established I was the most awesome som a bitch round these parts!

I challenge you to an awesome-off! something I just made up that in no way favors me at every turn! Let the competition begin!

I accept.... I am DL! WIN!

I made you what you are today at the SeC! Win!

Contest done and done!


40PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 14:18

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

you have no idea who you are dealing with DL. Since your absence I have grown bitter, and lets face it, crazy with the power bestowed upon me. I rule these boards with an iron fist, everyone posts in fear of me coming down on them like the hammer of God. At night I sneak into peoples houses and wreck up the place, and then I blame it on kittens MUAHAHAHA!

41PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 15:42



Actually I think sheep wins purely because she has tits

42PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 15:56



Ferris wrote:you have no idea who you are dealing with DL. Since your absence I have grown bitter, and lets face it, crazy with the power bestowed upon me. I rule these boards with an iron fist, everyone posts in fear of me coming down on them like the hammer of God. At night I sneak into peoples houses and wreck up the place, and then I blame it on kittens MUAHAHAHA!

posts in fear? Question

43PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 15:59

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

menacinglemon wrote:
Ferris wrote:you have no idea who you are dealing with DL. Since your absence I have grown bitter, and lets face it, crazy with the power bestowed upon me. I rule these boards with an iron fist, everyone posts in fear of me coming down on them like the hammer of God. At night I sneak into peoples houses and wreck up the place, and then I blame it on kittens MUAHAHAHA!

posts in fear? Question

yeah, your post is dripping in fear. I can smell it. Twisted Evil

44PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 16:08



Ferris wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:
Ferris wrote:you have no idea who you are dealing with DL. Since your absence I have grown bitter, and lets face it, crazy with the power bestowed upon me. I rule these boards with an iron fist, everyone posts in fear of me coming down on them like the hammer of God. At night I sneak into peoples houses and wreck up the place, and then I blame it on kittens MUAHAHAHA!

posts in fear? Question

yeah, your post is dripping in fear. I can smell it. Twisted Evil

Does it smell like Burger Rings?

45PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 16:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Frostbyrn wrote:
Ferris wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:
Ferris wrote:you have no idea who you are dealing with DL. Since your absence I have grown bitter, and lets face it, crazy with the power bestowed upon me. I rule these boards with an iron fist, everyone posts in fear of me coming down on them like the hammer of God. At night I sneak into peoples houses and wreck up the place, and then I blame it on kittens MUAHAHAHA!

posts in fear? Question

yeah, your post is dripping in fear. I can smell it. Twisted Evil

Does it smell like Burger Rings?

No. Those smell like shame

46PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 16:13



A burger sounds good right now actually...cheeseburger,ketchup only Razz

47PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 16:14


A Mcdouble sounds good right about now..

48PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 16:17



Blech. Mcdonalds is the devil!

And Terry...........

You couldn;t real all that could you.... It was too awesome for you to comprehend!

Kitties,.... HArumph..... Amateur hour.

49PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 16:19



Ferris wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Ferris wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:
Ferris wrote:you have no idea who you are dealing with DL. Since your absence I have grown bitter, and lets face it, crazy with the power bestowed upon me. I rule these boards with an iron fist, everyone posts in fear of me coming down on them like the hammer of God. At night I sneak into peoples houses and wreck up the place, and then I blame it on kittens MUAHAHAHA!

posts in fear? Question

yeah, your post is dripping in fear. I can smell it. Twisted Evil

Does it smell like Burger Rings?

No. Those smell like shame

Did you google them Very Happy

Or did you remember what I said they smell like? Very Happy

50PARIAH! Empty Re: PARIAH! 2012-12-12, 16:20

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Frostbyrn wrote:
Ferris wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Ferris wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:
Ferris wrote:you have no idea who you are dealing with DL. Since your absence I have grown bitter, and lets face it, crazy with the power bestowed upon me. I rule these boards with an iron fist, everyone posts in fear of me coming down on them like the hammer of God. At night I sneak into peoples houses and wreck up the place, and then I blame it on kittens MUAHAHAHA!

posts in fear? Question

yeah, your post is dripping in fear. I can smell it. Twisted Evil

Does it smell like Burger Rings?

No. Those smell like shame

Did you google them Very Happy

Or did you remember what I said they smell like? Very Happy

No I just assume thats what they smell like lol

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