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[ME3] Hey for all of you who've done gold before

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Any recommendations on what is a good time to start rolling with them?

I have two other friends that I play with on the PC and we communicate pretty well. However they're still new and have yet to max out any of the more rare and better weapons.

I typically play as either an infiltrator or an N7 paladin, trying to help with crowd control while they play as a biotic of some flavor.

I currently have some pretty good weapons, but I'm not sure if I want to attempt a gold yet.

Advice please?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I usually jump on gold around lvl 10 if I promote.
Honestly if you keep aware of your surroundings its no different from silver.

Except you know ...hard as fuck.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare is with your avatar? lol

I may give it a shot tonight and see how me and my friends do. Hopefully we'll be able to get a few games in, would make the grind for cash much easier I think.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Much easier.

Average silver game is 20 mins.
Average gold match is 30. For 80,000+ credits.

Avatar is from psych. Watch it yo.



I would say lvl15 to bit more helpful to everyone. It's all really about your mods and consumables. AP mods or consumables are really what you need. if you have a easy way to do biotic explosions or tech bursts just keep doing that. I usually play as a turian ghost with overload specced to chain 2 twice, if i have a paladin using cryo blast, I just spam overload and create cryo explosions everywhere. I do the same with someone using flamer or carnage.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

That's essentially what I do. Spam the crap out of snap freeze (Works wonders for crowd control) gotta love that going through walls stuff.

I also typically play as an N7 shadow, teleporting all over the place assassinating high value targets and so on. If I'm not doing that, I'm spamming the crap out of electric slash and trying to set off tech bursts and stuff.

So far the most useful classes appear to be the N7 Paladin and N7 Shadow with an engineer of some to detonate tech bursts

I'll see if my group wants to run some Gold' tonight.

Quick question about warp ammo though. Do I need to shoot the target first and then do a biotic attack in order to get the bonus to damage or is it the other way around?

I know warp rounds do more damage to barriers just like disruptor ammo does but I wasn't entirely too sure here.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Shadow is squishy on gold. Plus everything seems to be able to see you cloaked.
Im sticking with sentinel until I unlock asari Huaround. Or a weapon to base a build around.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

When properly specced, I think the shadow is actually quite good provided to know what you're doing. You can't go charging into a fight, you need to have the support of your team and know who and what to attack.

I've watched a few videos that involved solo runs with them against reapers and other races, it's a matter of choosing your fights I think.

A complete SS build along with BP+ETC gives you a lot of flexibility IMO. As in you can get in, kill a high ranking target, then choose whether to get out under the cover of your still active cloak or take out another VIP target. Of course this looks good on paper, I'll have to try it out when I actually get into a gold match Razz

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Don't promote >_>

there is no reason to, I keep all my guys at 20 and just respec whenever I want to change up my build. But if you do promote anywhere around 15 is what I consider gold ready if you have good enough equipment. Ammo mods, and stuff makes up for a lot of shortcomings on weaker weapons or characters.

Also, check out the Gfaqs ME3 board for xbox. We have a good community there if you need to ask Q's

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

PFF I can top score gold with a lvl 10 sent .

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