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Epyk MD
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1mills. Empty mills. 2013-01-17, 11:39

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I don't think I've interacted with you yet since you've started visiting again.

How goes it?

2mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 11:51


Not bad Epyk. You?

3mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:07

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

All is well.
New job since last time we talked ...I think.

4mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:08


I thought I read that you drive a truck?

5mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Yeah delivering beds.
Nothing world changing. But I make almost twice as much as I was making at the previous job. So that's awesome.

Anything new with you?

6mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:28


My wife works for Serta. She makes beds. Well not her. She works in HR. But The company does.

I'm still selling drugs. Trying to break into management. My wife is pregnant again. Having Twins this time. Pretty exciting and terrifying at the same time.

7mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:31


Grats on more kids mills!

8mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:38


Thanks. We find out next Thursday what gender they are.

9mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:45

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:My wife works for Serta. She makes beds. Well not her. She works in HR. But The company does.

I'm still selling drugs. Trying to break into management. My wife is pregnant again. Having Twins this time. Pretty exciting and terrifying at the same time.

Yikes! thats scary lol. But congrats at the same time.

10mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:46


lol... We tried to have kids. The method we chose to have another child amplified the possibility of multiples. So we were prepared.

Here's a scary stat. Next year we will pay $15,000 in daycare alone.

11mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 12:56

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Grants on little ones.

I know when I first had mine. I was cheaper overall for me not to work than to pay for childcare.

Scary thought.

12mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 13:35


I would love to be able to quit and take care of the kids myself. But I make too much to sacrifice. I hate having my sin in daycare.

13mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 16:52

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Hola Mills. Good job on the twins. Just found out that the crazy ex is supposedly 6 months along. Really hoping it's not mine. I don't think it is, but really hoping it isn't.

14mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 16:55



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:Hola Mills. Good job on the twins. Just found out that the crazy ex is supposedly 6 months along. Really hoping it's not mine. I don't think it is, but really hoping it isn't.

Well you will know for sure if it comes out inebriated or not

15mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:02



Wait! ive got it

Who needs a fancy shmancy DNA test

Just shove a bottle of rum up her Hoo haa if it starts to empty we know who the father is

16mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:16

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Frostbyrn wrote:Wait! ive got it

Who needs a fancy shmancy DNA test

Just shove a bottle of rum up her Hoo haa if it starts to empty we know who the father is

Nobody calls it a "Hoo haa" anymore Frost.

Its called a bajingo

17mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:22



I didnt think you would understand the word Punani

18mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:32

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I understand the term for pussy in over 100 languages

19mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:33



Its not hard lol

20mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:39

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Frostbyrn wrote:Its not hard lol

It shouldn't be Razz

21mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:39



Yeah no matter the culture guys always put a certain emphasis on the word

22mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 17:56


Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:Hola Mills. Good job on the twins. Just found out that the crazy ex is supposedly 6 months along. Really hoping it's not mine. I don't think it is, but really hoping it isn't.

lol... You ever plan on settling down? Having a little Pineapple under the sea?

23mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 18:07



No beuno on kids

24mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 18:25

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:Hola Mills. Good job on the twins. Just found out that the crazy ex is supposedly 6 months along. Really hoping it's not mine. I don't think it is, but really hoping it isn't.

lol... You ever plan on settling down? Having a little Pineapple under the sea?

Well I was planning on it at several points before. Even settled down a bit with the girlfriend. Not so much anymore though. Maybe some day, but I doubt it will be soon.

25mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 18:26


It's not for everyone. I can't speak for anyone else, but my life became more complete when I had my son. Kind of gave me a sense of purpose.

26mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 18:30

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Think the world would be better without a child of mine. LOL. It's kind of why I like the girlfriend. She already has kids of her own.

27mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 18:36

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:No beuno on kids


28mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 18:47


Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:Think the world would be better without a child of mine. LOL. It's kind of why I like the girlfriend. She already has kids of her own.

Interesting. So you want kids, but not your own? I have two stepkids as well. It's hard to be a stepfather. It's really a thankless job.

29mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 19:05

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well I would like my own some day, but don't have any idea as to who with. As for helping raise someone's kid, I have no problem with that. I think I learned that from my parents.

30mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 19:09



Nobody can tell whose kids are whose in an Islander family anyway Very Happy

At least thats how it is in the NZ ones

31mills. Empty Re: mills. 2013-01-17, 19:30


Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:Well I would like my own some day, but don't have any idea as to who with. As for helping raise someone's kid, I have no problem with that. I think I learned that from my parents.

I feel ya. Good luck with that. Its rough.

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