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New York Bans Another 2,000 Sex Offenders from Xbox Live and PSN

The Adli Corporation
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

New York State, whose "Operation Game Over" earlier this year banned more than 3,500 registered sex offenders from services like Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, has booted another 2,100 from online gaming after bringing THQ, Funcom and NCSoft to the cause.

Eric T. Schneiderman, the state's attorney general, announced the bannings earlier this morning. They coincide with state law requiring convicted sex offenders to register all email addresses, screen names and other online personae with the state. The state then turns that information over to its Operation Game Over partners, who purge the convicted sex offenders from their rolls.

In addition to THQ, NCSoft, Funcom, Microsoft and Sony, publishers such as Gaia Online, Apple, Blizzard Entertainment, Electronic Arts, Disney Interactive Media Group and Warner Brothers are working with the state.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

good name Very Happy


Can't they just make another though?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

chunckylover53 wrote:Can't they just make another though?

yes, but if they get found out...



Hm...I...I think I like this. I mean, the internet and gaming communities (especially xbox live) have a rep of exposing kids to perverts and pedophiles. This might not due anytihng realistically, but itll at least help that image.



Those poor Pedophiles just innocently playing CoD when some child sticks his balls in their mouth






Good. Fuck them.

Personally I would also take their hands at the wrists and make it illegal for them to have prosthetics.



"A lot of people are condemning anybody who might criticize this system. I don't think they understand that the registry just doesn't contain violent rapists and child molesters. It includes 18 year olds who had sex with someone one year younger and under the age of consent in their state regardless if it was a consenting relationship. I've heard of public urination being a cause for some people, and teens sending naked pictures of themselves branded for producing child pornography. The system needs a lot of fixing. It shouldn't be a one size fits all judgment. There needs to be separate degrees, but as it is, the system makes no differentiation between these cases at all, and they are branded for life regardless of what they did. Obviously violent rapists and child molesters should be on there for life, but people who did the things I mentioned earlier should not."



A lot of people are condemning anybody who might criticize this system. I don't think they understand that the registry just doesn't contain violent rapists and child molesters.

Neat. Then they need to take it up with the courts, the law and the system, which is the real issue, and stop acting like this is the actual problem when it is just a side-effect.



I'm on the fence about this. Mainly because some registered "sex offenders" don't deserve the title. But most do. Sooo.... I'm all iffyyyyyy

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